Posted by -LOCKED - -ADDED TO THE GAME-Resolving the Wet Season month's absence

Blue Pigeon Side (#69012)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-06-01 10:24:26
Whilst I think everyone is happy that the June event has been changed from the Floods to this new Egyptian Mythological theme, we now lack a month dedicated to the wet season.
This in itself would not be troublesome except that:
A) August is dedicated to the droughts and so it is constantly in the dry season throughout the month. June was traditionally the counterpart month with it's wet season, however, this is no longer the case.
B) The Cloudburst combo base needs the Wet Season in order to be bred. If there is a month (August) where effectively no Cloudbursts can be bred then it should only be fair for there to be a month where Cloudbursts can be bred at any point.

I can see two ways to solve the issue:

Suggestion 1: Make December the new Wet Season Month.
The December event has never made too much sense and snow needs water to form, so it would work. This would mean that we would have both a dry season month and wet season month as we have had in the past.

Suggestion 2: Change the August month event.
This suggestion would completely revise the August month like what has been done with the June month - changing it's theme, shop and probably adding a storyline (maybe involving the Man Eater lions). This would mean that the drought would not happen and so the dry season and wet season cycle on as normal in the month. In other words the wet and dry seasons cycle would stay the same throughout the year.

Tell me if you would support an adjustment like these and which suggestion would you prefer?

This suggestion has 109 supports and 28 NO supports.

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Edited on 01/06/18 @ 13:11:41 by Blue Pigeon🐦 (Side) (#69012)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-06-29 13:03:30
Xylax has hinted at August having a revamp, on his Tumblr I think.

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Con (G2 Torn) (#146481)

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Posted on
2018-07-07 12:44:01
I'll support changing the August event so there's no drought.

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