-LOCKED - Art Update - Flower Bases, Bunny Beetle & More
Posted on 2018-04-20 22:56:06
New Bases
Because this month is so connected to flowers, we've decided to add flower-inspired bases to Lioden. There's two Combo bases and one Raffle base.


Orchid - Red Light Solid Special is a raffle base. However, to be fair (unlike late news), the raffle lady launched on time - this means Orchid base will appear on next week's lioness. Meanwhile you can plan ahead and stay hyped! It was created by mixing existing designs of Fuchsia, Sunset and some extra delicate petal veins.


Hellebore - Cream Dark Solid Special (Suggestion) inspired by a flower, this is a combo base. We will not reveal how to obtain it, enjoy scrying and detective work! There's no time or season restrictions to achieve this base.


Black Rose - Red Dark Solid Special (Suggestion) is a combo base. Just as user suggested, it can be obtained by breeding a Cinnabar with very black bases - Onyx, Jet or Obsidian. There's no time or season restrictions to achieve this base.


New Craftable Decors
You will be able to craft new, cool decors:

Craft 90x Water Root, 30x Aloe Leaf, 30x Stripped Cacti and 30x African Cucumber into Busy Waterhole background!


* Craft 2x Flamingo Feather Decor and 5x Flamingo Feather into Feather Eyelashes [Fabulous]
* Craft 2x Albino Feathers Decor and 5x Albino Feather into Feather Eyelashes [Spectre]
* Craft 2x Kingfisher Feather Decor, 2x Senegal Feather Decor, 5x Kingfisher Feather and 5x Senegal Feather into Feather Eyelashes [Paradise]
* Craft 2x Vulture Feather Decor, 2x Nightjar Feather Decor, 5x Vulture Feather and 5x Nightjar Feather into Feather Eyelashes [Ordinary]
* Craft 2x Vulturine Guineafowl Feather Decor, Hoopoe Feather Decor, 5x Vulturine Guineafowl Feather, Hooopoe Feather into Feather Eyelashes [Speckled]
* Craft 2x Flamingo Feather Decor and 20x Flamingo Feathers into Feather Ornaments [Fabulous]
* Craft 2x Albino Feathers Decor and 20x Albino Feathers into Feather Ornaments [Spectre]
* Craft 2x Kingfisher Feather Decor, 2x Senegal Feather Decor, 20x Kingfisher Feather and 20x Senegal Feather into Feather Ornaments [Paradise]
* Craft 2x Vulture Feather Decor, 2x Nightjar Feather Decor, 20x Vulture Feather and 20x Nightjar Feather into Feather Ornaments [Ordinary]
* Craft 2x Vulturine Guineafowl Feather Decor, Hoopoe Feather Decor, 20x Vulturine Guineafowl Feather, Hoopoe Feather into Feather Ornaments [Speckled]



New beetles!
New EVENT BEETLE with BUNNY EARS will be available now in Bunny Shop!
Eupatorus birmanicus - Uncommon. Colors: [C] Black, [C] Dark, [U] Red, [U] Crimson, [R] Pastel, [R] Opalescent.


New Explore Beetle will appear in the usual larva explore encounter.
Smaragdesthes africana - Uncommon. Colors: [C] Green, [C] Yellow, [U] Purple, [U] Red, [R] Pearlescent, [R] Opalescent.



Update of Outdated Art
It was time to update very 2013 art with more modern, fitting looks. Two NPC's received a makeover - Albino Lion and Marabou Stork:



Updating Files
Mutation File Status Is getting greener and greener every week!
This is what we have covered completely now:
Bobbed Tail, Tailless, Folded Ears, Sirenomelia, Two Heads, OG Fur, Maneless, Primal, Primal Smilus, Primal Felis, Leopon Female, Dwarfism Female, Male
Female Manes - Feathery, Fluffy, Frizzy, Fuzzy, Imperial, Ruffled, Scruffy, Shaggy, Silky, Villous, Whiskered

We're proud to say we're slowly catching up on Polycaudals as well! Cub and Cub Young stages are fully updated! We're getting there!!


Shad has added tags in April and Misc.!

Here's some Bug Fixes and Updates that were done in previous two weeks that we can put into the news today:
* Fixed Reptile Roundup snail timer running while paused.
* Fixed tooltip positioning
* Fixed tooltip borders in night theme
* Made FAPA feed Pregnant Lionesses earlier than previously coded to prevent running

New RO FAQ Section (+ asking for FAQ suggestions)
For any users that may have previously been confused on rollover mechanics, we have a brand new section dedicated to rollovers on the FAQ! If any of you are also confused about aspects of the game, and the current FAQ and Wiki do not help you understand any further, please feel free to suggest some entries on our FAQ Suggestions Thread!

New Trivia Questions
We’ve noticed that Trivia was a little stale before. Throughout the past few weeks, we’ve been silently adding in new trivia questions in all difficulty categories! See if you can figure out what the new questions are!

New Grandpaw Flavour Texts
26 new flavour texts for Grandpaws have been added in, for a variety of personalities! They’re a mix of interactions, pep talks, and stories - can you find all the new ones? If you’d like to suggest any new Grandpaw flavour texts, you’re welcome to do so on the Grandpaw Flavour Text Suggestions Thread!


Raffle Lioness

Congrats Dalair (#69590)! You have won the last raffle lady!
New lady with the Woodlands of Zanzibar BG is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Explore or in NEWS section under News Post List!

Polls and Dev Notes
Looks like you guys like all of the Goodie NPCs almost equally, wow!

LINK - New poll! We'd like you to vote on first male pose that will appear on Lioden - again, yes, but hopefully last time - this time we added a TON of variety. Please consider how much you'd like the pose, and how good it will show off the markings and decors, as well as the manes, that will be at different angles here.

Please, keep in mind these are sketches. Anatomy mistakes, expressions or even the facing side can be adjusted at the final stage.

This means you're picking the FIRST pose for males (although poses for males will take many months each to create - there's dozens of manes, thousands of markings and decors to draw from scratch). It means a second or third pose can be even picked from the same poll, much later.

It also means the least voted poses can be turned into a mutation in future, just like we did with Smilus, which was originally a Roaring pose type 2, which obviously lost terribly with others back in the day.


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Edited on 21/04/18 @ 00:17:02 by Katze (#3)

Mythical | ERROR
68.3: Yasuho (#140780)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 07:18:19
I'm in love!

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Singing Electricity (#85554)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 07:26:16
Omg so many things! But that Black Rose base is a neeeeed ♥ ♥

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🐆Mazzy the
MazdaTiger🐆 (#118410)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 07:29:18
resting would be nice... so decorating him will be easier

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Sherni {Glass Eyed
Onyx King} (#118227)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 07:34:33
Oooh la la! Lioden, you love spoiling us, don't you?

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Deku (#117676)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 07:53:37
I really hope relaxed is chosen. Spirited and stalking I think would work better as mutation poses. (I think they'd be great for Tigons, even though they do already have concept sketches.)

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 07:58:15
Love the updates. The new background and the feather decors are fantastic!

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Cassandra (Tacet) (#60111)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:02:05
So much stuff!

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KaelynTea (#132863)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:03:24
I love it all

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fleur ✿ (#17617)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:11:46
I love black rose omg

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CRYptid (#116839)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:12:08
I'm looking forward to the poses being added!

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Myr (#188)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:16:38
Love all the new crafting stuff, those feather decors are gorgeous.

Thanks for a great update! :)

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Tacet (#56374)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:19:15
Thanks so much!

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Jack of Blades (#2487)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:24:14
I'm in LOVE with these updates holy cow!! Black rose is probably my favorite though it looks so cool!!!

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The Honorable
Hoatzin (#131275)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:24:51
Oooh this is amazing!!

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DragpopSoda (#128685)

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Posted on
2018-04-21 08:35:19
the stalking one is cool!

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