This topic is intended to be a place for you to voice which bases, eyes, mane colours, mane shapes, and markings you would like to see on future weekly raffle lionesses.
If there's a base, eye, mane colour, mane shape, or marking you desire, but you've noticed there are only 10 lions site-wide with that attribute, you can make your request here for it to be re-released! Or, if there's a popular marking, but you'd like to see it in an entirely new slot, you can request here as well! Your request could be as simple as "Orchid base", "Maroon eyes", "Cream Rims", or as detailed as "Vitiligo 8 in slot 2 to complete my perfect lion design".
Of course, it will take some time to process requests, as sometimes we have specific plans for the raffle lionesses that just don't mesh well with certain designs; as well, there can only be one raffle lioness per week, and we can't cram all requests onto each one! ( note... does anyone remember that horrific monstrosity with Feline markings in all 10 slots? Ha, ha...)
Do not request attributes that are not breed-only. This includes, but is not limited to, applicator bases, eyes, mane colours, markings; hybrid-specific markings (Mottled Rosette, Mottled Stripes); rosettes, etc. The purpose of this topic is for me to see which breed-only, raffle-exclusive attributes players would like to see more of on weekly raffle lionesses so that I can adjust my future designs accordingly. In addition to this, I will no longer accept requests for specific rosette markings (Heavy Rosette, Rosette, Soft Rosette, Inverted Heavy Rosette, Inverted Rosette, Inverted Soft Rosette) as of August 4th, 2021. Any rosettes released on lionesses are done at my own choice.
Do not request markings in slots 11-20. Weekly raffle lionesses will only have markings in slots 1-10. We are not expanding their marking slots above 10 at this time, so any requests for markings in slots 11-20 cannot be fulfilled.
Do not request attributes for the July Celestial Raffle lionesses and August Maneater studs. This topic is exclusively for weekly raffle lionesses. I do not design the Celestial Raffle lionesses as they are randomised by a script. Xylax designs the August Maneater studs and he does not take requests.
Do not post complete designs in this topic. It is meant for simple attribute requests only.
Do not request themed lionesses. Again, this topic is meant for attribute requests. I would rather see a request placed for a specific base to be released with one or two specific markings versus being asked to do a theme. The intent of weekly raffle lionesses is to release new bases, eyes, markings, etc., not to be themed to anything specific. If I do release a themed lioness, it is done at my own choice and is only meant to be a "benefit" in addition to the new attribute she is releasing.
To Do List
* Abyssinian with Smalti eyes, Bunting skin, and Goridhe, Noctis, and Spice markings (2023-10-07)
* Basalt with Draconid eyes and Cimmerian, Scoundrel, and Stratosphere markings (2023-12-23, 2024-06-07)
* Beet with Guava eyes, Ebony mane colour, Bandit Unders, Scoundrel Undersides, and Seal Crackle (2024-06-11)
* Black Rose (2024-05-10)
* Bushveld with Moss eyes, Fulvous markings (2024-07-12), and Briar and/or Lilac markings (2022-04-02)
* Celsian with Dawn eyes and Vitiligo markings (2024-06-11)
* Chartreux with Blue markings (2024-05-05)
* Cimmerian (2024-03-09) with Cinnabar markings (2024-05-06)
* Citrine with Intense Heat eyes (2023-08-06)
* Damu/Asali with Cimmerian and Ginger markings (2022-02-12)
* Desolate (2024-03-09)
* Dhahabi (2023-05-18)
* Dinar (2023-02-20)
* Ember with Fern eyes and Fiery, Red, Scoundrel, and Ukame markings (2024-07-21)
* Ennead (2024-02-14, 2024-02-21)
* Esker with Leonid Feline, Gem eyes, and Serruria mane colour (2024-05-03)
* Gilded with Fiery, Goridhe, Scoundrel, and Ukame markings (2024-05-10)
* Haze with Phase eyes and Noctis Burmese (2024-07-14)
* Hoarfrost (2024-01-21) with Pearl eyes and Stratosphere markings (2024-05-10)
* Honey with Rose Ebony eyes (2024-01-12)
* Lilac with Slot 10 Algae Margay and Hetero Saffron & Cucumber eyes (2024-03-02)
* Maroon with Stellar eyes (2023-10-17, 2024-04-16)
* Maziwa with Dawn eyes and Almond, Bone, Goridhe, and White markings (2023-12-10, 2024-03-14)
* Mistletoe with Albinoid eyes and Bandit, Briar, and Dawn markings (2024-06-11)
* Mudstone with Clay/Spice markings (2024-05-20)
* Noctis with Dawn Margay, pink/purple markings (2022-10-26, 2022-11-29)
* Nun with Tsavo Cimmerian mane, Maroon eyes, Ink skin, Stratosphere Vitiligo, and Blue/Cimmeran/White markings (2024-06-03 , 2024-06-06) or Royal/Savage mane, Stratosphere Feline, and Blue/Cimmerian/White markings (2024-06-07), or Ocean/Spacetime eyes (2024-07-14), or Jellyfish Ardeida/markings (2024-07-05)
* Ochre/Topaz/Xanthic with Chert, Copal, and Henna markings (2023-07-26)
* Ogdoad with Cinnabar and Scoundrel markings (2024-05-03)
* Orchid or Serruria with Gazania eyes (2024-01-11) and Bushveld markings (2024-02-23)
* Pearl with Chamotte eyes (2024-02-21)
* Pulsar (2024-07-21)
* Qahir (2023-10-21)
* Rose Gold with Cherry and Vitiligo markings (2024-01-09)
* Ruffian with Noctis Cloak and Noctis Limb Patch (2024-05-10)
* Serruria with Bushveld Siamese, Pistachio markings, and Guava eyes (2024-05-03) or Briar/Dawn/Stratosphere markings (2024-07-04)
* Slate with Slate eyes, Pariah Slate mane, and Black, Noctis, Seal, and Silver markings (2024-07-12)
* Soot (2024-03-15)
* Soul with Stellar eyes and Vitiligo markings (2023-10-19)
* Sphinx (2024-03-19)
* Squall with Dusk eyes and Scoundrel markings (2024-07-14)
* Styx (2023-06-22) with Cimmerian Burmese, Seal Panther, and Steele Pelage (2024-04-14)
* Sunspot with Goridhe markings and Citrine mane colour (2024-05-03)
* Temporal with Wistful eyes, Lilac skin (2024-07-14), and Seal markings (2023-06-22, 2024-06-07)
* Vagabond with Pearl eyes (2022-11-26, 2024-01-03)
* Wine with Stellar eyes (2023-10-17)
* Witch with Spacetime eyes and Echo skin (2024-07-12)
* Gazania (2024-01-11)
* Stellar (2023-10-15)
When a marking has been released in a requested slot, it will be removed from this list. You are welcome to request that a marking be re-released in a previously-requested slot if the marking ends up not spreading or landing on an inactive account.
* Feline 10 Dark Brown
* Feline 10 Gold
* Feline 10 Silky
* Lilac and Silver Felines
* Lower slot Feline 7s (2020-08-28)
* Lower slot Feline 9s, preferably Slot 1 through Slot 5 (2020-07-07)
* More Tangor markings (2024-04-20)
* Noctis-based raffle lioness with pink/purple markings, Dawn Margay (2022-10-26)
* Raffle lioness with Fulvous and Noctis markings (2022-01-05)
* Raffle lioness with Rose eyes and Vitiligo 4 (2021-03-24)
* Seal and Scoundrel markings paired together (2024-05-06)
Bushveld dorsal line - Any slot. The only one on site hasent been online in a few months.
Onyx dorsal line - Any slot.
F2 Noctis - Slot 10.
More indri marks.
Noctis panther - Any slot but 5.
Saffron Rogue - Any slot.
Ruffian Panther - S2
[ I just noticed alot of these marks arent very populated at all. ]
- Extra things id just like to see more PERSONALLY
Sunrise RL maybe with stellar eyes and red dorsal line?
More english spots !
Not sure where else this would go but ,, will we be getting new rl backgrounds/current rl backgrounds go to ge anytime soon perchance? It says on the wiki once each base has 11 ig they will get rotated out and each one is well over that and i'm just curious (and i really want to get my hands on that lake background)