Posted by Black Stallion

eig (#83978)

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Posted on
2018-04-13 01:45:46
Theres not that many ways to get Black Stallions compared to several other items in game prize pools that are no longer wanted so much or worth anything. Catnip, Great Tit, Red cock, etc. They're also not too important or needed in any of the current game mechanics/ desire of players, whereas Black stallions sort of are (and are being milked for profit. Theres tons unlisted atm and i'm not the only one that needs/wants stallys.) So i suggest they be added to more games as a prize, or replace the likes of catnip in a couple of games since theres a huge abundance of catnip anyway.

This suggestion has 17 supports and 7 NO supports.

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QuantumCatnip (#128977)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-02 04:07:24
I feel personally like snake scent can gtfo and so can catnip because my God I have so many in my goddamn hoard but neither want nor use them

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eig (#83978)

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Posted on
2018-05-02 04:10:43
Lmao thats a mood. Even though both are craftable theres so many in trades that no one wants. And it's frutrating that red cocks and great tits are so easy to get but unneeded while people are struggling to get black stallions or aren't willing to pay the current ridiculous price. There needs to be change.

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