Posted by Crossing The Divide (Discord Animal RP)

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-10 18:03:53

Semi-literate to literate roleplay will be on Discord
For as long as any can remember, the Silversmith Valley Zoo has been the jewel of the valley. Although its size and lack of funding meant it didn't have many rare species, the animals that did call it home were quite proud of their place and defending it quite viciously against the pack of stray dogs that also call the valley home. Both groups have hunted, played, lived and died, all in the shadow of the Silversmith dam that gives the valley its name. Unbeknownst to the animals, humans have completely abandoned the valley and the dam they created and it has fallen into disrepair, the stone aging and weakening with age.

After a particularly bizarre winter with temperatures swinging day by day the dam cannot take it any longer and the entire structure crumbles, releasing a devastating torrent of water that devours everything in its path. Both the pack and the Zoo suffer losses during the flood and find themselves scattered across their territories, often with members of the other group. Now they must band together, or they will all perish.

About the Groups
Zoo: Situated in the flattest part of the valley, the zoo was built and subsequently abandoned by the humans and the animals were left to their own. With well designed enclosures and the help of wildlife straying beyond the fences, the predators that live here were able to survive.

The Pack: These dogs tend to be as rough as the land they have settled on. The rocky crags and steep foothills make them very muscular. However, it is said that their very hearts have been chilled, as they tend to be very aggressive. Due to their muscular nature, the pack is mostly made up of strong fighters. Unfortunately, the terrain also makes it so prey is a bit harder to find, so they are also some of the biggest bullies.

How to join
Post a roleplay sample here! It needs to be animal related, and if it's from a roleplay here on Lioden you must link to it so that I can make sure you're the author of the post.

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Party Cat (#116710)

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Posted on
2018-07-13 14:46:42
What sort of animals are allowed in this RP?

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💜Scouting for
Booty💜 (#89370)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-13 17:14:33
It was a bright sunny day, the perfect day to complain about the various birds that chirped in the ailurus' ears. White ears twitched before sweeping back to pin to her head. Perhaps some moss would make for wonderful ear plugs. Being nocturnal was quite the gift, no one was awake to bother her. But of course that meant her days were spent waking up to every little noise that echoed in her hollow. What kind of asshole makes a den that echoes? Humans, thats who. But where else were she to go? She had all of her food growing right here in her larger metal den. Plus she could leave whenever she wanted to, it was just a matter of deciding yes to. Plus catnip grew in a hidden off place, she had plenty of self control to know when to stop. She didn't have an addiction or anything. Deciding the morning birds were too much, she arose to her darkened paws and crawled out of her den. Down the crisscrossing branches that provided a path down to the water. Lapping gently she'd take a gentle seat, her long orange and red striped tail wrapped itself around the branch to steady her. Triangular ears flicked annoyed, why must everything be so loud. Thirst quenched, she turned, loosening her tail until it stuck straight out behind her. Every step balanced, her claws digging into the worn branch to keep her aloof. Back to her den she went, to sleep the day away and return to hunt the mice in the night. Beware you little beady eyed cretins.

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-13 18:56:16
Allowed Species
Grey Wolves (0/10)
Coyotes (0/10)
African Wild Dogs (0/10)
Dholes (0/10)
Dingoes (0/10)
Domestic Dogs (0/10)

Feline (All must be specifically applied for, and except for mountain lions must be male)
African Lions (0/2)
Bengal Tigers (0/2)
Siberian Tigers (1/1)
Jaguars (0/2)
Leopards (no snow leopards) (0/2)
Mountain Lions (0/3)

Eagles (any subspecies) (0/5)
Hawks (medium or large size) (0/5)
Falcon (medium or large size) (0/5)

Moose (0/5)
White-tailed Deer (0/5)
Elk (0/5)
Caribou (0/5)
Mustangs (0/5)
Ibex (and similar large sheep/goat species) (0/5)

Black Bears (0/5)
Brown Bears (smaller species only) (0/5)
Hyenas (0/10)

Large Crocodilians (0/3)
Burmese Pythons (0/3)
Reticulated Pythons (0/3)
Anacondas (green or yellow) (0/3)

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Party Cat (#116710)

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Posted on
2018-07-14 01:19:16
((Aight cool, thank ya! Sample is for a cat, but I would like to apply for a Green Anaconda in this rp!))

The stench of the young badger filled her nose, and she curled a lip up against her long teeth while she pondered the fate of the helpless creature hunkered down before her.
The wind howled, cold rain whipping up against her shoulders and ruffling through her soft brown fur, it's almost coppery sheen glistening in the low light of early dawn. The wetness clung to her with grasping claws, seeking to worm its way through wiry muscles but stopped by the hot battery acid of deepening adrenaline coursing through her blood.

Abruptly, the molly snapped her head forward, driving her abnormally length fangs down through the soft, yielding flesh of the young badger cub, silencing its fear with a savage and brief shake of her head. Metallic heat filled her mouth and dripped from her chin, the life of the small one drained from it in less than a second against the experienced warrior's murderous skill.

The cub dead, she arranged it carefully back into its nest, as though it might be sleeping. A sign of respect perhaps, or of apology... as a mother who had lost her own kits in a storm, she was acutely aware what sort of twisting, lingering pain she was inflicting on another animal.... but it had to be done.
Badgers devoured young and old cats alike. Badgers stole kits, wrecked nests, killed Apprentices.. a young one in their territory was a threat, plain and simple.

Kits did not stay kits forever.

(( Link to my forum post this is taken from ; ))

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💜Scouting for
Booty💜 (#89370)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-14 12:57:24
Would a red panda be allowed?

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-14 18:03:37
Unfortunately not. A red panda wouldn't be able to survive.

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2018-07-15 00:37:02
Would I be allowed to play as a Giant golden-crowned flying fox [bat], or any sort of bat? If not, could I claim a hawk or eagle slot?

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Jellyphants (#148929)

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Posted on
2018-07-15 04:40:07

saltwater crocodile

Kitambaa's rugged, torn hide body heaved as the monumental beast lowered herself into it's murky, trash-filled pitiful puddle that was once a pond. Her clear eyelids cloudily slid down as Kitambaa watched from the bottom of the brownish pool. Ibex- A good meal. As one of the large goat-like creatures dipped it's dainty head to drink, Kitambaa's head jerked up as she rolled with the ibex in her jaws. The rest of the herd scattered as she gulped down her meal. Good. Her eyes flickered to the broken, animal-mangled fence of what was once an enclosure, and gave a satisfied nod. In this violent, primal world, she would live to see another day.

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💜Scouting for
Booty💜 (#89370)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-15 09:09:55
I would like to put my audition in for a Jaguar please :)

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-15 13:29:14
Scout and Jellyphants, you're not quite at the level of literacy I'm looking for with this roleplay! Sorry!

Wub, a bat character would be at a disadvantage to climbing predators. If you're ok with that risk, we'll allow it provided your sample is at the level we're looking for!

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💜Scouting for
Booty💜 (#89370)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-15 13:57:51
I can do plenty more! You didn’t put any minimums so I just did a quick thing since I don’t have any other roleplay posts here

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Jellyphants (#148929)

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Posted on
2018-07-15 13:59:03
^ What he/she said- If you gave an example of the sort of rp you expect I could try.

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-15 14:11:11
Ok, I'll give you guys a prompt in the form of a rp post and have you respond to it!

The days of being trapped behind fences and barriers were long gone, and he was thriving in this new reality. Long stained canines gleamed in the low light as the male yawned widely before scanning his gaze over the remains of the zoo below him. The raging waters from the river had torn through enclosure after enclosure, removing fences and walls and opening the entire valley to the animals that had been left here. Many of them had immediately fled, disappearing into the trees and fields, but he'd elected to stay here for now. Those who hadn't left had been given two choices; bow to him and his group of cats or die. Getting to his paws with a rumbling growl, the tiger dropped into a deep stretch before he leaped from his perch atop a bathroom and cast a look around. Hunger had pushed him from his sun spot, and he intended to take care of it.

Lifting his lip, he drew the air across his scent glands and chuffed happily as the scent of the nearby elk reached him. Blood rode the scent and his eyes narrowed with deadly intent as he began to stalk towards it, powerful muscles rippling beneath his striped pelt. He hadn't gone more than ten feet when he stopped and turned, his attention diverted by movement. The vague shape of a large reptile registered to his mind a moment before it vanished beneath the murky waters of what was left of the pond and he tilted his head slightly. Had someone else remained behind as well?

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💜Scouting for
Booty💜 (#89370)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-15 20:51:54
*sob* Had a lovely post to reply with and the site logged me out when I went to post. I shall have a proper reply up tomorrow!

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2018-07-16 13:02:25
I would actually like to change my character to a domestic dog, if that's alright!

Dawn was just stretching over the horizon, the golden sun barely clawing on top of distant mountains to cast the valley in it's glorious light. Walking within the plentiful shadows the quiet newborn morning provided, the white Pharaoh hound walked with a relaxed gait, though his ears were anything but relaxed, twitching to rustling bushes and crunching grass in hopes of catching a potentially empty-minded article of prey. However food was scarce, difficult to hunt, or nothing but scraps, so hoping that it would simply run into his paws was a foolish thought. However hope was all that really drove some to continue onward, even within those who bared their fangs.

The search truly began when he left the steep hills and onto the even steeper cliffs. Being lost in your thoughts in such dangerous terrain was a death wish, and sometimes it wasn't the fall that killed you. Even just thinking of the unintentional descent down these pillars had his stomach turning. Leaping from his current position, his front paws landed on a narrow path, the edges of his ledge crumbling and tumbling down, the pebbles crunching and echoing as they landed on the ground below. He couldn't help but watch, bright amber eyes narrowing once the tiny rocks disappeared from sight. He would not meet the same fate.

A collection of pebbles fell onto his head, causing him to look upward and meet the eyes of a terrified lamb following behind its mother. His nostrils flared and he began to make his way towards them, the sound of rushing hooves telling him that this would be a long hunt.

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