Posted by Chimera Adopts [Open!]

🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

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Posted on
2018-02-27 23:37:44

These got pretty popular! I'll be keeping this thread up indefinitely and will continue to update with new Chimeras as often as I can. It will only be closed if I become busy, but never permanently.

To breed your Chimeras, go to the breeding thread Here


- The Chimera you buy is yours to do with whatever you want! I do ask that if you resell it that you do NOT resell it for more than you paid.
- In order to track ownership, Pm me or post in the comments to let me know if a Chimera has changed owners!
- I also ask that you credit me or my tumblr wherever you post the character.

There is now a 1 hour snipe guard in place
Bids made in the hour before the auction ends, resets that auction to 1 hour left. (For example someone bids 20 minutes before the auction ends, now the auction has 1 hour left.)

The minimum increase for auctions is 300

I do accept mixed payments! (1 = 1,400sb)

Current Event Items I am very interested in:
Broken Drone - 10 drones = 1
Buffalo Scrotum - 20
Grain of Paradise - 7
Yohimbe Bark - 18
Giant torts - 1
Gmo Cow - 20
Ochre Gnawrock - 25
Red Bull - 2

(I will also take certain apps! Just ask!)

The Adopts!

Mutated Chimeras may be available from time to time, so keep a look out!
Auctions for #11 & #12 end on the 27th at 3pm Lioden time.


#11 [Ended]

Won by england (is a jerk) (#62807)

- - - -

#12 [Ended]

Won by crosschop (#126475)

Regular Chimera customs are 15 and can have minor line edits! (Small wings, spikes, different horn shapes, etc.)
+2 per common Mutation (extra limbs/eyes/tails...)

Custom Alpha Chimeras are 20 and can have minor line edits as well!
+2 per Alpha Mutation (extra limbs/eyes/tails...)
Owned Chimeras
Mintea - Appalachia (#146102)
Moya - Lae yūrei (#133089)
Keiran - Lae yūrei (#133089)
#4 - AstroRey (Anubis-Felis) (#125443)
#5 - Ziggy🐾 (#70512)
Neapolitan - Appalachia (#146102)
#7 - kencat♥︎ (#98510)
Keary (Alpha) - Lae yūrei (#133089)
Lahar (Alpha) - A Confused Waffle (#100978)
#10 - Ziggy🐾 (#70512)
#11 (Alpha) - Lae yūrei (#133089)
Pastel Skies - naмι тнe ѕмol вean (#112820)
#13 (Alpha) - kencat♥︎ (#98510)
#14 - fluff(inactive) (#145767)
Półcień - england (is a jerk) (#62807)
#16 - crosschop (#126475)

Credit toward future adopts/customs
3 - Appalachia (#146102)
15 - A Confused Waffle (#100978)
20 - kencat♥︎ (#98510)

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Edited on 27/09/18 @ 23:39:23 by ✨Xander✨ (#134983)

england (is a jerk) (#62807)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-09-27 15:22:01
i think the snipe guard is good, but it should be much shorter. bids 20 or 30 minutes from the auction end should extend it by that time. clarification on what counts as a snipe in these auctions (like within the 20 or 30 minute from end range) should be in the post as well.

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Lae yūrei (#133089)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-09-27 15:47:30
I like the snipe gaurd and i believe that one hour is good since most do 2 or 3 hour ones- and i think, from what ive seen for snipe gaurds itd start being in effect like 3 or 4 hours before the end time so people in other timezones would have a fair chance at bidding even if it legthened the time the bidding would be active

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🎃Xander🎃 (#134983)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-09-27 16:11:19
Bidding for #11 has ended! ^^

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