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Posted by | Dicephalus Parapagus Dipus [Mutation] |
JAX [BLACK OCELOT STUD] (#103364) Ill-Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-16 14:56:35 |
Sup Lioden! Got a New Suggestion for you! Basically, for a long time, I've always thought it'd be cool to have a two headed lions. Two headed animals happen plenty in nature. So I figured, why not have a twin headed lion? The mutation Lioden calls "Two Head" is more accurately described as diprosopus, which is two Faces on one head instead two entirely separate heads, as seen here and here. Dicephalus Parapagus Dipus is kind of a mouthful; Just Dicephalus or simply Polycephalus would also be fine. ![]() Colored by Jellyfish ![]() Colored by Louse Transparent Lines are here. If you color them in, please submit the result in the comments! About the MutationKEY: * Tentative and subject to change. - Something I'm pretty deadset on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - DPD is not an applicable mutation, so would not have a MOD. It would be bred just like any other non-passable mutation. - DPD would have the same rarity/occurrence rate as mutations such as OG Claws, Teeth, and Polycaudal, maybe slightly less, but they'd be more common than First Gen Dwarves. - DPD is a heritable mutation that can pass from both males and females. I'm seeing it with a pass rate of between .5% and 1% to keep the mutation uncommon vs. other passable mutations. * Since most cases of DPD have been in female animals and people, this mutation would occur more readily in female cubs than male cubs. To preserve the value of the DPD and not have a primal situation (oversaturation of primal studs and subsequent decline in primal value), genders would be locked at birth. This gives some value to male DPD cubs as they could spread the mutation the fastest if kinged, but outright males would be relatively rare. ALTERNATIVELY, the pass rate could be higher in females and lower in males. - Dicephalic lions would have two personalities. Two of the same personalities would not yield double benefits (You will not get 60% energy for having two Hyperactive personalities on a DPD King). However, two different personalities could (If one head is Fatherly and the other is Candid, they reap both benefits). - Passive Personality traits such as luck with lone lionesses and effect on the mood of the pride could be enhanced by doubled personalities however. * DPD females have a slightly higher change of producing Two-Headed lethal cubs than normal. - One cub litters will never be Dicephalus cubs. In keeping with reality, a DPD cub would occur in a litter of two or greater. Yes it would be possible for two DPDs to occur in a litter of 4 cubs. - DPD lions could possibly have different eyes, mane colors, and mane shapes. However, Base and Skin color would always be the same. * DPD lions could pass and inherit double markings since technically they are two individuals. - Got an idea? Tell me about it in the comments! |
JAX [BLACK OCELOT STUD] (#103364) Ill-Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-16 21:57:22 |
No, the entire point of it is to be able to have two headed lions that can be kinged and bred. That's why the art was drawn in adult form. Twin headed animals can and do survive to adulthood and some even have children of their own. ![]() |
Obey [Cosmic Full Cele] (#41433) ![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-17 07:41:54 |
Turnip Chair (#117787)
![]() Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-23 14:30:30 |
No support from me. At least, not unless it is implemented as a lethal mutation. I know arguing for the sake of realism is a null point on Lioden when we have blue lions and astral gods running around, but LD has been fairly good at keeping its mutations at least somewhat realistic (obviously primals and dwarves don't count since primals don't actually exist in the wild and dwarfism is highly tailored to suit the Lioden userbase, which is why I'm only referring to the actual real-life mutations here), whether it's through them not letting blind lions be kinged or not letting cubs with cyclopia grow up. If the admins were to add dicephalus parapagus dipus as a non-lethal mutation, they might as well make extra limbs and two heads and all other lethal mutations non-lethal as well. Why? Because, from what I've read while researching this mutation, the only mammals that survived to adulthood with polycephaly only did so due to human intervention and nurturing. So, to implement this mutation as a non-lethal one would mean that there would have to be some sort of human influence or magical power that somehow eliminates all rules of evolutionary fitness and survival of the fittest in the wild to allow these lions to reach maturity. And, if that's the case, why shouldn't the same apply to all lethals? There just isn't a valid enough reason as to why this mutation shouldn't be lethal. ![]() |
JAX [BLACK OCELOT STUD] (#103364) Ill-Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-23 14:40:08 |
Saw your user and knew you wouldn't support on that basis alone lol No Lethal two heads. We as players intervene on the behalf of our lions, so that's not really an excuse. Hell, Jellyfish literally give LETHALS Immortality. It isn't going to be a lethal mutation. End of story. ![]() |
Turnip Chair (#117787)
![]() Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-23 14:59:10 |
Actually, I didn't even look at who created the suggestion until after posting my reply, but feel free to make whatever assumptions you'd like. But, to address your eloquently put counter-argument, I'll repeat a statement I made in my original post: "There just isn't a valid enough reason as to why this mutation shouldn't be lethal." I'm not too sure saying "No Lethal two heads" is actually a valid enough reason, especially not without actual evidence to back up why it shouldn't be a lethal mutation (other than just pointing out that Lioden isn't very realistic anyways, which I actually addressed in my original post and explained why it wasn't a very strong argument in reference to realistic mutation suggestions). I'm not here to argue, nor am I here to attack you or your suggestions. I'm just here to explain why I didn't support your suggestion and suggest an alternative (turning it into a lethal mutation) that I believe would not only be more scientifically founded, but also appeal to a wider range of players. I've stated my opinion (that is what the suggestion forums are for, after all), and I rest my case. You're entirely free to stand up for your own ideas, and I don't care enough to try and change your mind, so I'm not going to sit here and argue. Happy exploring~ ![]() |
JAX [BLACK OCELOT STUD] (#103364) Ill-Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-23 15:16:29 |
Good. I'm not here to argue either, and will not be. Animals and humans with two heads have been known to live to adulthood, particularly reptiles. I thought it would be neat to have a two headed lion in lioden since the one we haven isn't even a true two head. You said your piece and disagreed. I've made it clear I won't budge on my stance of it not being lethal. There's no need for any further conversation. ![]() |
Hunter // Clean G3 NHR // (#135886) Gorgeous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-06-23 19:35:37 |
I believe this should have the chance of being lethal. Why? Because in most mammals it is! The babies end up choking as they either try to drink and breath at the same time or eat and breath at the same time, as they share the same lungs and stomach. I think in order to survive they'd have to be watched by a broodmother, but even then they'd still have a chance of dying. This would up their rarity, but this should also come with a stat boost. if they survive to adulthood, they should have higher smart stats, as they would have had to learn to act as one body with two minds, overcome their differences, and learn to function(Not breathing and eating at the same time) It could also cause a lion to have two personality traits. Like one is Snarky, the other Neutral, ect. Just a few ideas. ![]() |
JAX [BLACK OCELOT STUD] (#103364) Ill-Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-06-23 19:54:19 |
Maybe it could be lethal if you don't king it fast enough or don't use aging items on it, but once it reaches adulthood, you're in the clear. ![]() |
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