Posted by CLFL: Clean Lion Search/A Lad For the Ladies!
JaxHammer [Retiring] (#103364)

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Posted on
2018-04-17 20:36:19
So, recently on and offsite, I've been receiving a large number of PMs, Asks and @s from users asking if so and so has such and such lion that they can buy or stud too. Thing is, I....really don't stud much myself. In fact, today I studded for the first time since January 2018, maybe even later that that. So, unfortunately they are often not left with answers. Also unfortunate, Search doesn't sift out the dirt blood from the clean and looking through lineages is a pain, let's be real. But! I think I have a solution.

The LFYL thread is a Stud/Lion Request thread similar to the Clean Kings Listing however it is a showcase! I'll give examples of format in a minute! Essentially, you ask for a certain lion or stud and if a user sees they can fill your demands, you and that user can work out whatever you need to work out to satisfy you both! Format doesn't have to be closely followed by just make it clear what you want!

This is not CLFL specific and all Clean Breeders will be welcome to breed here!

Stud Search Example


In am search of:

A Stud

Link to the Lioness
- Clean Blooded (No Big 4)
- 300+ Stats
- Special Base
- Sunglow Eyes
- At least 2 feline marks (most colors accepted)

- Golden or Black Specials (Gold preferred over black)
- Pure Blooded (No Big 4/Not Inbred)
- No Heritage
- Breed Only Manes, especial Savage or Royal
- Primal, Patches (Dense), or Piebald (Symm, Harley, Clouded, Mottled or Broken)

- Crested, Pariah, Sideward mane (Hard Dis)
- Diabolic, Blade, and Regent mane (Soft Dis)
- Any Marozi marks (Hard Dis)
- Related to my King (Hard Dis)
- >100 Stats (Hard Dis)
- >300 Stats (Soft Dis)
- Piebald Heavy
- Patches Croupe
- No silky felines

Additional Comments
If he ain't a 'pon you need to heck off m80.

Request Satisfied By: 38558 (Typon)
SO! Everything seems pretty self explanatory, however you may be wondering what Hard Dis and Soft Dis mean. Hard Dis is short for Hard Disqualification. It basically means that if a lion has a certain characteristics or fits a certain category, you will NOT under nearly any circumstance be touching that lion. Soft Dis is short for Soft Disqualification and essentially means the mark/category isn't a deal breaker but your Stud better make up for it in some way OR the user can tolerate/ignore it in favor of the rest of the lion.

You can be as specific or general as you want! The RPD (Required, Preferred, Disqualifications) isn't even neccesary however you will have to mention what you want in the comments. Please post a link to the lioness (revealing her fert not neccesary but if shes VLF it is courteous) either embedded or raw. You may also post a image if you want too!

How to use Italics, Bold, and Header Texts
How to create a Hyperlink
How to use Image source/Place images into lioden

Blank Form

I am in search of:

Lion Link




Additional Comments

Satisified? Yes/np
Satisfied by user:

Next up is lion searches!



I am in search of: a [cub/adol/adult] [male/female] to be used as [insert use (heir/breeder/lore character/replacer/ect)]

Pure blooded
500+ Stats

Hard Mode Sire
Low Gen Sire (Less than 6 generations of lineage)
Heartless Personality

NOT related to my current King

[Other (Art/CSS/Writing/ect)]

Lions being Considered ( Descending Order Of Interest/No Particular Order)
Again, self explanatory. If you're not sure how HTML works on LD, please check those links! They're very informative! And if they do not help, feel free to ask myself or one of the administrators on the site/clan!

Bear in mind: The Lion Seach and Stud Search may become two seperate things in the future if things get...chaotic and confusing!

You may use things like the wardrobe or links to existing lions to give users an idea of what you want! Remember to PM THE USER! The thread is for requests only!
Blank Form:
I am in search of:





Lions being Considered ( Descending Order Of Interest/No Particular Order)

You may post more than one of these at a time.

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Edited on 17/04/18 @ 22:40:57 by Jackass|Çɮ|ChatoEBONY (#103364)

Gahlu [HM | Clean] (#155415)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-09-21 22:21:45
I am in search of: Two studs A stud

1) Golden Light Solid Rare/Special, for this girl.
2) Red Medium Countershaded Rare/Special, for this girl.

Shorter lineage.
Muties are nice but not required.

Big 4
More than one page of lineage
Common or uncommon bases

Full stud fee


Two days left on the red's heat; golden comes into heat in two days, so kind of in a time crunch. My big list-o-studs is now largely useless thanks to the 'fix' and I just don't have time to filter though dozens of others.

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Edited on 22/09/18 @ 00:08:20 by Gahlu [Clean] (#155415)

Liosmirk2 (Clean) (#135161)

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Posted on
2018-09-21 23:02:27
@Gahlu I found this boy for girl #2, if you like Sunsets:

Unfortunately the only base that fits your criteria for girl #1 is Sulphur, and I didn't find any clean ones who had logged on recently.

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Edited on 21/09/18 @ 23:03:40 by Liosmirk2 (Clean) PUTP (#135161)

Gahlu [HM | Clean] (#155415)

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Posted on
2018-09-22 00:06:01
Oh yes, he'll do fine! Thank you!

Had the same problem with girl 1. Think I'm going to have to give up on base matching with her.

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ParanorMel | Soul
NHR (#40605)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 01:07:45
I am in search of: Female cubs/adols/adults under 5 to start my clean pride!

Tsavo, Savage, Royal or Pariah mane

Chased NCls/groupies/heritageless
RMA markings
Celestial or Sidereal marks
Margay & Maofelis are loved!


SB, GB and possible free/discounted studding to my future heritageless onyx heavy rosette stud!

Lions being Considered
None yet ;n;

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Legless Lego Legolas (#46739)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 01:10:27
In Search Of:

A clean Patches Dense to replace my king again. That is all! He may end up being Clouded but kinda wanted the Dense as a change of pace. Thanks!

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Cheychii - G2 Haze (#141945)

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Posted on
2018-11-02 22:04:08
I am in search of:
a cub/adol male/female (as long as its a sex changeable female) to be used as replacers for main heir

Clean obviously
Has to be a broken/Mosaic pie

Hopeful stats will be over 150 but its ok if not

NOT related to my current King

I can offer
or/and Art
- Please remember I do NOT care for marks so please price accordingly regardless of the marks cause they'll be mutie replacers

Lions being Considered (No Particular Order)

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Edited on 02/11/18 @ 22:05:00 by Snugglez[Side] (#141945)

ParanorMel | Soul
NHR (#40605)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-11-04 19:00:26
I am in search of: a Felis for heir replacement

Male or sex-changeable female
100+ stats

5+ generations

Lions being Considered

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Sinfully~Gem (#127716)

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Posted on
2019-07-17 23:13:35
I am in search of:

-Clean Line (No B4)
-400+ Stat

Cub or Adol
- 0 - 4years

-ANY inbreeding
-Relation to B4
-Any relation to my current or past kings
-Is over 5 years old

-Breeding Rights (will discuss)

Lions being Considered (Descending Order Of Interest/No Particular Order):

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Edited on 17/07/19 @ 23:14:45 by FoolOfHearts (#127716)

Forest Dweller (#127263)

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Posted on
2021-01-22 05:08:13
"Triple Ice Piebald (Dorsal) 300 SB #127263"
Base: Ice (White Skin)
Genetics: Black Dark Countershaded Special
Eyes: Blue
Mane Type: Crested
Mane Color: Ice
Mutation: Piebald (Dorsal)

Slot 1: Ice Crackle (100%)
Slot 7: Hyena Spots Scarce Ebony (54%)
Slot 9: Kimanjano Mottled Vents (59%)

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Edited on 22/01/21 @ 05:08:49 by Forest Dweller (#127263)

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