Posted by Requirement to Explain No Support

lowercase elfijah
santaski (#130713)

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Posted on
2018-04-14 21:24:41
It's a simple thing to ask people to explain why they support or don't support a suggestion, yet only a fraction of people do. So why not actually require people to explain why they like or don't like a suggestion, either by commenting on the topic or upvoting someone else's comment?

Implementation is simple: you either write and submit a comment or upvote another person's comment. The submit button is hit, the page reloads, then you can vote on the suggestion.

Please explain why you support or don't support.

This suggestion has 8 supports and 98 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/04/18 @ 21:39:51 by A Lio I'd Kinda Be Into (#130713)

Africa (#9670)

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Posted on
2018-04-14 22:08:27
I fully support being able to upvote someone's suggestion, however, I don't see the point in having to state your reason for supporting or not, in order to vote.
1) People are lazy. They want to click a button and get on with their lives.
2) People like the option of being anonymous and often want to avoid bringing attention to themselves.
If that were the case, you could simply type 'poopy fart butt' and that would be a reason.

If it were possible to set up the thread as a 'poll' and create options for users to pick from, that might work.

For example:
Dwarves should be able to breed with Primals!

YES! I want an unrealistic mutant monster, please! - [I Support!]
NO! This is unnatural! - [I DON'T Support!]

The reasons would have to fall under 'Support' or 'I DON'T Support' so there's no in between.

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Sarkshine (#138592)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-15 15:14:49
Tbh people shouldn't -have- to explain themselves. Sure it's nice when they do, but it should by no means be a requirement.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-04-16 05:20:35
No support. There are multiple reasons why a player may not support a suggestion and refuse to write why: they might not be able to put it into words - especially if it is regarding art-related suggestions -, not have the time to write about it, refuse to give an opinion because it is a controversial subject or simply not feel like it. Nobody should be made to give an opinion to be able to vote negatively - same as they should not be made to explain why they like the suggestion enough to support-, and, if this were a thing, I can see a lot of players simply writting nonsense to be able to downvote without really contributing to the discussion, if they bother to set foot in the Game Development forums at all.

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-04-17 15:43:00
No support.

Honestly, there's no real need for someone to be required. As said above, people will just write gibberish or "I'm typing this because of a requirement that I don't want" or something. It's not going to make people do anything but resent the system.

Plus, a lot of the time, the reason it's not being supported may be something already mentioned. Does a topic really need 10 different people going "I think this is stupid" or "I think that would be ugly" or something? Heck, people dislike some people's suggestions out of spite at times.

I think the system works just fine as is. People can explain if they want and if not, they can just click "support" or "no support".

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-04-17 19:19:19
The reason why people no-support anonymously is because they don't want backlash from the poster and supporters. I don't think forcing them to say they no-supported is going to help any, and it will probably just encourage random keyboard-slapping instead of actual reasons backed with facts and logic and opinions... This is just putting people who dislike a suggestion at a distinct disadvantage because they'll have to explain their side of the story to a bunch of angry people who will attack them en masse. Not fun to deal with. No support :/

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-04-26 19:35:54
...I just realized that everyone who no-supported and left a comment on this thread (including myself lol) is a hypocrite. This is actually kind of hilarious how this worked out. (Not changing my vote because of what would happen on threads with more supporters than no-supporters but still.. just going to point that out )

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Juminakata (River) (#6903)

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Posted on
2018-04-26 19:39:08
yeah no.... for one thing, most of the things i dont support are because they're bases i hate and frankly... saying "ew gross colors and bad scheme and too bright and blah blah blah" just get colorbomb lovers yelling at you. also, if you're not good at putting stuff in words then you screwed. you'll get a lot of "." or other random letter/number/symbols in response and that'll just be spamy. then there's the point of stuff already said that doesn't need saying 200 times.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-04-26 19:42:24
...I just realized that if you really didn't like an idea and wanted to no-support, you could just spout the opposite of what you mean and say "I really love the idea of having this barf-green base be applied to all of my lions and all of the other bases be deleted forever! YAY!" when you really actually no-supported. (There's another way this can be avoided lol)

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Hayling (#100710)

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Posted on
2018-04-26 19:42:52
I don't believe this should be a thing. Some people may not feel comfortable explaining why/why not they support an idea, or perhaps they have trouble putting their reasoning in to words. Others just may not want to debate with other people on certain ideas or suggestions. Sorry, but no support from me.

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