Posted by New RP?

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 03:51:33
Hello! If your here then your probably into RP and are looking for one. As such, Here are a few things about me and what I'm looking for. First though, a few things about myself:

1. I tend to cuss. I've been trying to keep it down, but it stills happens in both RP posts and OOC.

2. Speaking of OOC, I like to chat. Helps me out a bit to know the person I'm role playing with.

3. I can do both Male and Female, however, I tend to shy away from MxM and most of the time I'll pick playing female over male. This isn't to say that I wont sometimes play two or more characters. Male and female both.

4. Activeness is a must for me. I understand that sometimes people need breaks and that sometimes things will come up. (Hell, I had to leave a few RPs a few days ago for three days due to testing having come up ) But I tend to come online every single day, and I'm logged in as soon as and up until I go to sleep.

5. Timing. Since my activeness is now known, it only makes sense to make it clear just what my time is. To put it blankly, Lioden time and my time are the same. I typically go to bed around 4-5 AM and get up around 11 AM.

6. I don't really do NSFW stuff. Most I've done is lead up to some suggestive stuff before fading to black. Taking it all the way just feels really weird and awkward for me. Especially considering I lack IRL experience in that stuff..

7. If we do a romance story line, you should know i take time with these. You wont fall in love after a day or to. It takes time, and I prefer to have that happen in my role plays. Another thing to note here is more often then not, pre-set together characters wont end up getting together. Most of the time, these pre-set romances have the responses forced to try and get the characters closer. I might indulge you, let them get together faster then preferred, but I'm likely to not really like the pairing and that might show in my posts. best way for a romance to happen with one of my OC's is to have it occur naturally. (Mind you, the natural way is likely to get me to rush a bit if I really like the pairing)

8. Location. I'm tending to prefer Discord lately, if only for the quick replies I can both send and receive, but I will do the lioden threads. I cant stand the Lioden PM's. It takes forever to find a old post if needed and my inbox gets to many messages a day to keep it all organised and not end up full with constant replies.

9. I'm open to either Group RP's (Maybe three or four people) or 1x1 (I am fairly new to 1x1 though)



1. Literate! Fucking hell, I cant stand this. I understand that typos happen, but your phone or computer or whatever the hell you type your replies in will most likely have a spell check. USE IT! Its really not that hard. Why some people think sending a reply that's taking more effort to read then sending a reply to is baffles me. ALSO, text talk. Don't do it unless its in a actual RP'd text or your character is actually the kind to say "OMG" or "LMAO".

2. Word count. Alright, I understand that writer's block happens, and sometimes your character wont have anything to say or respond with and you cant really write a long post. That's fine. Hell, it happens to me to. All I ask is that I get at the very least three lines to work with.

3. Try not to push me into anything? That should be obvious, but still. I'm adding it just in case..

4. Keep it realistic? And don't over power your charters? This is again, a obvious thing but still. I'm adding it anyway.


Roleplay themes!

Here we are! The part most immediately look to. Now, as of now, I'm looking for mostly Human RP's. I've been doing a lot of animal RP's lately, and frankly I need a break. Its starting to feel repetitive. This isn't to say that I wont be open to doing more Animal rp's in the future. Just give me some time. Now, the themes:

ARK Survival Evolved
I would prefer if you had heard about this before hand if I'm being honest. If only because explaining everything is hard. For this one, I think I would be open to the charters either just arriving to The Island (Maybe in different areas?) and suddenly finding out they weren't alone and having to deal with the knowledge that they both cant leave The Island, but also that there are only so many people there. (Group preferred for this) Or, a (or some) characters could have been on The Island for a while and established them selves while the other, or others, have only just woken up there. (1x1 fine for this, but group works as well.)

Medieval Timeline!
I've been in the mood to do something in a medieval world. (Maybe something with Skyrim? (They could be adventures!)) I'm down for just about anything here to be honest. Hit me up with a plot and we might do it. (If you don't have a plot though, we can make one together. )

Shifter/ Supernatural
Before we get started, no, I don't mean the show. (I never got into it. Sorry! ) I am open to doing a shifter or supernatural type RP though. (Werewolf, succubus, Vampire, you name it!) As I said for the Medieval theme, let me know if you've got a plot in mind and we can try it. (If you don't, we can make one together. )

I'm down for just about any RP to be honest. Only things that I might struggle with are things I'm not very knowledgeable about (Pokemon for instance) But even then, I can try and make a effort to do it if you explain it well enough.


(Just figured I'd add this to make it easy for us all.)

Location: (Where you'd like to Rp)

Activeness: (How often could you reply?)

Theme/Plot: (What have you got in mind for a RP, and are you open to group?)

Roleplay Example: (Doesn't need to be anything big and long. Just something that will show what your typical reply will look like and what your style is. )

Current RP's!

None at the moment, sadly.

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Edited on 09/04/18 @ 04:03:57 by Direwisp (#98474)

Mwanga (#139340)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-09 05:00:30
Location: (Where you'd like to Rp)
Discord is highly preferred !!

Activeness: (How often could you reply?)
After school and during most weekends

Theme/Plot: (What have you got in mind for a RP, and are you open to group?)
Maybe lion/supernatural themed ? And yes, a group would be great !!

Roleplay Example: (Doesn't need to be anything big and long. Just something that will show what your typical reply will look like and what your style is. )

The orange-furred tom hissed aggressively as he circled around his opponent, looking for a weak spot. However, Riverlight, the leader of Streamclan, calmly stared down her rival, as she took a step forward. "Please, Firestar, I am not here to fight you." She mewed, barely above a whisper. "I am simply here to deliver a message - I want our clans to have peace between us, and that can only be achieved if we start to get along." She said, looking Firestar dead in the eye. Firetar fidgeted umcomfortably under the queen's glare.He knew she was right, and he honestly didn't hate her. He was just highly unexperienced in leading his own clan, much less how to fight a queen twice his age.

Riverflight noticed how the young tom fidgeted. "Please, can we just get along ?" She purred, getting to her paws before turning tail and within a moment, she was swallowed by the thick, green foliage.

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 05:10:51

Looks good! You can Pm me your Discord (or put it here, either works) And we can hash out the details of the RP. I am on a break from Animal RP's, as I stated, but I would be fine with having your OC be a supernatural of sorts that could shift into a Lion?

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Mwanga (#139340)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-04-09 05:59:19
Ok, I could live with that !!! I'm at school currently, so I cant access Discord, but maybe when I get home

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 06:10:20
Alright. I gotta go to bed though. i ended up staying up later then I should have and now its 6 am

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Mwanga (#139340)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-04-09 06:18:51
That's ok ... I understand !!

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Delinquent (#93594)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 07:32:22
Location: I prefer Discord, though LD PMs also work!

Activeness: At least once a day (Bare minimum)

Theme/Plot: I'm open to group RPs! I currently like the idea of RP'ing characters that are demons/angels, though anything works! Also interested in fantasy/medieval!

Roleplay Example: Arthur hung the bronze key to his shop around his neck, on a thin but sturdy piece of string. The door was locked tight, with no other way to enter. Another successful day at work, and yet, it still meant nothing to him. Arthur let out a sigh, clutching the meat cleaver in his hand. He admired his reflection in the polished metal, relishing in the fact that it would soon become dirtied. Arthur skulked into the darkness of the alley, wielding his weapon of choice. He listened carefully for footsteps, for any sign of life. The alley had never failed him yet, so he wasn't quick to give up the hope that someone would pass by. He was patient, you see, learned that it was all the more satisfying to lie in wait than to pursue a target recklessly. And sure enough, the faint echo of footsteps graced his ears. The figure passed him, and it was now that he had to make his choice. The person looked weak, unable to fight back, even.

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Edited on 09/04/18 @ 07:35:08 by LackeyLion (#93594)

Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2018-04-09 07:32:27
(Just figured I'd add this to make it easy for us all.)

[Location]: Discord, LD Fourms, whatever works best.

[Activeness]: Since im 3 hours ahead of LD time, Im on for about 2 hours after 3pm, excluding Mondays and Thursdays startongnnext week. For this week, All day till like..8pm. Weekends, all night till 4am.

[Theme/Plot]: I LOVE Medeval stuff! I also love shifters and Im interestef in trying Ark. I have my own thread with some plots im also interested in.

[Roleplay Example]:

The crack of dawn was never too early for Kai. He had always been a light sleeper and an early riser. The first thing he did when he got up was brush his teeth, then go for a morning jog around the camp, and then go for some early morning sword training with the straw dummies; and the he'd sit down to eat. Kai always chided himself that he couldn't always rely on the claws -which he had dubbed Heartseekers. He needed to be skilled in other weapons. He had become well rounded in bows, spears, short swords, long swords and even axes. His favorite besides his Heartseekers were long swords.

He had showered after he finished his morning training session and was on his way to the dining pavilion. He passed what he assumed an Aphrodite boy with brown hair. He rolled his eyes at the gaggle of girls on his arms. Kai wasn't jealous; he could care less about having admirers. He needed to focus on his training and become stronger. Why? For reasons he would take to his grave. When he got to the Hephaestus table, he found his little sister -she was only two years younger than him- already seated there. Well, not seated. The girl was passed out on the table. She had been up late last night working on a secret weapon that could transform like Kai's. Sighing, he out his hair up in a bun and walked up behind his sister. He put his right hand next to the side o her face, making sure to keep some distance. "Extend." Kai murmured and the celestial bronze claws SHIIINKED! there way out after the armor formed. The whole transformation process took 1 full second. He had shortened it a lot with some long hours in the forge.

Kai smirked as the redhead jumped up, sending eggs flying. "Kai! I told you to stop doing that!" she yelled, wiping her breakfast off her face with her jersey, which smeared oil on her cheek. Kai's face grew serious and he muttered the command word and it was back to bracelets. "You must always be battle ready, Sarah." His sister's face grew solemn and she replied, "I know."

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Edited on 09/04/18 @ 07:41:35 by Amber Da Pickle Unicorn (#87487)

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 10:09:31

Sounds good. Go ahead and send your discord and we can hash out the details there ^^


Already have your discord, so I'll just send you a message as soon as I don't feel like passing out XD We can figure out what we're gonna do there.

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Edited on 09/04/18 @ 13:15:39 by Direwisp (#98474)

JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 17:51:00
Location: Lioden PM's or forums are highly preferred.

Activeness: I'm online at least once a day, usually after 4 PM (Which is about 1 LD time, I think)

Theme/Plot: I'm interested in the medieval adventure theme, or supernatural. Hell, or both? And I'm always down for groups.

Roleplay Example: (Random post of mine from an rp I'm currently a part of)

James was late, which to anyone that knew him, was unsurprising. He simply hadn't felt like prying himself from his comfortable bed where he didn't have to deal with the day before him. Eventually, he reasoned, he did have to get up and attend his classes, as he'd made a promise to his mother that he intended to keep. It just took him a while to finally do so. He dressed almost lazily in a white henley paired with ripped jeans and faded converse, along with a soft-pink beanie. With a bored look in the mirror, he found himself fit to leave the dorms, and begin his leisurely walk to his first class. Of course, he had Geometry first thing, because the world hated him. He pushed the classroom door open, and paused for a moment to take in the bored expressions of his classmates and th- Was that a hyena? James couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, because who wouldn't be surprised when walking into class to find not only one but two African animals, one of which seemed to be passing out textbooks. Wonderful. Quickly, he found a seat towards the back, sitting comfortably slouched in his desk, without a word to the teacher and effectively ignoring those around him.

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 17:56:41

Sounds awesome, and its been a while since I've done a supernatural medieval RP. PM Me and we can work on a plot ^^

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