Posted by Veteran Only Special Lioness Raffles!

Panther_Spots (#6269)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 12:49:53
So here I am, sitting in my old man rocking chair with my old lioden account watching all these newbies win the vast majority of the special Lioness Raffles, and I got to thinking... Wouldn't it be nice if we old timers, Lioden Veterans, had a better chance of winning for a change?

And so the idea for Veteran Only raffles was born!
Lower digit players who've been on the site for 3 years or longer raffles! Every other week, a raffle lioness is added for just us old timers to try and impress, where older accounts and lower id numbers are given a better chance at winning. The youngins are having all the fun and it'd be nice to have an incentive for us older players to maintain dreamboat status!

Open to suggestions, please leave a reason if you don't support and how I can improve this suggestion. Thanks!

This suggestion has 18 supports and 61 NO supports.

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Edited on 02/03/18 @ 13:41:18 by ✧ Skyward Jackal ✧ (#6269)

Panther_Spots (#6269)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:29:11
I don't think a ticket system for raffle lionesses would be fair, that would REALLY create an unfair advantage for wealthier players who can afford more tickets.

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Valana {HM} (#44115)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:29:43
I don't believe older player should be getting this kid of advantage.
I've been on lioden since 2014, so I guess I would benefit from this suggestion, and as much as I personally would like that, I cannot agree.
I don't think it would be fair at all.
Angellus is right - older players already have the advantage of time. Time to hoaed event items for years, time to build a pride filled with mutaions and pretty markings and bases, time to wait for our hoarded event items to get more valuable later in the year, time to understand the game, time to get rid of our rolled king.
Why shouldn't newer players have the same chance as we have to get that pretty lioness and maybe use her as a stepping stone towards their next goal.

As to your point of having an incentive to maintain dreamboat - I for one always rush to get dreamboat again once I've retired. NCLs are always in heat and I might get a CRB lady. That is more than enough incentive for me.

I understand that it is frustrating to watch mostly newer players win the weekly raffle.
Especially as an older player who might have entered the raffle every week for years and still not won.
And I agree. The lack of rewards for older players can be disheartening.
But wouldn't milestone rewards be a lot more fair than having an exclusive raffle?
Why not give out special rewards to every player once they hit a certain time of activety and/or seniority. With rewards getting better the older a player is.
Thus making sure older players don't feel left out or forgotten. Making sure we feel valued.
And also providing a goal for all players to strive towards.

But creating exclusive raffles sounds like it will split the community in half more than anything else. Having new markings released in a way that only a minority of players even get a chance at winning them? A minority that already has the advantage of time and experience? That's not fair. That's the rich getting richer and keepig for themselves.

But those are just my 2 cents on the topic.

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woolyhorns \ g2
felis✨ (#109642)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:29:56
No support.
People with older accounts shouldn’t have something just for them because more “newer players” are getting the raffle lionesses. It’s unfair. Everyone has the same chance. As said before, older players who have been on for 3+ years have had the advantage of having more valuable items and currency with them. Have you ever thought that an older player hasn’t won in a long time because a good amount of them have no need to try for the raffle lady? We don’t know how many accounts of 3+ are actively playing lioden or paying for the raffle lady. If you want one so bad, you can always contact the winner and try and buy her

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YakyuuPiffle (#101248)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:30:10
How can you say that the chances of an older player to be selected is lower?
I don't know the exact method the site uses but I suppose that each player has the same chance. 1 entry, 1 chance.
We all have the same chance.
But high id players are more, so of course the chance that one of them is the winner is higher.

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Calix (#4975)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:30:15
Nah, as an old account I don't think we need any special treatment or anything. If anything was given to old accounts, some kind of small account upgrades would be the most I'd support(think akin to what Neopets did for old accounts- more transfers etc). Just by being here for so much longer, we've already had much more time to try to win raffle lionesses, and we've also had more time to breed and make our own fancy lionesses. In fact, I prefer newbies to win the raffles, they're the ones who need a little boost more than us! :D

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✨fusgia✨ (#107078)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:32:06
i dont particularly agree with this suggestion; newbies should have the same chance as a veteran player imo

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Pip {Ardor Primal} (#96747)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:33:30
I'd just like to weigh in by saying that I remember them auctioning off a lower number, like in the 300's, before my hiatus. So, a low number might not even equal an older player.

Also, no support. I don't believe just having an older account means you should get special privileges in the same way that a new account shouldn't get special privileges. Additionally, I skipped an entire year of play so I wouldn't technically have been here long enough to qualify and I wouldn't want to just because of my sign up date.

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Myr (#188)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:36:28
Sorry, but I don’t think this suggestion is fair to be honest.

I’ve been around for 5+ years now, and though I’ve never won a raffle lioness, I still don’t think that somehow entitles me to have a greater chance of winning something. The whole idea is that it’s just a small, fun thing that happens every week. No one needs to win a special lioness, and if anything older players are (overall) better equipped to buy or trade for specific lionesses or specific markings etc they may want that are only available from the raffle girls. It just doesn’t make sense to me that we should get an extra thing that newer people are excluded from

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Edited on 02/03/18 @ 13:55:25 by Myr (#188)

Deku (#117676)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:44:39
Life isn't fair, but the raffle system is. No Support.

Others have already described my reasons, but to add on, a 'veteran player' feels too subjective. I've been playing Lioden since June, and I've put more hours into the game than some people with accounts that are several years old. The age of an account doesn't always correlate to the amount of time a person has put into the game. Locking off a feature based off account age is inherently flawed.

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Fart (#25392)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:47:59
Yyyyeah I agree that you're looking at it the wrong way OP. The winner may be more likely to be a new player because more new players exist and enter the raffle, but individual new players are not more likely to win. Every individual has the same chance. "New players" aren't a coherent category that benefit as a group when an individual who happens to be a new player wins the raffle lioness, just as "veteran players" are not a coherent group who all gain benefits when another individual veteran player hoards 100 honeycombs or obtains another leopon.

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Nyte (#123996)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:50:11
Ok guys. I think beating the horse is killing it at this point.
Everyone has voiced their opinion on it.

As much has I do not agree with this, I'm not going to repeat everything that everyone else has said.
Again, it's probably dead by now.

All the raffle is, if you think about it, is a money sink so that there's not a abundant over-flow of funds.
If you win, fabulous.
If not, better luck next time.

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Fart (#25392)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 13:57:40
26 posts = everyone on Lioden lol.

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Jet (#127446)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 14:04:30
No support for reasons already stated ^^

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AngellusProject --
Bloodborne (#127174)

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Posted on
2018-03-02 14:33:31
Things that would be reasonable to give as a boon to players for a certain seniority (perhaps based on #of rollovers rather than on account age) would be things that don't have an economic impact on the game:

-slightly more storage space for PMs or saved messages (not too much as to avoid lagging the servers)
-RR snake skins (level skins plausibly if their prizes are all attainable in other ways)
-a new site theme
-an optional banner for their den or caves (this user has been here a while!)
-a badge similar to the community owl, but it's. Just to signify an old hand

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