Posted by ~ Raspberry Ranch ~ Open ~

Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 18:55:17
agriculture, barn, clouds

Weclome to Raspberry Ranch!

I'm always open to suggestions!

Here at Raspberry Ranch, we strive to take the best possible care of our animals. We have dozens of horses of all sizes and all sorts of rescued animals! However, we are in desperate need of workers! You can be anyone from a horse trainer to a volunteer! Go wild with your plots!


Barn Manager 1/1
Marley played by Farrah (me)

Horse Trainer: 3/5
~Scott Jones played by Mrs. Shady
~ Paradox Griffens played by Nami the smol bean
~ Willow Oxford Fleming played by Moon
~ Crystal Angel Potter played by Kaycee Pearson

Horse/Animal Boarder: Unlimited
~Scott Jones played by Mrs. Shady

Volunteer: Unlimited

On-call independent veterinarian (For emergency cases + check-ups): 2/3
~Scott Jones played by Mrs. Shady
~Willow Oxford Fleming played by Moon

Farrier: 1/2
~Arrius Kypris Heath played by Nighshade

Horse Rider: Unlimited
~Scott Jones played by Mrs. Shady
~ Marley Falcon played by Farrah (me)
~ Paradox Griffens played by Nami the smol bean
~Arrius Kypris Heath played by Nightshade
~Willow Oxford Fleming played by Moon
~ Crystal Angel Potter played by Kaycee Pearson
~Daxter Birch played by FangLeToucan


1. All Lioden rules apply
2. Respect others + their rp styles
3. No gruesome or inappropriate scenes
4. Only have 3 characters per person
5. Incorporate "Horses" into the other section of your character form to ensure that you read this.
6. Ask before making big plot twists Ex. Don't say someone's horse died or something unless they say it's okay
7. Try to type at least 3 sentences
8. Have fun!

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Edited on 25/02/18 @ 20:01:28 by Farrah (#120513)

Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 20:13:23
(Okay Thank you :3)

~ Marley Falcon ~

Marley scoffs at his sarcastic remark, a small grin of humor on her face. She swung around, leading him to a wooden stall in the back. It was stuffed with fresh pine shavings. "Here she is." She announced, pointing to a plump goat in the back. Sugar was lying down in the corner, cackling to her stall mates, Bobby and Sprout.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 20:21:50
"Can we move Bobby and Sprout to the other stall for now? I really don't want to get rammed by their horns today. And from the looks of it, I'd say that she is around 4 months." Scott sighs.

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 20:27:13
~ Marley Falcon ~

Marley chuckled. "You know one day, you're gonna have to man up to them, Scott." She called over her shoulder as she secured goat halters on each and pulled them to the stall beside Sugar. The two males bounced about on the kiddie playground she had provided them.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 20:32:01
"I will! just not today. And this IS a small stall. Yep! 4 months!" He laughed.

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 20:37:22
Paradox accepted + Scott accepted of course xD

~ Marley Falcon ~

Marley rolled her eyes. "Excues excuses.." She chuckled some more. "I don't know how you handle those feisty horses that are like..10 times the size of Bobby and Sprout!" She shook her head.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 20:51:44
Paradox Griffins

The small figure walked around, her border collie trotting beside her with her tongue sticking out and tail wagging behind her. She didn't know what to do at the moment, but her horses were probably munching away at something at the moment. It wasn't like she didn't care, she was just tired, as she hadn't slept much last night.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 20:56:05
"Horses don't try to jump on you and ram you." Scott laughed. He then looks at Sprout. "His hooves REALLY need to be trimmed. GREAT."

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 20:57:05
(My king is now a cub! Muhahaha)

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 20:59:36
~ Marley Falcon ~

"Ha! Good luck doing that." She scoffed, shoving the halter and lead rope at his chest. "I think Paradox is here." She said, peering at the entrance to the barn. The shadow of a very happy pup appeared on the concrete floor. "Oreo!" She hollered, squatting down to greet the collie.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 21:01:46
"Good! She can help US!" He yells/scoffed loud enough so she could hear him.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 21:02:40
Paradox Griffins

Paradox let out a sigh as she heard a female voice. Marley. But Oreo simply ran ahead, rushing to the female with a wagging tail and a content look in her eyes. Tiredly, the small figure ran after her collie, bags under her eyes, though barely noticeable from far away, as her bright brown eyes still shimmered.

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Evilgreenjellybean (#120816)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 21:06:27
"Hey Paradox... Want to help US out? Yes? GREAT!" Scott scoffed. "Guess what! WE are trimming Sprout's hooves!"

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 21:07:50
Paradox Griffins

The small female immediately lit up. "Well, I'm joining in! I'll kick yer rear if you're to lazy to do it. Only true people can do it!" She screeched at Scott, fire and happiness in her eyes.

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Farrah (#120513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 21:09:08
~ Marley Falcon ~

"You're gonna need it." She chuckled, turning her attention back towards the dog. Marley ruffled the dog's fur. "Who's a good girl?" She cooed, allowing the young pup to lick her cheek. She stood. "Hey Paradox." She cheered with a bright smile. "Jingle and Bells are scarfing down hay, as usual." She gestured towards their stalls behind her.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 21:11:02
Paradox Griffins

Turning over to Marley, she smiled. "Don't they always. How's Sprout, by the way?" She wondered, kneeling down to pat Oreo's head before standing up again.

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