Posted by Rework Hunt Skipping

Lex 🦋 (#56485)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 02:29:02
So i know things lately have been trying to tone down Stat monsters, but i haven't seen much in the way of Stat ladies. They're just as likely to pass massively statted cubs if they're high enough.

One of the main way Lionesses gain stats is through Hunting, and for people with money, Hunt skipping.

Lex, why is this an issue?

Because, although stat kings have been nerfed lately (dove feasts, egg yolks, etc), Lionesses have remained untouched. These lionesses, when paired with the right kings, can produce cubs with massive stats, upwards of 3.5k. Here's just an example of what i mean;


These are the highest statted lionesses in the game that are currently alive.

I scryed the highest statted lioness with the highest statted king three times, and these were the cub stat totals:


This is pre cub training, so the cub with 3.8k stats could very well reach 4k stats before it's 3 years old.

This is an issue.

What exactly does Hunt Skipping contribute to these high stat ladies, and why is it an issue?

Hunt Skipping allows you to skip hunts for a fee, which is linked to your account. After 10 skips, the fee increases to 2gb; however, if you have a side account and a partner, this can be largely overlooked.


Say i have a group of 5 lionesses. I also have two friends that want to raise a team with me. Altogether, that's six accounts.

If every person takes the team of Lionesses and transfers them between accounts, for 60 hunts it's 60GB

However, if i am a single player and i have two accounts, i can take a team of 5 lionesses, and to do the same 60 hunts between both accounts, it would cost me a total of 120GB

That is a difference of 60gb, a full $30 the site would be losing out on.
The way that hunt skips are set up currently are causing massive lionesses and causing the site to lose money, and that needs to change.

Suggestion #1 : Link Skips to Lionesses

Instead of linking hunting skips to an account, link them to the Lioness. This would make it so that in order to skip hunts, you would have to pay the highest GB amount in the group.


Lioness 1: 5 skips, 1gb
Lioness 2: 8 skips, 1gb
Lioness 3: 11 skips, 2 gb

To be able to skip this group of lionesses, you would have to pay the 2gb fee for the whole group, but if that lioness was not included to skip would be 1gb until the next one reached 2gb, and so on.

Suggestion #2 : Cap number of skips per day

Simple enough, put a cap on the number of times a lioness's hunt can be skipped in the day. If a lioness that is out of skips is hunting with a group that has skipped, the group will be unable to have their hunts skipped until that lioness is removed.

Suggestion #3 : Cap the number of hunts per day

My least favorite of these suggestions; putting a total cap. Not something unreasonable; Male lions can patrol 24 times a day, so a cap of being able to hunt 48 times in a day as well isn't completely unreasonable.

I'm totally open for critiques and suggestions to improve this one below! Thanks for taking the time to read!

This suggestion has 43 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/02/18 @ 05:23:25 by Lex (Cel Onyx Rosette) (#56485)

Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 04:40:14
Yeah this is pretty absurd.

With all the stuff done to help curb stat monsters (which I think are very good updates), this needs to stop going unchecked

People shouldn't be able to hot-potato a lioness around and skip hunts on all the accounts to get around the rising fee of using just a single account. This is, essentially, an exploit and should be stopped. If using just 2 accounts is allowed, what's stopping two or more people from using 4 or more?

I like #1, but people with ludicrous amounts of money could still potentially create ridiculous steroid lionesses. I'm all for people spending their money how they choose, and if they have tons of GB to drop on hunting a lioness as much as they possibly can, that's fine with me, but I'm just pointing out that it could potentially still be an issue, though it should discourage people

One of those lionesses has 7k+ stats and is only 5 years old. 5. Think of how high it could potentially get when it's 13 years old and can still breed.

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Edited on 18/02/18 @ 04:45:35 by Thalath💞 (#41669)

Bezthiel 🍉 (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-18 05:19:51
Small change and I'd support.

Make the hunt cap on option 3 48 hunts, because that's the number that can be reached in a day without skipping any hunts.

I'm not sure what the best solution here actually is, but yeah, something should be done. So far every stat balancing attempt has been at the Kings, but you certainly can't overlook the ladies.

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Lex 🦋 (#56485)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 05:21:53
Sure thing, i can add that adjustment Bezthiel :D thanks for your input!

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Blue Pigeon 🐦 (#68580)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 05:59:42
I think number 1 is probably the best option. It means that if people have the money/GB to throw around then they can still create these stat hunt monsters, however, it removes the ability to exploit this feature.

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ShadoWolf (#118066)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 06:47:13
The only one I would support is suggestion #1, since it would make it so people can’t exploit the skip price increase by using their other account. Suggestion #2 won’t really be effective if it is implemented, unless the cap for skips is under 10. The same goes for suggestion #3, even if it’s capped at 48 hunts a day that is still around 5760 hunts and between 5760-11520 stats gained by the time the lioness is 12, which is what most of the listed lionesses are. None of them currently have over 5k hunts, so they would still be able to have as many hunts as they currently do (with the exception of the 5 year old, average ~54 hunts a day) even if the 48 hunts per day cap was implemented.

When I was state-side, I managed to get 18-20 hunts a day on an average week day and around 23-25 on the weekends. My typical work day was 9 hours long and I only was on LD during my lunch break when I was at work. My old team all had almost 3000 hunts by the age of 14 years old, which is the last day they are breedable and thus able to throw high stat cubs. That was without skipping hunts at all. Most of these girls are 12+, that’s around 120 days that they were able to hunt. If they are able to hunt as often as I was, that’s at least 2160 hunts and between 2160-4320 stats gained by age 12. If they are able to be on longer than I was or if they skipped just 10 hunts a day they could have managed to get in 30 hunts a day. That’s about 3600 hunts by the age of 12 and between 3600-7200 stats gained. I have managed to get 30+ hunts 3 times without skipping hunts, I didn’t get much sleep those days but I managed it so it is definitely doable to get that many hunts by age 12 without skipping, if they are people who don’t need much sleep or don’t work full time.

All of the girls in the screenshot also seem to have been born to high stat parents, contributing to their higher stats. Those that list it in their notes seem to have been born with around 1.8-2k stats. I started with 4 oasis customized girls, which had NCL stats and brought them all up to around 4k in stats with around 3000 hunts over their lifetimes and around 3.8k at their last heat. The last cubs each of them gave me were high 600s in stats, with cub training they were low-mid 700s. Those cubs are now almost 7 and have 2k stats and I plan to have them at around 4.2k on their last heat, (side note, this move and new job really cut into my hunt time, I average around 16-18 hunts a day now) so it doesn’t seem particularly hard to achieve higher stat lioness in a relatively short time generation-wise through breeding so long as one works at it.

At the end of the day, I feel like people have a right to spend their GB or SB how they see fit, as long as it isn’t taking advantage of an exploit. For that and the reasons stated above is why I’ll only support this if it is changed to only the 1st suggestion.

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Edited on 18/02/18 @ 06:58:11 by ShadoWolf (#118066)

Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2018-02-18 09:59:46

7k stats at 5 years old (and level 45?). Woof. Support.

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Fawn (#3654)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-25 17:50:24
I support option #1

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