Posted by .:Centuries:. Info Thread

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-21 21:12:30


We’ll be remembered till the stars burn out and the world crumbles

An eardrum piercing crack was heard across the world, everything shifting and tilting before it all faded to black for nearly every canine to be found within a hundred mile radius of the towering skyscrapers of the city. Coming to offered no answers though, everything had changed by the time the first canid got to their paws. Gone were the massive, horrid structures of metal and glass that reached for the skyline, the screaming metal monsters that roared down streets, and gone were the humans who provided comfort and attention, and food. In their place stood massive grasslands, forests, and even mountains taller than any skyscraper.The herbivores has streaks of bioluminescent coloring along their hides here, the rivers glow when the sun goes down, and massive predators lurk in the evening hours. There is no man here to defend us anymore, we may still bare out collars, harnesses, and leads but we are leashed no more in this new violent world. We are not the only ones brought here though, among those taken to this new landscape are coyotes and foxes who use to roam our alleys, canines from the local zoo with their gold, black, and white coats, and our closest relative. The wolf. It is time for us to survive here, with or without help, but it is our turn to conquer this land, our turn to become legends.


.:The Rules:.

- All LioDen rules apply.

- Godmodding and powerplay are not acceptable. The only characters you have the right to control are your own and no one here is invincible.

- Centuries may/will include some dark themes, but mature content/18+ will need to either fade to black or be taken off site in compliance with LioDen’s roleplay rules. This would include sexual content, birthing, or excessive gore/violence.

- This is intended to be an intermediate to advanced roleplay. You will be required to post at least one paragraph (5 sentences) and practice proper grammar. No one liners as they do nothing but stop the progression of the rp. I have the right to not accept those I do not think are ready to join this rp.

- Please be active. Inform myself or a mod if you need to drop or take a hiatus.

- Do not use any artwork that you did not create yourself as a reference for your character unless it was specifically made for you. Please provide proof. Art theft will not be tolerated by me at all, if I find you lied about owning the art I will ban you from the rp.

- You may use photo references, but you MUST link back to the original source. I will not accept applications using unsourced or improperly sourced pictures. Tinypic, Pinterest and Photobuck generally do not count as original sources. A photo reference must be accompanied by at least a paragraph of description.

- You can have up to four characters per person. If you prove to be active than you may request another character.

- Swearing is allowed, but don’t overdo it please.

- I expect everyone to be polite to one another out of character. If you have a real problem with someone, PM me and i will get it sorted out.

- Limit 1x1 this is supposed to be a group roleplay. Give everyone a chance to respond before moving on. Wait two posts before you post again.

- If you suffered this far give me a fun fact in the other!

- This RP is LGBTQ+ friendly. Don’t like it or have a problem with it then either ignore it or leave please. Discrimination will not be tolerated.

- No same character lovers or partners.

- There will be limits on the wild canid species such as coyotes/foxes/wolves/etc.

- The canines in this rp will be able to carry things such as small knives and the like found around the landscape of Skars. Items including small knives that could fit in ones mouth, spears, and armor made from animal hides that is oddly dog sized.


.:Canines of Skars:.

- This dogs are few and far between and are native to the land of Skars.
- These are all dogs of ‘domestic breeds’ but have been here for generations. Many have developed odd color patterns, no unnatural colors, but you may use unnatural coloring such as faint striping, piebalds, awd coat pattern, and the like. Just don’t go overboard, if you would like to know if the coat is ok just message me.
- They believe in beings called Spirits who take the form of different animals including a giant black elk, a wolf-like creature with overgrown bottom canines, and a large dog with bat wings.
- Most of the dogs have paint on them somewhere in different simple symbols depending on where they were born at. River; a snake in red, Plains; An elk antler in black, Mountain; bear print in yellow , Forest;an obelisk painted white , Foothills; Two triangles side by side in green. They may have any other painted designs on them as well but those are required. It does wash off in water.
- They are a dying breed and many believe these new dogs are a way to help them save their species. There are others that aren’t fond of them believing they will be their downfall. Still one from each tribe was sent to greet these new canines and move them away from the other tribes to help establish a new one.

Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||

.:River Dogs{0/1}:.
These are Skars dogs born close by the river who bare the snake symbol on their shoulders. They are adept swimmers and may come from generations of catahoula dogs or other water dogs. They are sleek with short coats.

Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||

.:Forest Dogs{0/1}:.
These are Skars dogs born close by the massive sprawling forest who bare the obelisk symbol on their shoulders. They are adept tree climbers and hunters and may come from generations of hunting dogs. They tend to sport armor and knives on them. They are stocky with a slight bulk to them with varied coat lengths.

Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||

.:Foothill Dogs{0/1}:.
These are Skars dogs born close by the foothills of the mountains who bare the dual triangle symbol on their shoulders. They are adept trackers with a good deal of stamina and may come from generations of tracking dogs. They are the most varied with body types and coat lengths.

Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||

These are Skars dogs born close by the scaling mountains who bare the bear print symbol on their shoulders. They are amazing fighters and pulling dogs. They are broad, big, and tend to have longer fur then average..

Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||

These are Skars dogs born close by the sprawling plains who bare the antler symbol on their shoulders. They are amazing runners and herders, having learned to herd the caribou of their home, and may come from generations of herding dogs. They are lean, sleek, and a little bulky with varied coat lengths. They carry a pair of antlers with them from their first hunt.

Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||

.:Canines of Homeworld:.

- These are the dogs brought to the land of Skars for an unknown reason. Many are former housepets with the odd mix of canines who may have been transported from the nearby zoo.
- This is a new land and they are without their owners or order, greeted by four dogs all who look much different from them and bare strange symbols. Told they will be moved to a new location they have begun the move away from where they were left into an odd habitat where things glow and bigger things may wish them harm.
- All of these dogs will have normal coat colors and patterns typical of their breeds.

.:Homeworld Dogs {unlimited}:.
Dogs of varying breeds who are now in a completely new place without their owners. Many have had soft easy lives previously. Any breed is welcome.
Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||
Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||
Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||
Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||
Name || Age || Gender || Dog Description ||

.:Homeworld Feral Canids{2/5}:.
Dogs of varying breeds who are now in a completely new place without their owners. Many have had soft easy lives previously. Any breed is welcome.
Name || Age || Gender || Coyote Description ||
Name || Age || Gender || Jackal Description || TAKEN
Name || Age || Gender || African Wild Dog Description ||TAKEN
Name || Age || Gender || Wolf Description ||
Name || Age || Gender || Fox Description ||

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-21 21:14:18

Skars Seasons

A season that lasts for three months and is when the heat is at its hottest and it stays daylight for much longer. If a drought rolls through prey can become sparse as the grasses die and the water begins to dry up in most places besides the large river.

A season when the grass starts to grow again and the water starts to flow all over again Flowers will bloom and the days will stay long often time with nice or pleasant weather and light rains. Prey is abundant and this is often when pups are born. Many look at is as the season of reviving..

Cold Winds
Prey is still abundant and the grass is still plentiful but the water and winds has started to grow cold. The rain is much colder and heavier and floods are a serious threat near large bodies of water as well as mudslides.The days begin to grow shorter and most days are overcast.

Snow Start
The easy prey has become scarcer, leaving only the three toed horses, caribou, and long necked antelopes. Snow will blanket everything and the days will only last a couple hours. There is the threat of freezing in blizzards if one wanders too far. Many pups born during this time will not make it unless they are born within the Mountain Tribe..

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-21 21:14:42

Skars Prey and Predators

Many of the prey on Skars can be matched up with prey found on different areas of earth actually. Most of them sport brilliant blue spots to help them confuse predators. Predators here resemble those from the prehistoric days of earth, just more adept at hunting in the night to better track their prey. Skars is a semi hostile environment from the massive sabertoothed cats and long necked gazelles to even some of the native dog tribes themselves. But here is a list to better understand the wildlife.

Skars Major Prey Animals

Three Toed Horses
A species of small horses that have three toes on each foot and are often striped and darker in color with a row of blue dots on their sides. They can be rather skittish most of the time and it is hard to round them back up after they spook. Tribe dogs of the Foothills have learned to herd this beasts and keep their grazing grounds surrounded by sharp thorns and brambles to deter thieves or predators. They are rich in nutrients and their leg bones make good spear handles.

A medium to large sized deer with a massive pair of antlers, their color is a mi of white, grey brown, and black with a large blue stripe down their sides. They have docile temperaments and are harder to spook then Three Toes and Long Necks. The Tribe dogs of the Plains have learned to herd and corral these beasts easily and will harvest their antlers to create elaborate knives or crowns.

Jack Weasels
Small prey that is long bodied with a wedge shaped head and pale coats, they are enough for one or two dogs to eat at a time but can be bony. The Tribe dogs of the Mountains make fur lining for armour and blankets out of their coats.

Different Species of Birds
Small prey that come in many colors. It is easy for swift dogs to catch them, and they only feeds one but they are high in fat and plentiful all year round. Some decorate knives, armour, spears, or dens with the feathers.

Different Species of Fish
Small prey that come in many colors. It is easy for dogs of the River Tribe to catch them and they only feed one but they are high in fat and protein, and are plentiful all year round.

Long Necked Antelope
Large prey animals that it takes at least three or four dogs to take down, they resemble large antelopes with stretched out necks and stand around two car lengths tall in Homeworld speak.They are often dark colors with dappling and around their hooves are bioluminescent blue speckling. Tribe dogs of the Forest have found ways to use fallen logs and trees stacked together to corral one or two and use the tanned hides for things like blankets, tough armour, and bags of all sorts.

Skars Major Predators

A med-sized predator that resembles a boar with wolf-like teeth and two to three sets of tusks that curl from their mouths. They can easily be prey as well if one is hungry enough but are dangerous is agitated and many a dog has perished on a worgboars tusks. Those same tusks make deadly knives if harvest.

Sabertoothed Lions
These are large predators who pose large threat to most of the tribes if agitated or hungry, especially during the HighSun season when food is scarce. They resemble the African Lion but a little larger with heavy manes and long curving spear like tooth. It is advised to give the prides of these beasts a wide margin when passing them by.

A hyena looking canine with all the brains you’d expect of an uncivilized animal. They are a little smaller then Homeworld hyenas with longer jaws but just as much ferocity and tenacity. A good sized Tribe could take on a pack but it is advised to leave them be if there are only four dogs.

Bristlebacks are large predators that resemble the smilodon but with shorter teeth and are much more blocky and bulky. They are adapted to hunting at night and can be given away by their reflective green eyes. Avoid at all costs, the meat is too chewy and their is no way to work the teeth fully yet.

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Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-05-21 21:28:36

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Edited on 21/05/18 @ 21:31:24 by Headless {Formerly Wendibro} (#39277)

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