Posted by Temporarily Hide Decors

Rappadapa (#105921)

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Posted on
2018-05-21 08:26:07
Temporarily Hide Decor Adjustment:

So, we all know the recent "Temporarily Hide Decors" button at the bottom of a king's profile. It works just fine in removing most decors, but I feel it is missing one thing:

What about items that turn your king into a cub?

What I'm suggesting is that the "Temporarily Hide Decors" button include items such as Tiger's Eye, Eye of the Kitten, Eye of the Youth, and Eye of the Fierce Roar. I am NOT suggesting a new button, just an inclusion of these decors. I feel that is it frustrating to have the decors removed only to see the scrunched profile of a cub, personally I like to see the markings on the larger, adult version of kings.

I realize this may not be necessary for some, and I know the king could be inserted into the wardrobe, but I find that to be a hassle when I only want to look clearly at the markings of a king.

The "Temporarily Hide Decors?" button should include:
- Tiger's Eye
- Eye of the Kitten
- Eye of the Youth
- Eye of the Fierce Roar

If you place a NO support on this suggestion, please explain why!
Else you're a coward -- no jk

This suggestion has 51 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/09/18 @ 21:12:30 by Rappadapa (#105921)

Rin Spiritwolf (#20915)

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Posted on
2018-05-21 08:41:45
Yes PLEASE!! It’s so hard to tell what markings and mane I’m breeding with when they’re appearance is a cub. I know I could read them but I like to see full apprentice so I know exactly what I’m breeding with

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🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-05-21 13:12:15
I feel that it should be togglable, at the very least. I, for one, still like to see my king as an adolescent without his decors. Also, you can still see all their markings/anything else in the genetics; you don't need to see it 100% clearly by removing the cub appearance. Even then, sometimes, you can't see what markings/base/mane the king has because they're so cluttered up. No support.

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Rappadapa (#105921)

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Posted on
2018-05-21 15:16:46

It is togglable per the "TemporarilyHide Decors" button. You wouldn't even have to touch it in the first place if you wanted to keep the adolescent look. I only suggested it for the ones who want to see the king plainly without decors and cub stages. And, for me, I don't care about the whole genetics thing, I only care for looks.

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Edited on 21/05/18 @ 15:18:49 by Rappadapa (#105921)

Ayote (#125269)

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Posted on
2018-05-21 20:05:55
This should also include poses and lab test frog? Maybe even another button that hides mutations~

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✧|Tacatto|✧ Haze
RLC (#25830)

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Posted on
2018-08-05 18:23:07
no support because i like how it is rn. i feel lik there should be either an option to toggle the 'temp his stones too' [set with the off default preferable] or just a new button overall. i like seeing kings how the OWNER has them. [ei the cub or adol]

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MillieCat (+2.6k
clean ebony) (#131583)

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Posted on
2018-11-12 14:38:22
Yes please, had this on my mind for a while now

If you stud your king, it is very hard to see the looks if they are in the newborn stage. The markings and genetics are there but frankly, if the king doesn't catch up your eye, why bother reading? Even if you do read, imagining the markings is quite hard specially considering how many markings there is and how they overlap. I for one pay for studs for combo bases and stats mostly (hardly mutations) but when looking for a cool looking king, this gets in the way pretty quickly. The standard lions are very clear appearance wise

And honestly I passed quite a few studs due to this, importing to the wardrobe JUST to see their flat appearance is a huge annoyance (in double if you're on mobile)

Decors are for the owners, for the "customers" who pay to breed them is a problem

I'd be happy to have a checkbox beside the button bare minimum

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