Posted by No Honeycomb Expiration

STEEV (#135822)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 05:39:57
A) Honeycomb DOESN'T expire in the real world
B) It would be nice to have the option to stock up for a while. It's not a huge stat boost and wouldn't make the game unbalanced, you can only buy so many anyway.

This suggestion has 37 supports and 15 NO supports.

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Bezthiel ๐Ÿ‰ (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-24 05:48:48
This would almost certainly unbalance the stat game.

Honeycomb is available all year round as-is, through game prizes; and many people use a side account to freeze both Honeycomb and Egg Yolks to feed their stat lions. Those 15k+ kings got there by their players feeding them Honeycomb and Egg Yolk all through their lives, so while it's not usually a lot of stats in a single use, they do add up.

Can you imagine if every player could do that without having to plan around events, mass buy, and plan rolling/feeding schedules?

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STEEV (#135822)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 06:10:36
Maximum 12 stats from honey comb per day to a king and more often 3-8ish. I'm fine with egg yolk being expirable, they are irl and also can give a much larger boost.
Why should reasonable stats only be attainable for those who are already mega rich? Why would it matter if every player could do that? It would simply be a more balanced playing field? And those who were not bothered would carry on as usual, those who are casual would not end up with 20k stat kings. Very few people would have the perseverance to make Moby Dicks. You can't mass buy beyond the amount of heart shells/ gb you have and most will be focusing on scrotes and barks (WHICH DON'T EXPIRE). A lot of the breeding items which don't expire give a much larger bonus as it is, like lion scrote which could potentially get you 4 dwarves (an easy 240gb+) quite easily. Even one would be more valuable than 100s of extra stats!

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ๆ–‡ๅคš 2GClean Ferus
3900+s (#107963)

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Posted on
2018-03-13 15:30:24
I like it, also maybe make it like a limit how many Honeycomb you can use on 1 rollover if no expired date.

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Karmo (#98909)

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Posted on
2018-03-13 19:08:31
No support.
Breeding items aren't food items, and they only have a slim chance of passing a mutation. You'll still need to keep on trying to get a mutation. It can take someone years to get a mutation. Breeding items and Honeycombs aren't the same thing.
If a player wants high stats, they will try their hardest to get higher stats. It's supposed to be a challenge to get stats, just like it's a challenge to get a mutie.
It doesn't matter if honeycomb doesn't expire in real life, there's a reason it expires, just like there's a reason why breeding items don't expire in Lioden.

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Fading Angel (G2 2k)
[Frozen] (#81854)

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Posted on
2018-03-13 20:01:22
It will definitely make it unbalanced, lioden wants you to work for stats, but also want to control stat monsters. The monsters we have now weren't ever planned for.

Lioden has tried to adjust things to put it under control.

We can earn stats many other ways other than honeycombs. Want stats? Focus on exp items, expressiin items, and make notes of other foods that give stats, there's toys with high chances of stats to.

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Bezthiel ๐Ÿ‰ (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-14 06:09:26
In Feb. I managed to buy 100 Yohimbe Barks (plus the decor I wanted, a bunch of Lovebird Plumage, some balls and grains), but let's only count the Bark -> Honeycomb ratio. That'd be 300 Honeycomb I can buy in Feb, since I have very little use for the breeding items (I bought them to use as prizes in a contest, not to use lol). I assume that I'm not the only person out of more than 100k users that has little to no use for the breeding items, so I wouldn't be the only one that could afford/would want to switch from buying breeding items to sell later, to buying something I'd use.

If you're not feeding your lion anything else, you can feed them one honeycomb a day. So, just using my numbers, I could be rolling in honeycomb for 300 days straight - almost a year! - without participating in the site economy at all. That's 24 lion years of honeycomb. I could feed an adult lion honeycomb every day for it's entire productive life, just on my own labor in a single month and still have plenty left over.

Right now, if I buy as many honeycomb as I can hoard I can give my lions, 100? total honeycomb if I use a side as a storage and take out as many as possible to feed my lion at a time (someone correct me if this is wrong, I've never bothered to do it so my math might be off).

So first, that's not really a huge difference in the amount of honeycomb you can feed to your lion if you're smart about it (you can give a lion I think 160-ish honeycomb over it's life?). Second, to make up that difference, I need to participate in the site economy by buying the other 50-ish from other people- which is super important! If no one spends GB, then there's no incentive to keep buying it from the site.

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Edited on 14/03/18 @ 06:16:59 by Bezthiel #ShrikeHoarder (#81210)

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