Posted by Tell me about your ocs
Dean | [Spork] (#126150)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 18:21:28

Tell me about your ocs

I'll put some stuff about my own ocs soon but I wanna hear about everyone else's too. Human? Canine? Alien? You name it. I wanna hear everything, and talk about ocs with other commenters!


OCs of Lioden Discord is now open!

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Edited on 04/03/18 @ 13:26:27 by Spork | #YSGSS (#126150)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 19:59:22
I would, but it's possible that my OC could end up in a webcomic my friend's making about the group RP since the topic is pretty popular. ^^

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Dean | [Spork] (#126150)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 19:59:37
Orcas about to go all out brace yourselves

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Edited on 26/02/18 @ 20:01:10 by Spork | #YSGSS (#126150)

Empyrean ☼ g1 12BO
Angelic (#68452)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 19:59:55
Y e S I love sharing backstories

Gahh thank you so much Death!! He's my bby :,)

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cowboygarfield (#108840)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:00:49
oof backstories aren't my strong point lol

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Dean | [Spork] (#126150)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:00:52
I gotta go since it's getting late and I'm tired but I expect to hear all the angst when I wake up tomorrow n

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PeepsiCola (#137438)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:02:30
i m dying

Oof so.. For Vene; so far for her childhood backstory; she is the bastard child of a Noble Englishman and a Italian/Greek prostitute whom tried caring for her till she was three; in which she was then dropped off at an orphanage where she ended up catching Scarlet Fever in which introduces her to the Reaper before her and Pestilence vuv

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Jack | G2 Jellyfish
Prion (#98461)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:02:46
Anyone can post their OCs here, right? If not, so sorry, I'll delete this later))

Aaaa I love reading about OCs <3 I have quite a few myself. Some Warriors OCs (and other fandoms), but a few that aren't part of any fandom at all.

I don't want to make a huge post explaining all of my OCs, but I'll for sure come back later lmao. Mind if I tell a bit about my Warriors OC, Nightspirit? He's a newer character, so I unfortunately don't have art of him, but he looks pretty similar to Nifty-Senpai's interpretation of Darkstripe, with only the real major difference being that his stripes/markings are much different.

Nightspirit is the character I'm using for a Warriors RP I'm currently in called Age of Clans (<3). Nightspirit was born as a rogue, under the name Dark Pine. He grew up in a rogue camp, with mostly his own family along with some other rogues being the members. Dark Pine didn't think like them- while he still hunted and fought to survive, he found a fascination with the stars, the dead, herbs and healing. He tried to tell his siblings and friends about his belief in cats with stars with their pelt- but none of them believed him, and he was renamed Night Call by his peers, and eventually, his entire family.

One time, on a hunting mission that went too far into ScorchClan's border, he found a she-cat heading somewhere in the dead of night on half-moon. Curious and intrigued, he followed from afar, until he followed her to the Moontree- a stunning tree surrounded by crystals and hidden in a cave, blessed by StarClan. Amazed, he followed as the other cats did and fell asleep by the roots of the tree. He entered into a dream separate from the other cats, but still very real, where he ended up finding StarClan. Full of excitement, he woke up and fled the cave before anyone else woke up.

Again, he tried to tell the rogues, but now, they got mad, insisting that he was going on about invisible cats in the night, and that he was a madman to truly believe. This caused a bad fight to ensue- in part caused by Night Call's grumpy attitude being pushed too far. While neither cats got fatal or life-changing injuries, it was nonetheless a bloody battle that drove Night Call to flee, hunting on the outskirts of ScorchClan territory. With time, and a lot of stalking, he ended up finding out about medicine cats, and how they were closer to StarClan than any other cat. While he knew he'd miss his days fighting and hunting, he knew this is where he truly belonged. And so, next half-moon, he did the same and fell asleep amongst the roots, and found StarClan once again. This time, though, another cat was already awake by the time he was. This she-cat was ScorchClan's medicine cat, Blossomwind, who'd been told by StarClan to wake up and bring the rogue back to camp to train as a medicine cat. And so she did. Night Call was welcomed by ScorchClan, as they knew StarClan welcomed him as well, under the name Nightpaw. While some weren't as convinced, Nightpaw soon earned his medicine cat name, Nightspirit, named for his belief in StarClan against all odds. The grumpy old medicine cat now has his own apprentice, Dustpaw, and has a bit of a friendly rivalry with the deputy. In other words... he's found just where he belongs.

(AAAAAA I'm sorry for the huge post :'DDD I rant too much I'm sorry)

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Kailani (#18301)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:03:00
One of my favs is Evelyn:


My amateur voodoo queen. She's one of my more developed characters and one I use a lot.

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PeepsiCola (#137438)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:03:01
And awe; see ya tomorrow then Spork!

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Gone (#133586)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:03:47
lmao np cx i have my own demon boi but still working on him and looking for a name

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Edited on 27/02/18 @ 11:28:51 by Deathkeeper (#133586)

PeepsiCola (#137438)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:05:20
Aww Firecracker I love your Warriors OC so much!! And his backstory is great!!

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cowboygarfield (#108840)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:05:36
Wow Firecracker that's amazing!^^

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Jack | G2 Jellyfish
Prion (#98461)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:06:57
Aaaaaa thank you guys (Orca and dumbsocks) so much <3 <3

@Deathkeeper Wow, cool design!

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Empyrean ☼ g1 12BO
Angelic (#68452)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:09:32
Aww Firecracker, I love him!! His story is so good, he seems like a very developed boyo!!

Kailani, omg she's so gorgeous!! Her design is so pretty omgg

OOh yess another demon boy I just search the internet for hours for names, I can possibly help you find him a name :0

Aww Orca I'mma hug and smooch her :,) I'll ramble about Talaveth's backstory in a sec haha

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Jack | G2 Jellyfish
Prion (#98461)

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Posted on
2018-02-26 20:10:02
Thanks Talaveth >w<

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