Posted by Hogwarts: The Next Generation Sign Ups

Eeveeleafz (#33512)

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Posted on
2018-03-26 16:41:14

It's been a few years since the battle of Hogwarts, all possible dangers eliminated, and a new headmaster by the name of Harry Potter has arisen. Behind him as the professors of Hogwarts are Ron Weasley who teaches Flying, Neville Longbottom who teaches Herbology, Ginny Weasley who teaches Charms, Luna Lovegood who teaches Astronomy, and then there were the teachers that had remained at Hogwarts: Minerva Mcgonagall teaching Transfiguration, Cuthbert Binns teaching History of Magic, and Severus Snape teaching Potions (the exact class he didn't want to teach). Oh, but let's not forget the new, and most definitely permanent (sadly) Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... Draco Malfoy.
Most of the professors have kids attending Hogwarts, and will be expected not to favour their children, but the question is: Which houses will these kids of theirs be in?

A Potter could be in Slytherin (though highly unlikely), a Weasley could be in Hufflepuff, a Diggory could be in Slytherin, or... Or even a Malfoy could be in Gryffindor.

We start a new chapter of this story as the new first year students meet both buying their supplies, in King Cross locating and crossing over to Platform 9 3/4, and even on the Hogwarts Express itself. But, what awaits them at their Sorting Ceremony? Will they get the house they wish? Or, will their house placement be a surprise that will shock their family, breaking traditions that are as old as time. Let's find out, shall we?

Sounds interesting? Want to join? Great!

How to join:

Reply to this thread with an rp example, at least a paragraph in length (5+ sentences) and no more than 3 paragraphs (Please... I'm not a big fan of reading long rp examples...)
Hope to see you at the Sorting Ceremony!

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Edited on 27/07/18 @ 03:07:59 by Wyndy [Pearl] (#12183)

overseer (#51172)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-26 19:31:48

Minaco smiled, her bi hued silver and black hair glistening as she looked to Professor Snape. She sat in anticipation of what she hoped would be a very enthralling lesson. She took notes while paying attention to every item listed, her quill working on writing what she heard, only stopping when she told it to. "Professor, if that infusion has backfired before, perhaps reverse the order." She said, Snape looked at her quizzically and tried it her way, with great success.

{This was for another rp I did, and atm the best I could think of.}

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Edited on 27/07/18 @ 03:13:45 by Wyndy [Pearl] (#12183)

Theo | any pronouns (#133864)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2018-03-26 19:53:51
Discord name and ID - becsameme#6182

"Drusilla, dear, did you put your books into your trunk?" Her mother's voice rang from behind her. She turned around and raised an eyebrow.
"Mother, you made me unpack my trunk back at home to be sure that I had everything, and then watched me put it all away again. I think I have them." She muttered, rolling her eyes, turning around and waved goodbye as she stalked away, to make up for the rudeness. No doubt she'd get a lecture the second they met again.

She quickly climbed onto one of the carriages, her adopted cat curled around her shoulders like a scarf. She squeezed through the crowd, and found an empty compartment to sit in. She looked out the window, people watching, the cat purring loudly in her ear. So loudly, in fact, that she didn't hear another first-year come in, confidence practically dripping off him. She glared at him.
"What do you want?" She asked sharply. He looked familiar, though she wasn't quite sure why, but mentally filed into 'things to think about later on when bored'.

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Edited on 26/03/18 @ 19:56:03 by Becsameme (#133864)

HazelNightmare (#139162)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-27 15:44:40
@Unova and @Becsameme

I am the co-owner of the Next Generation of Hogwarts and I will be messaging you two the invite link now!

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Slytherin clean
fissure wine (#76271)

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Posted on
2018-03-28 23:23:39
Discord name and id


Pulled this strait out of an rp I'm in its a big cat rp

Jereth|sunpride|2| male Jaguarundi |Location- |Mention(s)-Sun,Lilia,yato, umbra
he shook his head " im not old, but my species doesn't grow any more then this" he jestered to his entirty with his overly long tail witch was natural as well, " we are goin south over black ridge, its a longer trek but safer, its the way sun wanted us to go. they caribou, or reindeer, are said to be beyond that" he said adding reindeer because they acted like they've never heard the word caribou before.

he shivered once again but tried to ignore it as much as possible. " and we will go for a straggler, you and umbra will hobble the beast, since you two are faster and Yato, being the strongest will take the final blow" he said "i think im here to just watch over you immature brats" he said trying to sound annoyed but failed because he could not hold his smile back. yes he wasn't good at hunting especially large prey but it was good to hang out with friends. though he does believe hes here to make sure they get there and back in one piece.

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Edited on 28/03/18 @ 23:26:40 by Zero (#76271)

Moonie (#138561)

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Posted on
2018-03-28 23:32:55
DISCORD NAME- Moontamble
TOGETHER- Moontamble#1312

EXAMPLE (pulled from another Discord RP I'm in)


Dr. Valentine smiled widely, unnervingly so, at his most valued Subject after he was done applying bandages to the area he had previously been testing the resistance to certain acidic substances to. He giggled a bit in glee as he remembered fondly the streaming and smell of the flesh as it made contact with the substances, of course, the fur was the first thing to go. The Subject had been surprisingly resilient, perhaps a result of the constant duress and testing the Subject received since conception? Either way it fascinated Dr. Valentine who wrote down his findings before sending the Subject off to join the others in the Circle.

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Edited on 28/03/18 @ 23:36:40 by Moonie (#138561)

Dez (#66551)

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Posted on
2018-03-28 23:38:29
This looks interesting!

Discord: Dez the Dangerous Archer#4144

(Pulled from one of my long-term rps - This involves two of my characters, Aaroe and Rigin)

Aaroe snarled. "You Krravik... Save the shit." She lashed out, faster than any of the group had ever seen her lash out before, leaving a stinging set of three gashes squarely across Svier's cheek from his ear to his chin. A few of the surrounding frenai rumbled, tails twitching. To the other races, it may look like an ordinary fight, but such a wound, and the surely-resulting scar, was a branding of sorts to them that this man had committed an absolutely heinous crime.

Rigin was stopped in his tracks by the woman's ferocity towards the man, and pulled his knives from their places at his belt. They weren't big or scary looking, but they were sharp. He was ready, but right now Aaroe was handling things fairly well it seemed. He looked around as other frenai in the room started to rumble and lash their tails. Some looked like they were simply waiting and watching while others seemed fired up and furious, but stayed put where they were. Whatever Aaroe had done was sending waves. Rigin looked over at Rue and blocked his path. "Don't... she's not going to listen right now... You'd only direct it onto yourself..."

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mask (#123325)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-29 05:48:10
discord name and id - ultimately#9159

(( it's three paragraphs but it's really long. i can shorten it, i'm sorry if it's too long ;v; ))

A trap. Of course it was a trap. Any reasonable woman would accept a coffee from a nice man but of course, she was in the wrong. Let the less be taught not to accept offers from strangers.. or was that lesson already taught? Either way, it was impossible for the woman to get out of the situation she had brought upon herself. It was pestering her, how dumb she was not to register that the man was dangerous. The way he moved, his sophisticated speech, that glint in his dark eyes as he watched her. It was easy to tell that he was shady and that Karsyn was an easy catch. Due to her ignorance, she sat on a cold concrete floor. It was an older place, a few holes in the walls and roof, sand piled into the home making it a mini desert. Through some of the holes the woman could catch a view of the starry night sky. It was beautiful out, or so she assumed.

It wouldn't be beautiful for long. The night was quite chilly and the temperature was dropping too fast for her comfort. She was only dressed in a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers she had put on before leaving home earlier that month. It had been a good while since she had seen other people. She had been used. Not in any.. filthy ways but was given information that she was told not to speak of. She was threatened with death if she did so. It made it easy to train her to keep her lips sealed, which the man who took her enjoyed. The woman was unsure of who the man had been, their names were never spoken around her. She only memorized certain phrases they would say to her. Legion was a common one and as much as she would like to pretend she knew what it meant, she didn't. So that became part of the reason they kept her sealed away and now, here she was. Tied to an rickety post of the old house, a strip of cloth in her mouth to get her from yelling.

After a while, it begun to grow clear that Karsyn would die here. She was alone, starving, and it was only getting colder by the second. Her skin was riddled with bruises and goose-bumps as she wiggled helplessly. She decided to start counting the minutes that went by, laying her head back against the post. Dark bags under her eyes proved the amount of rest she lost. Her body seemed to decide before she could as she laid her head back against the post she was tied to. A few minutes of shut eye couldn't hurt.

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HazelNightmare (#139162)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-29 09:04:40
Sending invites!

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Kat (#140996)

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Posted on
2018-03-30 07:55:18
Discord name and ID : Katie#9972

Pulled from an RP forum I am on! (hopefully I am not applying for this RP too late!)

Alpine had started to believe that any luck she could've possibly had may have burned out with the rest of of her family as she stood alone at the border. However, as she was about to turn and leave, a red tinted figure, completely in contrast to the green surrounding it, was heading towards her. She flicked her tail in anticipation, edging forward in an attempt to speed up the process of figure coming towards her.
As the figure came into a more clear view, Alpine could tell that figure was a young lioness, although in the state Alpine was currently in you could mistake the red toned lioness for being much older than alpine. However, Alpine was taken aback when the younger lioness spoke as she had not expected her to be so kind.
"Thank you.." Alpine managed to mutter in utter shock that she was being invited into this new land.
It was not normal for Alpine to be so docile around a stranger, but the offer of a drink and someone else to actually talk to was too great an offer.
"Umm.. I'm Alpine by the way!" She blurted out, a little too excited. "Would it be possible to ask who you are?"

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HazelNightmare (#139162)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-30 16:21:32
No, you're still in time! And I am sending the invite link, now.

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Bizarre King (#81586)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-07 21:52:12
Discord name and ID: echolime#4792

(A little RP starter I did for my Ilvermorny roleplay. Hope this works~)

The first month of school was always the busiest, and as Headmaster Afon had to admit Ilvermorny would be quite the mess if it weren’t for the rest of the staff picking up where he slacked off. Having been utterly pressured by the wizarding community in America to not run the school during the trying times of 1968, there was a certain lack of enthusiasm in Cadfael that was evident in the way his hand shook when it gripped at the marble staircase. However, students could be none the wiser of their Headmaster’s distress. The black clad man was especially skilled at masking his true emotions. Even the older year children came off as pretty clueless when they crowded into the doors of Ilvermorny and greeted Cadfael with respective shouts and eager waves of their hands.

Afon could only respond back with a collected smile and a wave of his jeweled hand. Greetings hall was crowded with students; prefects doing their best to keep their house in uniform order whilst waiting for the Headmaster to give his first commands of the school year. Of course, Horned Serpent was as calm as ever, first years containing their excitement and, perhaps, fear as they gawked at the tremendous caverns of the Ilvermorny castle.

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0XxLionnessxX0 (#137636)

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Posted on
2018-04-07 21:57:39
Discord Name: A Kind-Of-Depressed Unicorn #8000
Just an example for like, the opening of my character.
"All Aboard, the train'll be leavin' in 5 minutes." announced the conductor. Charlie had gotten his ticket for the Hogwarts Express, and beamed with delight just looking at it. He walked up to the crimson-red of the train and stroked it. It felt like a blessing. Charlie had never thought he'd make it this far, but it was happening today. Maybe too fast.
"Alright, laaaast call! Next trip will be in an hour if ya don't get on!" Charlie rushed up to the conductor and handed his ticket in. "And you are?"
"Charlie. C-Charlie W. sir." He stammered, since he was often shy meeting others. This thought made him shiver, and he gulped hard. Was he even ready for it? He timidly walked across and took a seat. It was empty, and he was rather comfortable that way. "Get comfortable now, it'll be a bit of a long ride." Charlie perked up, and stared out the window. This was it. His new journey. His new destiny.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2018-04-08 02:09:59
Hi! Hope I can still apply! The sample I've posted is from this roleplay. I'm very flexible and can write more or less than this, depending on the length of others' posts.

Alessandra strolled through the streets of the Isle, softly humming a song to herself. She was on her way to run a few errands for her father, but as she turned a corner, a younger kid bumped right into her, dropping a purse that he had been holding and scattering its contents everywhere. Alessandra, obviously shocked and angry, opened her mouth to yell at the child, but was stopped when she heard the cry of a woman. "Stop him, he has my purse!" Upon hearing this, the kid quickly tried to grab the money and run, but Alessandra clasped his arm. "Hey, come on. All of us on the Isle have a hard time, we should be trying to help each other out instead of stealing from them." She scolded him, internally gagging at how cliche she sounded. She pulled the kid up to his feet and told him to get going before bending down to help pick up the money. After she gave the purse back, the woman thanked her and went back on her way, leaving Alessandra grinning smugly to herself. "Idiot." She muttered under her breath, pulling some money out of her leather jacket and starting to count it. While she had been 'helping' the woman to pick up all of her money, she had stolen a bit of it for herself. 'You think you'd know better than to trust someone on the Isle.' She thought, shaking her head. She was about to get on with her shopping when she suddenly saw some commotion over at Ursula's Fish and Chips.

Now curious, Alessandra headed towards the restaurant to see Uma and her little gang of 'pirates' advancing on some poor group of kids. Usually, she'd turn and walk away, since she found Uma's shenanigans rather boring, but this time the group she was targeting caught her attention. They were obviously not from around here, so that could only mean one thing: these were Auradon children! By now, her father's errands had been completely forgotten. She wanted to find out what these little 'Hero' descendants thought they were doing all the way in the slums.

[[Discord Name & ID: BlazeRed #7543]]

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Edited on 08/04/18 @ 02:13:19 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

HazelNightmare (#139162)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-08 10:29:14
Sending the invitations now!

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2018-04-27 18:00:10
Discord: Lone Lovebird#7023

I apologize that this isn't a rp sample of a human- I haven't roleplayed one in quite a while so I don't have an already written post to show for it.

The beating of her wings grew less in sync as a certain ache began to arrive. Why did she feel the need to fly so far? Why couldn't she have just been lead to River Hoole? It was so much closer to her nest. How long had she been flying? She had taken multiple breaks to rest of course, but she felt like she was getting closer now. Closer to what though? Where even was she? She looked around, simply gliding through the air to give her wings a bit of a break.
It was when she heard movement of some sort. Like someone was landing in the forest below. She hadn't seen much of an owl this whole flight! The smell of food also had her stalling for a moment.
It would be nice to stop for a chat.
She dove down swiftly, feathers ruffling in the high winds before she pulled back, landing silently a few branches below them, teetering with a quiet 'whoa-' as she nearly flung herself off the branch by mistake. Looking upwards, she listened to the talking owls above her. For now she'd keep silent- that is, if no one noticed her or her less-than-expert landing.

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