Posted by Buying Feet, Craftables, Meat Pies n more!

Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-03-30 07:29:08

I'm BACK y'all!

I'm Agryo, and I am a sucker for collecting pretty Decors/BGs, and stocking up on fancy goodies. If you're looking for some GB or SB, this is the place for you! I update regularly with items I'm looking for, often including some from the current Event, so it's easy money lmao.

Before we get to the trading, here are some ground rules:

• If you were wondering, the HTML is by katie (#106445)! She's so good omg
• Prices are firm, sorry! I'll tweak them if I see the market fluctuating though ;D
• No reserves; first to send me the trade is the one to get the Geebs.
[Thus, it's a good idea to ask if you can send a trade for X Event item you haven't bought yet!]
• I don't send the trades; I'm on mobile 90% of the time and have 5+ trades a day, so.
• I will trade at most 2000 in a transaction- anything else will be converted into GB! Please note that I may need to make some SB before buying out bigger SB trades too <3
• I reserve the right to decline to buy any individual's trades for whatever reason.
[Sometimes I'm just short on GB, or not buying X anymore; I usually include the reason!]
• I only buy Decor/BGs with full uses! It's a pet peeve
• If an item isn't listed below? I'm not buying. Don't ask, you're unlikely to be the exception.
• I don't accept trades sent to #84746; it doesn't have SB/GB on it!

Send the trade to #70050!Shopping List

• Buying a leetol bit of Event stuff!

• Check the numbers underneath most items values! They'll list how many I'm buying.

• I usually only buy one, MAYBE two copies of a Decor, barring rare exceptions

• If something's not in this post, I'm not buying it right now. Period. Don't ask me if I'll buy X unlisted item, I won't. I've only got so much GB and I will not spend it on items I don't need. I'm not a vendor NPC lol

If it's not listed, I'm not interested.Prices

1gb.png = 1200sb.png






8 + 600 each
-2 per missing use


600 each, 2 for 1


150 per, 8 for 1


100 per, 12 for 1


75 per, 16 for 1


50 per, 24 for 1

Decor & BGs

I often buy WAS, RR and Event decor here!



2 per
Buying 5 of each!


Buying N/A of each!






8 per


The Lioden market fluctuates wildly according to the availability of items; supply and demand, really. Thus, after this month's event, the value of items you may be thinking of selling now may increase substantially.

During a given month's event, any valuables available during it will drop in value once the items are available; so, for instance, Crunchy Worms selling for 30GB before the event may sell for a fifth of the price or even lower when anyone can get one after two days of Event-related activities. This drop usually depends on how difficult the currency is to collect, and what tier of the shop the item is in (thus how long it's available). The flipside is that it takes some time for the items to regain their prior value, which depends on other events and happenings in Lioden (Say, the value of Ochre Gnawrocks may jump after a new marking is released, or slowly increase over a few months).

I will not force you to sell your items to me or guilt trip you for looking for better prices elsewhere, or simply holding onto your hard-earned goodies. You play the game however you like; if you need the GB now, I'll happily buy your items, and I will happily support you keeping them stashed away for later.

I buy some items year-round, so I usually don't put those prices too far below market value, but for the Event-specific goodies I encourage all prospective sellers to browse around before selling and make the decision for themselves.

Thank you!


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Edited on 29/07/21 @ 08:24:22 by Agryo [BLM] (#70050)

Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-06-15 06:37:14
I can buy them all for GB If you're up for sending a trade! ;D Though if you do need SB, I'll need to sell some of my GB first. Thank you!

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文多 (#107962)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-06-15 06:38:43
Gbs works for me! 8 GBs for all 16 items then if my math is not wrong?

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-06-15 08:31:54
That's exactly it, yep!

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文多 (#107963)

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Posted on
2018-06-15 14:48:52
I also have
6 of these Malachite Sunbird feathers
18 Broken Drones + 1 Coconut if your interested?

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💀AriTheReaper💀 (#73245)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2018-06-16 06:17:35
Setting up a trade for a full use 9 days to experation honey comb. That would be 1gb and 200sb, correct? Or am I reading incorrectly.

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-06-16 06:36:14
Mind giving me a few days? I'm getting short on GB, so I'm selling some stuff first before buying more non-expiring stuff. ^^

Bought it out, thanks!

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Android Sent By
CyberLife (#68801)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-06-16 07:52:09
I've got a honeycomb -- but I'm assuming the above statement still applies and you'll need a couple of days before you can buy it? >^<

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Edited on 16/06/18 @ 07:56:08 by Moony (#68801)

Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-06-16 08:29:16
Honeycombs expire, plus I have two hungry heirs eating one a day, so I can't afford to pass those up. ^^ No worries, I've Sri got enough GB, just less than I'd like! ;D

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{Android} (#134375)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-16 09:42:39
Oh! Okay, I'll go ahead and set up a trade then?

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Angel (#139934)

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Posted on
2018-06-16 14:36:24
I have a couple dove feasts and a giant tortoise

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Tlenix (#121856)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-18 06:12:45
Hello again ^^ I have a honeycomb and 6 dove feasts. Let me know if I should create a trade c:

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-06-18 06:14:39
I've restocked on GB so I'm definitely down for that! =D Thanks!

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文多 (#107963)

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Posted on
2018-06-18 06:17:27
I wonder are you interested in the stuff I listed earlier? Not sure thought if you have any use for a coconut? Sorry if I mix up drones and nuts

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-06-18 06:27:39
Yep, definitely interested! I can buy the Coconuts at the same price I use for Drones. ^^ Send a trade whenever!

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文多 (#107963)

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Posted on
2018-06-18 07:04:51
There sorry for the mess!

Honestly not sure how to count it
6 Feathers becomes 1 gb and 700 sbs?
19 drone/nut becomes 1 gb and 770 sbs? Or something like that?

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