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Posted by | Idea: Marking extractor |
![]() Juneau (#120106) Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-28 19:43:32 |
So, I had an idea recently. Have you ever had a marking on a lion that you really want to give to a different lion, or you accidentally applicated something to the wrong lion, but still want the applicating item back? Well, what if we had an item available at the oasis or at a certain event store that made it possible to do either of the listed actions? Once you remove the marking, it would become an applicator it originally once was or will be labeled "Extracted Marking: (name of marking)" To prevent the issue of "perfect lions," an individual lion could only have the extracted marking tool of any type added on to them once in their lifetime. The slot that the marking was removed from would be the only slot the marking could be placed into. I would guess that it would most likely sell for 15 gb, and would be very useful to other users! Please vote on whether you would like this to become a thing, or comment if you have any further ideas for it! ![]() If you hit "Don't Support," please explain why in the comments. |
Dember (#14131)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-28 22:02:49 |
If you use an applicator on the wrong lion, providing it's expensive enough to be worth making a fuss, you can probably just make a modbox report and politely explain to staff which one it was supposed to be on instead. I've accidentally selected the wrong markings from rather expensive applicators (selecting "black" out of reflex when I fully meant to pick "onyx" will be the death of me I swear, lmao. I've ended up being dumbfounded as to why my "black" marking came out an ugly dull gray-brown color more than once!) and the staff have always been really generous about fixing the error, and quickly too - in fact they say it happens all the time, lol. It would be a pretty lousy site if the staff allowed items (especially ones worth upwards of $20) to not be fixable if you made one small error, that's one of the main reasons I'm happy to support lioden as much as I can. : ) I personally have no problem against people being able to make "perfect" lions (whatever that would entail, I think it'd be different for every individual and I know it'd sure be nice to actually get 'event' or 'breeding only' markings without burning through hundreds of RMAs and marking removers) but I understand why people want things to be more challenging and expensive to maintain the economy and whatnot. I think I'll leave my faith in the site to eventually find a fair option that provides a solution for that where most can agree that it benefits everyone. c: ![]() |
Tiroloca (#118967)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-28 22:14:06 |
The fun in the game is to breed lion trying to get the perfect lion....if you can extract any marking and replace with any marking then what is the point of the game and for sure that will reduce the value in events base or raffle base and for sure will be people who going to abuse it and will be not fair for the people who don't have big resources like the ones mass breeding. ![]() |
Juneau (#120106)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-28 22:33:38 |
@Tirocola First off: This tool will NOT be used for base, only markings. You CAN extract any marking, though you CANNOT replace it with any random marking. Plus, you must OWN a lion you want to extract a marking from. Hope that helps clear up some stuff^^ ![]() |
Thalath {Side} (#43831)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-28 22:35:36 |
Please explain how it is more gamebreaking than the Crunchy Worm, which allows you to 100% clone a lioness and king it in the case of a special lioness This item really isn't broken at all with the suggested restrictions. It's a helpful item for people that breed the perfect heir (which, btw, can be excruciatingly painful if it has a super special base) only to get fucked by the RNG out of a single breed-only mark. "will be not fair for the people who don't have big resources like the ones mass breeding." If you can't afford to mass-breed, then that's not their fault. They had to earn it, so can you. If you don't have the time to play and put the effort in, then I don't know what to tell you. ![]() Edited on 28/04/18 @ 22:39:49 by Thalath {Side} (#43831) |
Juminakata (River) (#6903)
Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-28 22:42:39 |
Crunchy worm only has 25% chance of success, but yeah otherwise what Talath said ![]() |
Thalath {Side} (#43831)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-28 22:51:54 |
Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant "100%" as in "exact replica when it works", not "100% chance of working" ![]() |
Juminakata (River) (#6903)
Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-28 22:54:29 |
Ah, yeah then ^.^ The way I see it, this would be akin to using a gnawrock really late, so as long as it's for the same price, I see no issue with it. ![]() |
DrunkHedgedog (#86439)
Cursed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-28 23:45:12 |
I think that it will stop making the game funny, the point of breeding looking for a perfect lion, and using tonts of rma is to create a perfect lion, this item will be like taking the short way. ![]() |
Agryo [7xRos Ely, Quit] (#84746) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-04-29 07:43:42 |
I'm on the fence about this; I'm usually of the firm 'don't play with markings or their slots' crowd, but with the marking coming from another lion, plus limited to the same slot and maybe restrict it to one use per lion... it could work. So long as the 'one use per lion' applies to both the lion with its marking stolen and the one who received it, it's just be a nice saving grace or final touch for that near-perfect heir. I'm iffy on it being usable on kings though, who could keep their appearance and just add another mark every time they stat replace; limit it's use to lionesses/subs/cubs, perhaps? If implemented, I also think that the item should be an extremely expensive Event item that shares it's shop/currency with other valuable items, so players have to chose between, say, this thing and GMOs/Buffalo Scrotums/etc so they don't flood the market too much. It should not be an end of storyline item or in any shops without breeding items to offer (so not in December or June, for instance), and if made an Oasis shop item it should be the damn most expensive thing that's ever graced the Oasis. A saving grace, yes, but not one to be used lightly. ;D I'll keep my suppor/no support for now and see how the discussion goes; it's a pretty good idea that has a lot of potential! ![]() |
Alistair [15m Festive Eneddi] (#130789) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-01 11:00:45 |
This idea is great! For now i will support. With the restrictions, It is not as game breaking as GMO cow, Which almost always gives you a mutie or two, Or the crunchy worm, Which can clone any lioness, With the same exact dna excluding the mutation. Heck, Paired with CRB, crunchy worms could give you, say, A mane imperial wenet. Imagine how much that would go for! ![]() |
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