Posted by Veteran Only Special Lioness Raffles!

Panther_Spots (#6269)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 12:49:53
So here I am, sitting in my old man rocking chair with my old lioden account watching all these newbies win the vast majority of the special Lioness Raffles, and I got to thinking... Wouldn't it be nice if we old timers, Lioden Veterans, had a better chance of winning for a change?

And so the idea for Veteran Only raffles was born!
Lower digit players who've been on the site for 3 years or longer raffles! Every other week, a raffle lioness is added for just us old timers to try and impress, where older accounts and lower id numbers are given a better chance at winning. The youngins are having all the fun and it'd be nice to have an incentive for us older players to maintain dreamboat status!

Open to suggestions, please leave a reason if you don't support and how I can improve this suggestion. Thanks!

This suggestion has 18 supports and 61 NO supports.

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Edited on 02/03/18 @ 13:41:18 by โœง Skyward Jackal โœง (#6269)

AngellusProject --
Bloodborne (#127174)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 12:53:23
Nope, no support. Just by virtue of having an older account you shouldn't have a higher chance of gaining what is typically a valuable lioness with valuable marks. You've already had more time, as a player, to build up a resource supply and gain the ability to get better things.

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Panther_Spots (#6269)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 12:57:22
That's not true for all players Angellus, I'm an older player and I struggle to maintain SB and GB. The Raffle is supposed to be for everyone but newer players win the majority of the time, leaving us older players out. Having an older account doesn't mean we're better at the game and shouldn't have the same chance as newer players to get special lionesses. I've only ever seen one raffle lioness go to an older player, the majority of them have gone to newer players who've only had their accounts for a month or a few months. More time doesn't mean we shouldn't maybe have some kind of reward for supporting the site for so long.

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Bezthiel ๐Ÿ‰ (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-02 12:59:03
Instead, I definitely prefer the suggestions to have more than one special lioness a week, such as this one.

There is no reason to make another lioness that can't be won by "newbies" just because some people don't like that they keep winning them. The fact of the matter is, there are more active new players than active old players. Many newbies strive to reach Dreamboat - I lingered around doing nothing with several kings, not bothering.

If you want a special lioness that someone else has won, try messaging them to see if they'll sell her. Many players d sell their special lioness.

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AngellusProject --
Bloodborne (#127174)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 12:59:05
You have the exact same chance as newer players though. Just because there are more of them doesn't mean that you're being shafted. Everyone gets 0, 1, or 2 entries based on number of accounts at dream boat and. Willingness to pay the 50sb entry. The only reason it seems to go to new players is because the sites active base is mostly new players.

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Korb (#2663)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 12:59:34
I support

oh well, can't blame me for trying

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Edited on 02/03/18 @ 13:41:07 by Risio (#2663)

Panther_Spots (#6269)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:05:26
There are lots of older players who are still very active and still maintain dreamboat status, the number of newer active players greatly outnumbers us and creates kind of an unfair advantage. The system is meant to be fair, but we're outnumbered and that makes it unfair. We are at a disadvantage even though we pay the same fee and work to get dreamboat the same as everyone else.

@Bezthiel #ShrikeHoarder
That's a neat suggestion but please don't link other people's ideas on my post. ><
Like I said with Angellus, older player activity shouldn't play a factor in us older players being able to win, because we haven't been getting a fair chance and it shows by how many newer players have been winning. I really thing veteran only raffles could invigorate the older players some and really make them participate more. Most don't bother because we never seem to win.

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AngellusProject --
Bloodborne (#127174)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:09:15
You're choosing to view this as "new players" and "old players" being the factors, when it's actually individual accounts vs the site as a whole. Every single individual has an exactly equal chance to win.

What you're proposing would actually skew the rng drastically in favour of a very small group of users.

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YakyuuPiffle (#101248)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:11:08
Sorry but no support.
Low digit ID doesn't mean you are automatically a veteran.
I've seen players with very low ID asking for help because they signed up years ago but play just one or two weeks before stopping and than coming back now.
With your suggestion, this kind of players (that maybe have a 3 weeks total game experience) will have advantages they don't deserve.

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Edited on 02/03/18 @ 13:15:18 by YakyuuPiffle (#101248)

Allen ๐Ÿพ (#130883)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:11:28
No support. You have the same chance as getting a raffle lioness as anyone else, and should not have a separate raffle just because you have a lower ID number.

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Panther_Spots (#6269)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:16:32
A small number of players is still players that aren't getting a fair chance, the chances of an older player being picked is slim to nil and it shows with how many special lionesses have got to newer players. I haven't seen an older player win in a long time. I'm not saying newer players don't deserve a chance, but that's what the normal raffle can be for, while the raffle for older players can make it a little more fair for older players to maybe win a lioness they really like.

I've been trying to win a special lioness since it was introduced and it really feels like older players just don't have a chance. Other older players in the chatbox have spoke up about it too and I was relieved to see I wasn't the only one thinking about it. I just think it'd be nice if we had a chance among other older players. This isn't replacing the normal raffle, it's a suggestion for alternating raffle for different groups of players to even up the odds.

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Sol (#60839)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:19:55
Hi there! I really don't agree with this suggestion nor some of the things you have said:

"I've only ever seen one raffle lioness go to an older player, the majority of them have gone to newer players who've only had their accounts for a month or a few months."

02-02-2018 Congrats Adada (#41274)! You have won the last raffle lady!
01-26-2018 Congrats Araziel (#509)! You have won the last raffle lady!
01-05-2018 Congrats Tyachal (#54189)! You have won the last raffle lady!
12-15-2017 Congrats Saerkan (#7887)! You have won the last raffle lady!
12-08-2017 Congrats Leto I (#16034)! You have won the last raffle lady!
11-17-2017 Congrats Tarqeq II (#35246)! You have won the last raffle lady!
11-03-2017 Congrats Rotam (#87941)! You have won the last raffle lady!

Okay I've had enough, that's up until 11-03-2017, there are plenty more I'm sure - point is, it's definitely not just one.

Point is, there ARE lots of older IDs that have been winning raffles. I didn't even include any ID above 100,000 - even though those players have been playing for a year at least. Are you sure you're paying attention?

"Having an older account doesn't mean we're better at the game and shouldn't have the same chance as newer players to get special lionesses."

You ALREADY have the same chance as newer players to get the special lioness. Every individual player who enters the raffle has the exact same chance as everyone else.

"More time doesn't mean we shouldn't maybe have some kind of reward for supporting the site for so long."

How would you handle players who joined early on but have only played a total of like two months? Do they deserve a reward just for learning about lioden sooner than someone else? This would just cause problems about how to make the cut off for who counts as a "veteran" or not.

"The system is meant to be fair, but we're outnumbered and that makes it unfair. We are at a disadvantage even though we pay the same fee and work to get dreamboat the same as everyone else." there isn't some kind of "team" of veteran players though, if another veteran player wins you don't get any benefit? You say "we" are at a disadvantage, but you're really not.

Additionally, the reason that there might be more newbies winning is a) more new accounts are active, and b) a lot of older players don't care so much for the raffle lioness most of the time tbh.

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AngellusProject --
Bloodborne (#127174)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:20:05
You are getting a fair chance. If I number a bunch of balls 1-10,000 and then paint numbers 1-100 pink and leave 101-10,000 white, and then draw a ball at random from a bag, the chance of picking #37 is still 1/10,000 regardless of it being white when most the balls are pink.

Your issue comes from a basic misunderstanding of stats, rather than a game issue.

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Bezthiel ๐Ÿ‰ (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:21:56
So, what you're talking about is probability, Skyward Jackal - the chances that a single event will happen, eg. you personally winning the special lioness. That probability is very low, because the number of users is increasing every day.

Statistically every entered user has the exact same chance to win the special lioness. I see no issue with that.

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Allen ๐Ÿพ (#130883)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:22:07
As I said, you have the same chance as anyone else. When a "newer player" gets a raffle lioness, it's not given to newer players as a whole. Just that individual. There are loads of newer players that have never won a raffle lioness, myself included. I have the exact same chance of winning as you do.

There's no reason to separate people based on how long they've been on the site. That just creates a further group divide.

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ๆ–‡ๅคš 2GClean Ferus
3900+s (#107963)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:22:30
I think raffle special lioness would be better then. People who has played a lot or really wish the lioness could then buy tickets. Which would work for better ways for active or senior players.

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