Posted by [LF] Someone to help create a Warriors story line

Lousyfern [X2
Elysian|Noc Ros] (#95107)

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Posted on
2018-06-20 08:31:24
I'd like to start a Warrior cat RP, even though there's already a who bunch of 'em around XD I have a hard time just jumping into a RP that's already started. Idk I just feel awkward XD

Anyways, I was hoping there might be someone who would like to work on one with me. I'm hoping for a unique story line, and I'm not the best a coming up with interesting stories, so I'd definitely need some help with that.
I had a RP a while back and people seemed to enjoy it, but I had no idea where I was going with it. And then it kinda died while I lost internet.

So if you're interested, please let me know, and we can discuss things through PM! I am looking for someone who can speak decent English, write at least 3 sentences per reply so people have something to work with, and of course you have to have some knowledge of the Warriors universe.

Thank you for your time!! <3

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ArtsyAuthor [Sunset
Ferus] (#129839)

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Posted on
2018-06-20 08:42:09
I'm interested. :)

Here's some examples of what I've wrote before (mostly fanfiction):

I used to be really into the Warriors fandom, and I'd like to get back into it. Gotta start somewhere.

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Lousyfern [X2
Elysian|Noc Ros] (#95107)

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Posted on
2018-06-20 08:47:11
Love your writing! <3 I'm actually quite interested in Stop Hiding and will def be reading more of it when I find some free time!
I'm going out soon, but would it be alright if I PM you with some questions? I most likely won't be able to reply till I get back though xD

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ArtsyAuthor [Sunset
Ferus] (#129839)

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Posted on
2018-06-20 08:48:15
Aww thank you! :)
Yeah, that would be great.

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🌩️Wish🌩️ (#134425)

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Posted on
2018-06-20 09:16:15
I'm super interested! I love coming up with storylines and actually have one of my own:

A portion of a private RP, I tried to cut it down so I don't clutter the thread ^_^" (It's about someone escaping a hospital for demon hosts)

Gwen ran. Her legs and lungs burned in protest and her whole body ached. She had escaped two hours ago and she had been running for that long, to scared to stop despite the fact she didn't know where she was going. For periods at a time her vision would go blurry and spotted. She didn't know where she was or where she was going, and at that point she didn't care as long as she was away from the hospital. Just the thought of that place gave her a new boost of temporary energy, her limbs invigorated and her mind momentarily clear. She made it almost two and a half hours before she collapsed in a densely wooded area, falling onto the grass and laying down. Her chest heaved up and down, and when she placed a hand on her chest it was as if a hummingbird was trapped in her heart, making it beat at supersonic speeds. That was nothing out of the ordinary that morning, but it seemed a lot faster now that it was beating in her throat. She was caught between wanting to stay there forever and rest, or getting up and running another hour before she would black out. No one would know she was gone until the morning, so she still had another three or four hours, but they would have cars and weapons that she couldn't compete with. The thought of that spurred her to push on, pulling up with the help of a nearby tree and starting to walk farther into the woods.

If you want a more Warrior cats centered RP example I can also provide that.
I already have experience with plot making and I can handle tons of NPCs to keep the plot in line

Thank you for your consideration.

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Lousyfern [X2
Elysian|Noc Ros] (#95107)

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Posted on
2018-06-20 09:26:04

Thank you for the interest! <3
You're writing's beautiful, and if for some reason things don't work out with the plot me and ArtsyAuthor work on, or if I'd like to start another RP in the future, could I keep you in mind? c:

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🌩️Wish🌩️ (#134425)

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Posted on
2018-06-20 09:40:20
Of course, I'm always open to help!

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Aerosmith (#144435)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-06-20 14:51:31
I'm interested and I have created a WC story so I'm ganna copy & paste the first few paragraphs.

The grey scale tom parted his mouth, scenting a mouse. He scanned the green horizon and saw leaves rustle, a tiny black nose lifted from the cover of the small green leaves in the
shrubland. The shrubland provided a great source of prey from plump rodents to lots of small birds, even some bigs ones. It was at the base of the mountain.

Meanwhile the mountain provided a small source of small prey but many large birds would swoop down to kill their prey, so that the cats come home with a small rodent and a large bird. On the other side of the shrubland there was a little patch of forest in the territory. It provided small birds and lots of rodents and had thick undergrowth.

Then there was the small river. It was on the left of the mountain and shrubland going into the forest. On the other side was the swamp lands. There were many streams coming from the river. So in the camp where the cats slept, there is a underground stream that came to the surface in the corners of the dens. How perfect!

The tom parted his mouth again, letting the smells come into his mouth. He crouched down low and lifted his powerful hind legs ready to spring, taking paw steps forward light as air. Just then the black tiny nose disappeared from under the leaf, suddenly then the tom pounced. He landed directly on it killing quickly with a swift bite to its neck.

The tom padded through the bush, through the thorn barrier and brambles into the camp. He walked past the very comfortable elders tree, the huge warrior den, the overprotected nursery, the long apprentice den, the cozy leaders den, and a den for a medicine cat that looked like it came from a dream. He padded up to the fresh kill pile at the end of the camp and placed his 3 large voles, 4 plump mice, 1 giant rabbit, and a nice juicy thrush.

Just then a red-brown she-cat came tumbling from the nursery and crashed into the toms paws. “Sorry!” She squeaked. “Go back to the nursery Autumnkit-” the tom said. Then a brown and black and grey kit tumbled out of the nursery. “-you too Creekkit.” “ Yes Stormstar.” He replied looking up at his father. Stormstar nudged him in the direction of the nursery. A voice rang out from the nursery. “Creekkit!” “Coming” Creekkit waddled over to the nursery. Amusement glimmered in Stormstars eyes.

A dark ginger she-cat trotted over to Stormstar. “Greetings, Romanflame.” Stormstar said sitting on his haunches. “Greetings Stormstar.” Romanflame replied giving him a rough lick in between his ears. “How's my little brother doing?” She asked. “Fine and will you stop calling me that?” Stormstar chuckled. “Your only a few seconds older.” He rolled his eyes. She cuffed his ear. “The preys running nice!” She gazed at the fresh kill pile. “Hawk?” She asked him. “Sure!” He replied and she retrieved a warm and juicy Hawk from the pile and started to eat it with Stormstar.

“Anything new from the border patrol?” He asked. “Nope!” She replied. Her reply was muffled from the Hawk being shoved in her mouth. “Boulderclaw sounded a bit off today though..” She said more clearly. “Has she? She should see Lepordleaf. I've been so busy I didn't even realize.” He sighed. “Don’t feel bad!” She said trying to cheer him up.

“I think Creek, Jaguar, Autumn, Talon, and Timberkit need to be apprenticed.”

“Mouse-brain! I forgot! Tell Cinderstripe please!” He said frantically.

He hopped onto a high high rock overlooking the camp. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Rockhigh for a clan meeting” He yowled loudly. The queens nosed their kits out of the nursery so they could see the meeting. “Oh a meeting?” A bulky black tom questioned as he strolled by to sit down near the nursery with the queens and kits.

He sat down next to a beautiful ginger and brown she-cat, entwining his tail with hers. “Hey Shadowblaze.” She said purring. Meanwhile 1 black kit with grey and white stripes sat in between the tom and she-cat, loving the warmth. While the other 2 kits- both grey and white were pouncing on each other until they ran into a flame colored tom. He gave them both a playful, harmless cuff on the muzzle and the ginger-brown she-cat called the kits, and they came hurrying back. The toms pelt was flaming like fire in the sun where he sat. He snapped at at fly buzzing near his ragged ear, just by looking you could you’d end up with a missing paw if they were snapped by those jaws, wow!

A exhausted dark brown tom with very light brown stripes and very broad shoulders and a light brown paw sat near the front with 4 wild kits flying into each other and knocking down other cats. The flame colored tom came over to him. “Oh Rainwind. These guys look like a pawful.” He said. Rainwind sighed. “I haven’t slept for so long. Biscuitclaw is stuck in the Medicine den for another sunrise at least. Oh Firejaw, what do I do?” Asked Rainwind.

“Sleep. That’s what you do.” Firejaw replied calmly. “I can’t-” Rainwind started to protest but Firejaw cut him off with a flick of his tail to Rainwinds muzzle. “You can, get in the warriors den. I can tell you all about the meeting. You can have my nest. You know it’s one of the softest.-” Rainwind started to protest again but Firejaw silenced him with a flick of his tail to Rainwinds muzzle once more.

“-I can handle the kits. Don’t worry.” Firejaw finished. Rainwind stayed where he was for a moment, unsure if Firejaw could handle his kin. They were always off the wall. “Off you go.” Firejaw said nudging Rainwind in the direction of the warriors den. Rainwind gapped his jaw to say thank you but it was cut off by an enormous yawn. He blinked a thanks and walked drowsily to the warriors den for some much needed rest.

“Cats of Mountionclan!” Yowled Stormstar. "Creekkit, Autumnkit, Jaguarkit, Talonkit, and Timberkit, you have all reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day, until you receive your warrior name, you cats be known as Creekpaw, Autumnpaw, Jaguarpaw, Talonpaw, and Timberpaw. I ask StarClan to watch over you and guide you until you find in your paws the strength and courage of a warrior." Announced Stormstar. The newly named apprentices squeaked in surprise. Stormstar flicked his tail beckoning the apprentices forward.

"Dawnfire, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Liontuff, and you have shown yourself to be smart and agile. You will be the mentor of Creekpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Creekpaw." Dawnfire reached forward and touched noses with Creekpaw.

"Rockclever, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Shreddedleg and you have shown yourself to be fierce and brave. You will be the mentor of Autumnpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Autumnpaw.” Rockclever and Autumnpaw touched noses.

“Acornsting, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Cloudblossom who is no longer with us, and you have shown yourself to be swift and stealthy. You will be the mentor of Jaguarpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Jaguarpaw." Acornsting and Jaguarpaw touched noses, Jaguarpaw looked like he would burst from excitement.

"Whitefoot, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Muzzletuff, and you have shown yourself to be courageous and strong. You will be the mentor of Talonpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Talonpaw." Talonpaw the shortest of the apprentices, didn’t need Whitefoot to bend his head. They were eye level because of the raised rock Talonpaw was standing on. Talonpaw and Whitefoot touched noses delightfully.

"Crisptail, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Redstripe, and you have shown yourself to be efficient and loyal. You will be the mentor of Timberpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Timberpaw." They mentor and his apprentice touched noses.

Stormstar hopped down from high rock and the clan cheered: “Creekpaw! Autumnpaw! Jaguarpaw! Talonpaw! Timberpaw!” Stormstar padded a little ways away to join a black and brown calico she-cat. “I’m proud of our kits.” She said to Stormstar. “And I’m proud of you, Cinderstripe!” Stormstar said embarrassing Cinderstripe. “I don’t know him!” She called and padded away to join the others chanting the apprentices names. She looked back at him and laughed. “You gonna’ sit there all day?” Then she disappeared into the crowd of joyful cats. Stormstar swiped his tongue over his muzzle and joined Cinderstripe.
The older apprentices ran over to the newly named ones. “Come see the apprentice den!” A brown she-cat said. “Yeah! Come on!” Agreed a small black tom. They dashed off to a very long den, that was made of very strong sticks with huge leaves entwined with occasional large spots of hardened mud.

Romanflame stepped into the den. “Line up pesky kits!” The apprentices lined up outside the den, toppling over each-other. “Sme of you are new, you will go with your mentors soon but we have duties that need to be done here! Such as feeding the Elders, Queens, and Medicine cats. Changing the bedding in the Elders den and Nursery, then Lepordleaf needs more herbs.” She addressed. “Yes Romanflame!” The apprentices said.

She pointed her muzzle to a brown she-cat, a small black tom, a silver she-cat, a golden-grey tom, a beige she-cat, and Creekpaw. “You 6, Fernpaw, Sagepaw, Dimpaw, Elmpaw, Raptorpaw, and Creekpaw. Change out the bedding for the elders. You will be group 1.” There was a few moans from the apprentices. “Did I forget to say apprentices get first pick of fresh kill today?” Romanflame said. Excited squeals came from the apprentices.

She tapped 6 apprentices with her tail. A Orange and brown tom, a blue-grey tom, a orange and white she-cat, 2 white and grey she-cats, and a white and black tom. “Aspenpaw, Fiercepaw, Pouncepaw, Metoerpaw, Quakepaw, and Cometpaw. You guys can change out the bedding in the nursery and the elders den. You will be group 2.”

She beckoned a blue-grey tom and a black and grey tom. “You 2 will be with Jaguarpaw, Autumnpaw, Talonpaw, and Timberpaw.” “Aww. We have to be with these mouse-brained kits?” They moaned. “Silence! Maskpaw and Burnpaw, you will be checking the Elders pelts for ticks today!-” “That's unfair!” Protested Maskpaw “-Your attitude is not acceptable, especially not acceptable 20 or more times a day!” Romanflame snapped. “Yeah! And were not kits!” Squeaked Jaguarpaw. “You 6 will be group 3, you all can help Lepordleaf search for herbs, and I WILL be talking to her about how you guys did. She won’t let you get away with your tricks.” Romanflame said.

“Okay, please do your duties.” She said then looked around. Finally she padded away. “She's not always that prickly.” Said a silver she-cat named Dimpaw. “She is just under pressure, she lost her only kit a few sun rises ago. She’s trying her best to stay positive but, Maskpaw and Burnpaw have to ruin her mood like always. Nothing can heal her heart now” Dimpaw said looking down at her paws. “Oh. That must be terrible.” Breathed Creekpaw.

“I don’t see you doing your duties.” Said Firejaw as he strolled by, 4 kits on his heels. “I would not like to see Romanflame unhappy if I were you. Trust me guys, it’s life threatening.” He joked. The apprentices laughed at the joke and split into the groups then went to their selected locations.

Stormstar padded over to the medicine den. As he approached the den he heard coughing and wheezing. “May I come in?” He called. “Yes, you may.” Said a voice. So soft as a feather floating through a breeze. Stormstar pushed through the leaf flaps and saw a golden she-cat with odd black- almost leopard like -spots. “Hey Lepardleaf.” Stormstar greeted Lepardleaf. “Hey. Your here to see Boulderclaw?” Leopardleaf asked sitting on her haunches. “Yes. Is she okay?” Another wheeze came from the back of the den. “Yes I’m fine!” Croaked a voice, coming from the wheezing and coughing.

“Stormstar may I have a word with you. Alone?” Lepardleaf asked. “Sure.” Replied Stormstar. Both cats padded outside the den to a little sunny patch. “I think Boulderclaw has to retire.. It's a very hard decision but she's so old and weak. Her joints are terrible. She can no-longer fight for her clan. For Starclan sakes! She can’t even get a word out without hacking up a storm!” Lepardleaf rambled. “I think your right. This is a very tough decision, as you said-” Stormstar replied but was cut off by the apprentices scurrying into the camp. “Cats.” “More cats!” “A-attacked” “Help!” They were frozen with shock. “WHAT?!” Stormstar jumped to his feet full of outrage. Just then Firejaw sounded the battle yowl.

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