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Posted by | Hogwarts: The Next Generation Sign Ups |
![]() Eeveeleafz (#33512) Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-26 16:41:14 |
SIGN UPS CLOSED It's been a few years since the battle of Hogwarts, all possible dangers eliminated, and a new headmaster by the name of Harry Potter has arisen. Behind him as the professors of Hogwarts are Ron Weasley who teaches Flying, Neville Longbottom who teaches Herbology, Ginny Weasley who teaches Charms, Luna Lovegood who teaches Astronomy, and then there were the teachers that had remained at Hogwarts: Minerva Mcgonagall teaching Transfiguration, Cuthbert Binns teaching History of Magic, and Severus Snape teaching Potions (the exact class he didn't want to teach). Oh, but let's not forget the new, and most definitely permanent (sadly) Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... Draco Malfoy. Most of the professors have kids attending Hogwarts, and will be expected not to favour their children, but the question is: Which houses will these kids of theirs be in? A Potter could be in Slytherin (though highly unlikely), a Weasley could be in Hufflepuff, a Diggory could be in Slytherin, or... Or even a Malfoy could be in Gryffindor. We start a new chapter of this story as the new first year students meet both buying their supplies, in King Cross locating and crossing over to Platform 9 3/4, and even on the Hogwarts Express itself. But, what awaits them at their Sorting Ceremony? Will they get the house they wish? Or, will their house placement be a surprise that will shock their family, breaking traditions that are as old as time. Let's find out, shall we? ---------------------------- Sounds interesting? Want to join? Great! How to join: Reply to this thread with an rp example, at least a paragraph in length (5+ sentences) and no more than 3 paragraphs (Please... I'm not a big fan of reading long rp examples...) ------------------------------------------------ Hope to see you at the Sorting Ceremony! ![]() Edited on 27/07/18 @ 03:07:59 by Wyndy [Pearl] (#12183) |
Ανο ύβ&a (#103945) Kind View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-27 19:22:41 |
DISCORD NAME- Renegade DISCORD ID- #8616 TOGETHER- Renegade#8616 Rp example is from an anthro roleplay The mixed furred male got out of his bed. He threw back the green comforter and leaped out of his bed, he walked over to his dresser and got a shirt that said "Daddy's Boy". He sighed then put the shirt back "Gosh they are so weird" he tought and grabbed a clean brand shirt. He put on a pair of Camo knee shorts and is scuffed up signed baseball cap. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. "Ready to go?" he asked himself "Lets go" he said than made his way to the door stopping to grab his football jacket and his keys. Anubis put his jacket on and exited the building, putting his phone, keys and wallet inside of his pockets. He walked down the 3 flights of stairs he had to venture down to exit the complex. As he opened the door he saw the bright sun, it burned his bright yellow eyes. He took a step outside and walked down the street to where he went every morning, The Coffee Shop <3. He walked into the slightly crowded building and the smell of Dark roast, Expresso, Frappachinos and more filled his nostrils he happily orderd his Peppermint Mocha double shot. *b"That will be 6$ today". the employee said to him. He politely handed her 6$ "Here miss" he said as the employee took his money. He waited for his coffee to be finished and the employee said his name and repeated his order. "Sounds Great!" he cheerfully said as he took his drink and walked back out to the town. He had two options, to continue to explore ORR he could explore. He was sore from practice yesterday so he decided to hit the town. A lot of people where driving around to do their daily routeens. He was feeling rebellious so he decided to talk to someone, the female thought he was trying to flirt so she growled at him, he backed himself up. His tail layed low almost hitting the ground. ![]() |
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