Posted by Rule Clarification: Linking others' lions

🦐 Aardwolf 🍀 (#46899)

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Posted on
2018-05-07 07:06:55
Just want to ask that the rule be clarified as it seems to currently only be for keeping you from soliciting for someone else or posting in bad faith, while the rule itself sounds like a blanket ban on talking about others and their lions in the community.

Do not post content or links relating to other user's accounts, sales, raffles, lions etc.
The header of the rule and the most vague. I propose it should read "Do not use content or links relating to other user's accounts, sales, raffles, lions etc. for your own gain."

Do not solicit other users to advertise on your behalf.
This is fine. Might even want to be its own rule for further emphasis.

This excludes linking specific lions or threads for solely informative reasons, for example to share a game guide or a new mutated lion that was born. Excessive linking of the same topic will be considered advertising.
This needs to be immediately apparent in the rule header, not a somewhat vague exclusivity.

This excludes clan owners using their clan thread to advertise clan members' raffles etc at the member's request.
This is fine.

This excludes "stud collaboration" threads where every stud listed in the compilation has a corresponding entry in the thread itself from the owner of the stud
This is fine.

This suggestion has 17 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-05-07 09:06:59
You got me a bit confused for this bit you propose: "Do not use content or links relating to other user's accounts, sales, raffles, lions etc. for your own gain." This implies that, just while we do not have anything to gain, we could still use content or links relating to other's assets, and that's not what the rule is about. We cannot share anything around that isn't ours - with certain reasonable exceptions, such as sharing user made guides - no matter if we're being paid in any way or not for sharing such things.

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🦐 Aardwolf 🍀 (#46899)

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Posted on
2018-05-07 10:36:12
I'm sure someone else can reword it better than I can. The point is that it's misleading in its current state.

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