Posted by W.I.P Wolf RP (Absolutely do not post on here)

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-05-27 10:07:40

forum is under construction and words will constantly be edited. Proof reading by a mod will be performed before the RP starts.

Example code:

We come in many, but none are the same. Wandering the vast valleys where things aren't always as they seem. Predators are still a threat, but remaining as one with ourselves had always kept us safe throughout the years. There are three tribes. Some say that we were separated for a reason, that they don’t understand each other… But, we once thrived as one.

Host Information
:: I will not always have time to continuously accept members throughout the day, but I will go in the forum and read / accept members on a daily basis. (This could be early in the morning, or late at night.)
:: Mods are allowed to accept members for the admin.
:: If I am away, I will let you know. Mods will take my place until return.
:: Mods are trusted users to me and help me maintain the role play.
:: I’m going to be investing a lot of time and money overtime into this role play. Donations of items / SB / GB are appreciated to help fund the art but aren’t necessary and won’t be asked for.

:: If you are going on vacation or wont have internet access, please let myself or a mod know.
:: Inactive players will be removed.(Players who haven't posted at least once a week. Continuous failure to post may result in banning of the user, from this thread.)
:: Owned / personal characters are preferred to be used. However if you use an online image. You must properly source the image.
:: Post a minimum of a two paragraph response.
:: No slang is permitted. Proper grammar, proper spelling.
:: Include a header in each of your posts.(Header must include name / pack / rank / species / M or F, this can be done in any style you want.)
:: Hate the character, not the user.
:: Gore and romance is allowed, but sexual activities and rape is not.
:: This RP is meant for mature audiences only. Hunting gore / occasional dominance fights may be descriptive.
:: Attempt to post at least once a day.
:: Read every post if possible.
:: If you are playing multiple characters, each character must have their own headers and own paragraphs.
:: God-modding is forbidden, and is absolutely unacceptable.
:: Large kills must be reasonable, and can't be done by your lonesome.
:: If you plan on having litters, and pups; you will have to PM me when the time comes.
:: Young wolves can not be pregnant. In order to be pregnant you must be at least two years of age.
:: Other species can be accepted besides wolves.

Power Policies
:: Powers can't be god modded.
:: To keep the RP a bit calmer, powers cannot take control of another character.
:: Powers cannot change the weather worldwide.
:: Powers must be simple / smallish.
:: You can have a few powers, but Jounist can deny them by right.
:: Wolves don't NEED to have powers. It is optional.
:: I was running out of ideas for the founding Chief powers, I would prefer you not to have any more than three abilities. Having wings, and horns is included as an ability.

Character Creation
:: Name ::
:: Rank ::
:: Nicknames ::
:: Gender ::
:: Age / Season born ::
:: Species ::
:: Power Ability ::
:: Personality ::
:: History ::
:: Alignment ::
:: Frame // Size ::
:: Sexuality ::
:: Mate ::
:: Miscellaneous ::

Chiefs (0/2)
The chiefs are in charge of leading the tribe. Their word, is law. There can be either one, or two chiefs per tribe. Scolding by them, is considered being shamed. To contain a chief position you must be an experienced role player, and provide your form with a fresh RP sample. Chiefs can be voted to step down by the whole tribe if they see that they aren't throne material. Voted out Chiefs can be forced to leave the tribe. (RP sample must not be a reused sample. There will be a given scenario to role-play, Jounist will PM you.)

Aide (0/1)
The Aide shadows the Chief and is second in command, like a Beta. There is typically only one Aide. They can enforce punishment upon wolves and make decisions for the welfare of the tribe without the Chiefs' consent if the situation is dire enough. Conflict can happen between the Chief and Aide. The Aide's might take over Chief position when they are busy or away. These are the most trusted wolves in the Chief's eyes. And, are chosen during the RP. If the chief is voted down, the Aide automatically looses rank and must become a lower rank. If the chief dies, the Aide can take their place, but can be voted down if seen unfit. (This position is not available for Character Creation grabs.)

Champion (0/3)
The Champion's are the protectors of the tribe, this is a lead position and these wolves not only have lot of experience but have proven themselves valuable. Both Champions and Pursuant's have the same goal. Champions are in charge of keeping the Pursuants alive considering they have more experience in hunting. They make the calls. These higher ranked wolves normally manage the hunting party. This rank is earned through the RP. (This rank has one available position per tribe at the start of the RP, but a fresh RP sample must be put in your character creation. This sample is of a small mammal hunt.)

Pursuant (0/6)
The Pursuant's try to make sure the tribe is fully fed at all times. Champions usually lead the hunting parties, and choose when they take place. Although in their absence, any Pursuant's can take charge. The Pursuant's main goal is to maintain the survival of the tribe. They hunt small, to medium game alone and join Champions for larger game hunts. They can be seen patrolling borders.

Tyke (No Limit)
The Tyke's are younger members of the tribe. They are protected and cherished at all times. These wolves are normally under two years, learning how to do things. They typically observe and follow after higher ranked wolves.

Introvert (No Limit)
The introvert's don't have a tribe and are usually found roaming either in search of a tribe to join, or avoiding them completely, they can cause trouble with the tribe's but it's not very much appreciated. If seen as a complete threat, wolf-fights can be caused with Introvert's.

The Terra tribe is known to be spiritual. The founding Chief had earthly abilities and could control small animals (rats, rabbits, squirrels) for a brief amount of time. He also knew minor healing magic. Terra wolves prefer to spend time in covered area's and are not comfortable with being out in the open. Wolves of this tribe possess all sorts of power variations, but are known to have more wolves with healing abilities. Terra wolves also retain information more than the other tribes, because they have expert observation.

The Kalla pack is known to be neutral. Throughout history, these wolves have learned how to survive drought and can live longer than other wolves if water is not available. These wolves are known to be more sneaky than other tribes. Their founding Chief was able to evaporate into thin air during battle, he was also able to project other individuals reflections in the water and could transport water to different locations. (He could get a few gallons of water into a sphere and allow the water to float to where he wanted it to go.)

The Api tribe is harsh. Wolves in this tribe are usually stubborn, and don't know any boundaries. They are open minded, and believe in hell. Wolves get lost in this tribe, and dominance is goal. The founding Chief of this tribe was not all that lovely. He was strict, and showed no mercy. The Chief preferred to run the tribe solo, and didn't even trust his own tribe, therefore he had no back hand Aide. For his ability, he was able to walk in fire without any marks, his teeth never chipped, and as he aged they sharpened. Lastly, his ribs had hairs needle sharp. He used them in battle to scrape eyes which worked with some competitive foes. The Api tribe has potential to improve in organization but the wolves in here are normally snappy.

Common Small Animal Prey
Rats, Mice, Squirrels, Rabbits, Birds, Lizards, etc

Common Medium Animal Prey

Common Large Animal Prey
Moose, Elk,

Common Aquatic Prey
Salmon, Crawdad, Minnow, Tad pool, etc.

Common Small Animal Predators
Venomous Snakes, Venomous Insects, etc.

Common Medium Animal Predators
Coyote, Fox, etc.

Common Large Animal Predators
Bear, Mountain Lion, Cougar, Panther, Lion(ess), Alligator, etc.

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Edited on 04/06/18 @ 21:55:42 by Jounist (#14257)

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-06-04 21:54:31
this post will be for RP scenery.

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Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-06-04 21:55:01
this post will be for member ranks / assigned characters.

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Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-06-04 22:12:08
First in progress character creation while waiting for coding and art to be done.

Character Creation
:: Name ::

:: Rank ::

:: Nicknames ::
June, Junie ( June - ee )

:: Gender ::
Feminine // Female

:: Age // Season born ::
Three years old, born in mid Spring.

:: Species ::
Canine // Himalayan Wolf

:: Power Ability ::
Jounist has no special abilities at this age, but as she progresses there might be a possibility that she can develop minor abilities. This is not likely, however it is still slightly possible.

:: Alignment ::

:: Personality ::
Nurturing // Open-Minded // Curious // Adventurous // (a sprinkle of) Bipolar // Stubborn // Shy // Jealous //(slightly) Dependent // (mostly) Independent // Easily Fascinated // Kind // Generous // (sometimes) Lazy

:: History ::

Her litter was born in the middle of the day. Even though she was blind and deaf she remembers it like it was just yesterday. The edge of her mother’s den, beaming with sunlight, striking her pelt with its rays. She remembered her mom picking her up, her body fitting entirely in her moms mouth. Jounist was born in a litter of three, though one had passed just days after birth. It left her mom with two daughters. Her father was a massive brute, a provider. The family hardly struggled.

:: Frame // Size ::

:: Sexuality ::

:: Mate ::
She has no mate.

:: Miscellaneous ::

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Edited on 05/06/18 @ 09:29:00 by Jounist (#14257)

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