Posted by Returning Player, Pricing "Old" Lions

Impkin (#27127)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-28 10:46:45
Hello, I've been taking a break from Lioden, but upon coming back I've found that there's a lot of new stuff and am a bit overwhelmed. I'm taking my first step which is to downsize some of my lions.
I have about 18 unsorted lions I want to get rid of. Are they worth anything? Should I just chase them off? How should I get rid of them?

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🏵Phenomedog (#69929)

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Posted on
2018-03-28 10:53:24
Hey there! After looking through your unsorted lions, I'd say you'd have the best luck selling them as karma fodder / enclave cubs or chasing them.

You might be able to sell this cub for a tad more though, if you find someone who is interested in gold panther.

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Edited on 28/03/18 @ 10:55:25 by DogKaiser {#idktbh} (#69929)

OHATROPA (#62029)

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Posted on
2018-03-28 10:55:07
Hey! Welcome back to the game! <3
If they have little to no markings and are rather common, or if they are straight up NCL's, you can try selling them in the trading center for about 20-30 SB a piece, but they may not sell and will most likely be used for fodder (if you care about that sort of thing). If you are a good/evil king, you should probably send them to the nature reserve (good) or kill them (evil). If you don't care about karma, you can simply chase them off. Some of your younger lions are rather pretty, but if you don't want to keep them, there are a couple of options. For the uglier one (the potatoes, persay!) you can use them for fodder like mentioned above (nature reserve/kill) or simply chase them. Or also, once again, you could try to sell them. For the nicer looking ones (the ones with vitiligo and fiery markings) you may want to generously donate them to the giving tree. The giving tree is a new feature where you can take a young adol/cub once per day (and sometimes there's pretty good finds!) If you end up donating them, another member could end up taking them home (it's random who gets which cub, if they decide to take one. You don't exactly choose.) Or, to make a little more SB, you could try and selling them in the trading center for maybe 50-60SB to try to make a profit on them - once again, I'm not guaranteeing that would work!
Whatever happens, I really hope you end up once again enjoying the game! <3

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Impkin (#27127)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-28 10:58:40
Thank you both! I have a few more questions. What are enclave cubs?
Also, I will probably do a combo of selling and the other stuff to get rid of the lions.
Which ones should be chased off, and which ones are worth selling, and for how much? If there's like a guide somewhere about selling that would be great too.

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OHATROPA (#62029)

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Posted on
2018-03-28 11:02:31
There is actually a guide about selling/price checking, it would be in section two of this guide! I hope you get something good out of it! <3
Enclave cubs are basically fodder. If you go to the explore menu, there is an place that says Gorilla Enclave. You can take a quest from the gorilla, and he will ask for a specific cub (usually a potato cub with low stats). If you have it, you can hand it over, but you can also buy a specific cub in the trading center and then hand it over. In return for the cub (which you will not be getting back) he will give you a special currency called Monkey Teeth, shortened to MT, which you can use to buy exclusive items at the gorilla enclave! If you collect enough, you can even buy rare items like lion meat or marking applicators!
I hope this helps~!

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Impkin (#27127)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-28 20:53:57
Oh, one more question! I just convinced a bud of mine to play today. Could I give him some of my extras for free?

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Posted on
2018-03-29 01:22:44
Just letting you know that your thread have been moved to Price check forums!
Have a nice day!

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OHATROPA (#62029)

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Posted on
2018-03-29 03:49:22
Yes, you could give him any of your lions you want for free. Their yours, you can do whatever you want with your items/lions/etc! <3

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