Posted by "Chat track."

RockingChair (#132855)

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Posted on
2018-05-25 19:43:04
Few can agree that it can be way too easy to lose track of someone you're talking to in chat. Just a small suggestion to have the option to highlight a name of a commenter so it's easier to find. Only you would be able to see it though so the chat isn't all sorts of crazy colors. The colors would be subtle and you would be able to choose them. It would be cool to be able to choose the colors too!
This, or when you're in sales or RP and don't want to lose a specific comment that won't be there again, you should be able to pin it. But you only get to pin one comment at a time so things don't go crazy!

-Note!: You should be able to turn this setting on or off im your account settings :)

This suggestion has 17 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 25/05/18 @ 19:51:09 by RockingChair (#132855)

GalacticRing (#68231)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-05-25 19:44:21
I feel like this goes along nicely with being able to tag people in posts. Not the same thing, but certainly similar in concept and organization. I really like this. Support!

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Black Rhinoceros 2.0 (#69356)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-05-25 20:16:18

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Aja πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ‘Ώ (#131972)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-02 06:19:56
It would also be a good idea to have a little box below(?) The chat box, possibly with a show/hide thingy that lists the people you're tracking and lets you edit them- adding, removing, changing colors. That way if someone you tagged goes offline, you don't have to wait for them to come back or try to find them again to take the color off, and if you want to tag specific people for good- like if you picked a certain color for friends, perhaps- you could go ahead and add them to the list with their color without waiting for them to come into chat. It could also link you to their den, in the event that you lost the conversation in chat but want to continue in messages. I don't think we really need an on/off toggle, though? If you don't want to participate, you can simply leave all colors as they are. Of we could use one, for those that don't want the mod-name alterations I mention later.

Love the idea, though! This goes nicely with one I saw a while back about highlighting your own name in a certain color to make it easier to find your own posts. With this, they could add a spot in the box I mentioned to choose the color for your OWN name, just for you to see, and you can also make your side account that color or a different one!

Also- the color system we have now has admins, mods, etc. with their own colors, which is lovely, but can easily get lost in the sea of color. So, a suggestion to remedy this: change their font style. We could use bold- perhaps not as dark as Modbot, but that stands out well enough as it is with all caps and bolded text- or you could put them in italics, or make their names slightly bigger than the others to make them stand out. Plus, the paw they have will help spot them as well. I don't think they should have restricted colors because it'll severely limit your choices for other things- but perhaps we could choose those as well? Like, you want your friends to have green names, but you don't want to keep confusing them with the general helpers. Change the GH bubble to blue or something and there ya go! It could be set so they can't have the same color, or put so that they can, and a user can just have everyone be "Moderator Blue" or something in their chatbox.

I do understand that implementing this will be difficult, but we could start small and slowly add more to the system with every coding update. Start with adding the collapsible box and let us choose the color for our own name, or track/untrack people with a symbol of some sort, making their name in italics to catch your attention, or heck, just adding them to the box so you can easily link to their accounts for conversations without using all your bookmarks. Then add some colors to the tags: basic at first, things that aren't used by mods like blue, pink, orange, brown, maybe even yellow if it'll stand out well enough. Once the system to emphasize/change mod names is added, you can give us control of their colors as well- green, purple, and red (and anything I've missed). From there, slowly add in different shades to expand the options and mental list-making abilities.

Thank you! Sorry for the long post- I tend to ramble when I get ideas

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