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Posted by | RidgeClan - Warrior Cats Discord RP |
![]() miyou [g1 5x dawn 2x rosette] (#92001) ![]() Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-02-25 20:14:22 |
RIDGECLAN ![]() Edited on 27/02/18 @ 06:18:58 by jaded rabbit. 🐇 (#92001) |
🌺α ℓ ℓ o (#134696) Untitled View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-02-26 13:38:21 |
Roleplay example! ![]() “And you two? You’re just- free roaming the west?” Rebecca smiled, leaning back against the cool vending machine. Shade chuckled through his pop, shaking his head softly. “Wish it was that easy,” He mumbled. Moments passed and the two didn’t speak, and Rebecca tapped the bottle in her hand with a maroon painted fingernail. “So, why are you really out here?” She asked him, and he opened his mouth to speak but moved it back to a smile while shifting father back on the milk crate. “I’m hoping to start something, well, become something. It’s pretty complicated.” Rebecca snorted. “Let me guess,” She held up a finger. “You’re trying to get a record deal, so you sold your soul.” She was joking, but it was possible, considering all things considered. For once, the boy really smiled, showing two nice sets of straight white teeth. Rebecca crossed smoker off her list, he seemed to have complete rows. “You’ve got half of it right, and I don’t play an instrument.” He sighed, looking down deep into his Pepsi. Rebecca glanced over at him, she felt for this kid. Shade had slouched over his knees, letting his dense black hair sprawl out while he tapped the bottle against his leg. “I had a lot planned out for myself, and now, I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing.” He confessed softly. “When do we ever have our lives figured out?” Rebecca replied while straightening against the machine. “I used to always dream...about being something that would cause myself to always end above others, to be worth more than the average person. We never realize that we have instincts until they are forced to take over.” She paused, clearing her throat. “Sometimes, instincts aren't always a good solution.” “Well they aren't always that bad, we just, need to know how to control them.” “Controlling isn't possible, believe me.” Rebecca’s shoulders slumped as if to shield her body while she stared down at the concrete below her boots. “It'll never be possible.” Silence again, this time longer. “Perhaps we just don't need possibility, just the chance to begin.” Shade said as he stood up, tossing his empty drink into the metal trash canister, and tucked his hands into his pockets while facing Rebecca. “Why don't you come with me?” “To where? Neverland?” “Well it'd be a start,” He laughed. “I'm serious, come with us.” Rebecca bit her lip while blinking her vision away from Shade, trying to weigh out the possibilities of following this kid blind into whatever awaited his planning. “I think it might be considered a case of felon housing if I came with you.” She said softly, tossing her can away to. ![]() |
GalacticRing (#68231)
Harbinger View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-02-26 19:24:05 |
A soft sigh, pawsteps carefully over pine needles. This was the life that a ShadowClan cat would live. Thistletail was accustomed to this life, and she wouldn't trade it for anything. The scent of her Clanmates was in the air, the familiar feeling all around. It was tranquil, but it always wasn't that way. The tortoiseshell she-cat made her way through the shadows, keeping an eye out for prey. She had to keep back a purr of laughter when she saw the stark russet pelt of her brother, Emberstripe, as he tried to stalk something to the side. Their pelts, despite being in the same litter, were unfortunately different. It was about as different as their personality types - Thistletail was tough and quiet, while Emberstripe was loudmouthed and flirtatious. She had, however, noticed that he had been getting a little too friendly with the cats on the other side of the border. Maybe she'd have to have a talk with him later on in the day... ![]() |
GarrettWilde (#9660)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-02-27 21:28:58 |
Shadowgaze padded lightly across the snow covered ground. She felt it's cold touch on the pads of her paws as she moved quietly across the terrain. The solid black she cat has travelled quite the distance up into the mountains. Her icy blue eyes scanned her surroundings as she looked for any sign of life. She could certainly use a snack right about now, a chipmunk, vole, anything? But all she could see was snow and the forest was dead silent except for the wind blowing through. Shadowgaze then heard something, some form of life. The she-cat darted up a tree to get a better view and to keep out of sight as her solid black fur stuck out against the pure white snow. Her icy blue eyes scan the forest below as she notices a group of cats, probably warriors, patrolling what is most likely their territory. She kept quiet to keep herself hidden from sight, hoping the cats below would be more interested with what is on the forest floor than whats in the treetops. ![]() |
lireo (#84522)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-02-28 06:17:48 |
miyou [g1 5x dawn 2x rosette] (#92001) ![]() Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-02-28 06:18:51 |
Of course not! It just has to be literate, really. You don't have to be amazing at roleplaying to join, just decent. ^^ ![]() |
lireo (#84522)
Majestic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-02-28 06:34:39 |
[ahhh this will be horrible!] Hawkpaw was trying to touch her paws on the water,she was so scarred to fall and the fact that she cant swim is not helping,she watched the river that was full of fish,she took a deep breath and launced her paw to catch the fish,well it failed since she dont even touched the water and she screamed running to the tree that was near her. She took a deep breath to calm her down,why her mentor decided her to hunt fish now! She heard little steps coming to near her and laughter,the kits walked and played along the forest,what are they doing here?! ![]() Edited on 28/02/18 @ 06:36:11 by lireo (#84522) |
Eeveeleafz (#33512)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-02 10:10:12 |
(I just pulled a couple of my replies from my warriors discord rp server if that's okay) When the cat, who Logan now knew as Axel, said that he was there for him and told him to get away from Viper, the kittypet didn't hesitate to turn tail and run from there. He ran through the yard, dodging the looming monsters as he ran. The tom only stopped when he reached the treeline for the forest of AgileClan, and he flopped on the soft grass breathing heavily. That was the worst experience he had ever had, but would never admit to himself that he would be better off with his birth Clan. Because he wouldn't. So there Logan lay, in the grass at the forest's edge, regaining his lost breath and thinking about Viper, and Axel, and the family that he left behind in the forest to become the pet of the fowl smelling twolegs, with their dogs and fowl smelling machines that were louder than the monsters. Leafstar stood up en suite of the rest of her Clanmates, and they all began making their way out of camp to the clearing where warriors trained their apprentices. To fit the three types of warriors, the training clearing had small areas perfectly suited for each type of warrior. One part had trees slightly taller than the others, perfect for testing the abilities of Climbers. Thick undergrowth littered with twigs that would certainly put the abilities of Stalkers to the test. Finally, in the center of the clearing, there is a tree shorter than the rest which was most commonly used by Fighters to practice dropping on their enemies, though they would move on to the taller trees eventually. On their way, the group of AgileClan cats ran into Clawpaw, so the son of Leafstar joined them for the training sessions instead of going back to camp with his father. ![]() |
sinister (#112820)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-02 20:47:54 |
Small paws hit the ground, bushy tail barely touching the ground below it. Slightly larger paws trailed behind the smaller creature, before the feline pounced, landing successfully on the squirrel, only a small sound emitting from it as the apprentice bit into its neck. As the apprentice stood up, a larger, pure white tom appeared from the bushes, a proud glint in his eyes. "Good catch, Smallpaw," the larger cat purred. "We should take this back to camp now, the elders and your leader will be proud of you." The same voice said again, before disappearing back again into the bushes as Smallpaw, the small she-cat, followed after Runningtail, her mentor. After arriving shortly to camp, Smallpaw quickly passed by the fresh-kill pile, dropping off her vole before heading to the nursery to visit her mother. The scent of warmth and the milk of the mothers made her feel like a kit again, but she wasn't, she knew that. Looking around, the small apprentice quickly noticed her mother in the corner, three newly born kits, as they had been born only a short time ago. An exhausted but caring look made its way to Smallpaw, giving a small smile as the apprentice padded over, avoiding stepping on any of the other kits before gently nuzzling her mother, Snowfeather. The two didn't speak to eacho ther, only giving the small nuzzle before Smallpaw made her way again through the nursing mothers, before exiting. ~~~ By the time she was older, now a warrior, she had been gifted the name Smallfeather, in the honor of her now dead mother. She had been mentoring one of her younger siblings, Jaypaw, the basics of hunting, but she couldn't. This apprentice had been too busy chatting with her other two littermates, and she'd always have to tear them apart to simply mentor the young feline. "Oh how a mouse brain you can sometimes be.." She had mumbled to herself.. ![]() Edited on 02/03/18 @ 20:49:28 by Nami the Smol Bean (#112820) |
Odezsa - DM me the word melon (#139308) Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-06 21:54:09 |
Roleplay example ![]() --------------------- the plains were very dark, even though wisteriathroat knew very well it was at least sunhigh. quickening her pace, it wasn't long before she was in a full-blown sprint. where were all of her clanmates? why was the sky so dark? it felt like the air itself was suffocating her and her chest was constricting against the thick mass of fog that lay over the prairie. the last thought wisteriathroat could remember thinking was why there was so much fog and no snow when they were in the dead of leafbare. jade eyes shooting open, it took a few seconds for wisteriathroat to realize that she was in the confines of the warrior's den, not running through the prairies. it must have just been a dream. getting up quietly so as not to disturb her other sleeping clanmates, the tortoiseshell she-cat made her way out into the main clearing. taking a moment to sit outside of her den, she ran a few rhythmic, soothing licks over her chest fur. there was no point in trying to figure out what her dream meant, she was only a warrior so starclan couldn't have been trying to communicate with her. that was what a medicine cat was for. deciding she just ate a little too much prey before going to sleep the previous night, wisteriathroat shook off the dreadful feelings that were beginning to overtake her thoughts. glancing at the freshkill pile, she was surprised to see how low it was, even at this time in the season. wisteriathroat also realized how hungry she was herself and decided she would go out for a little solo hunting. maybe that would help her clear her head and keep all of these emotions at bay. giving her pelt one good wash over, the she-cat exited the camp, nodding to the cat who was still on guard from the previous night. at first, she took the trek at a steady trot, but after a while she knew feeling the wind whip through her short black and red fur would probably make her feel better. soon, she was sprinting across the prairies - much like she had been in her dream - and didn't stop until she was a good distance away from the windclan camp. unlike if it had been greenleaf with the air flooded with prey scent, it took wisteriathroat a couple of moments to pick up the scent of any kind of prey. a rabbit! realizing she was upwind of the creature, she quietly skirted around the animal in hopes to get downwind of it. just when she decided she was in the right position, she saw a light colored pelt rushing down the hill towards the rabbit she had scented. recognizing the cat as stormstrike, she watches him kill his prey quickly, keeping the bundle of fur clamped in his mouth. trotting down towards her clanmate, she called when she got into ear shot, "nice catch, stormstrike! are you hunting out here alone, too, or are you on a patrol right now?" wisteriathroat didn't feel up to joining a patrol right now, not with all the racing thoughts taking up her thoughts, but she wouldn't mind stormstrike's company. she had never had any issues with the older tom before. ![]() |
♡WallaDazz♡{semi -active} (#111404) ![]() Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-09 15:26:51 |
Bright green eyes fluttered open, the she-cat releasing an unwelcoming hiss as she used a black paw to shield her eyes from the sun which filtered into the warrior's den. The black feline caught her breath at the sound of a meow of laughter, her paw lifting somewhat so the she-cat could grouchily glare at her brother, who sat in his nest 1 fox leap away from her. "I see you are as grouchy as ever, Ravenfur." the tom said, rising to his paws and scooting closer to his litter-mate, the she-cat keeping her glare on him "Haha Barkear...I didn't think you were this funny." Ravenfur said sarcastically with an angered flick of her tail, though it did not affect the tom who instead smiled and rolled his eyes at his sister's words. "Don't be such a poor sport Ravenfur. I know you enjoy my company as much as Snowfoot does." ah, Snowfoot, her brothers mate who was soon to birth their kits. Ravenfur closed her eyes and snorted, heaving herself to her paws "If it weren't for you being my brother I would have gotten rid of you while we were still in the nursery." standing side by side, it was a surprise to most to find that the she-cat stood a few inches taller than her older brother. She also weighed a bit more than him. "Well, I'm glad that that was not my fate. Anyway, Rabbitfoot sent me to wake you, he wanted us head out with the morning patrol." Barkear took the lead, being engulfed by sunlight as he stepped out of the den and into the center of the camp. His sister soon following reluctantly behind. Ravenfur frowned as she and her brother approached the group of felines who they were to patrol with. She was an outcast in the clan and rarely spoke to others. It was annoying that their clan leader, also one of their longest friends, would send her out with the morning patrol. A she-cat roughly the same size as Barkear was the first to spot them, her fluffy shape bounding up to the two and halting when she was a few steps away. "Look who decided to join us. How was your sleep Ravenfur." the fluffy cream colored feline said aloud, soon earning the rest of the patrol's attention. Looking over her with a frown, Ravenfur looked away from the others, trying hard not to make eye contact with any of the cats "Fine....Until he bothered me when I was about to go back to bed." using her tail, she smacked her brother on the side of the face as she went over to the patrol. Both Barkear and the she-cat watched her go but did not pursue her or try to get her attention once more. "She's as lively as ever, don't you think Sandstorm?" the tom asked the she-cat, who nodded in response before heading towards the group of cats as well, Barkear following shortly after. ![]() |
Unova, Rebellion's overseer (#51172) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-09 22:39:23 |
Turtlefur smiled and looked over the clan's camp, quickly getting to work in maintaining the Nursery and Elder dens. Even as an apprentice, he tended to focus on the den upkeep and hunting for those who couldn't. He was a hopeful tom and watched the young of the clan mature and grow into their roles. He had not yet gotten his first apprentice but was hopeful for one soon. ![]() |
mothman (#102817)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-21 16:32:31 |
Thistlepaw moved with silent finesse. His movements were calculated and cautious as his eyes took in the tops of the trees and the clouds above them. His mentor, Crowscreech, was not far behind, but the older cat kept his distance. "Be careful, apprentice," Crowscreech called, "May I remind you that hawks have been spotted in this part of the forest?" Thistlepaw shot a knowing glance to his mentor behind him, a blur of thick, black fur in his peripheral vision. "Why do you think I've asked to bring us out here?" Thistlepaw called back confidently, which elicited a laugh from Crowscreech. "Young one," the senior warrior started as he caught up with his apprentice, "Do not let your recent training successes go to your head. If you really want to try this, we can, but let me remind you of the risks. Hawks are unpredictable raptors, and I've known a few warriors who have lost their kits and even apprentices to hungry hawks." Thistlepaw pondered the wise cat's words with pursed lips. However, before the younger tom could speak, a shrill cry rang from above both of their heads. Thistlepaw hunkered down, gazing at his mentor. "Well," he half-heartedly joked, "It looks like we're in for it now." Crowscreech huffed and had half the mind to whack the young, gray-brown tom, but he kept his head in the moment. "Just be aware of yourself and your surroundings. They're as smart as we are sometimes," Crowscreech murmured with a hint of warning. ![]() |
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