Posted by Crossing The Divide (Discord Animal RP)

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-10 18:03:53

Semi-literate to literate roleplay will be on Discord
For as long as any can remember, the Silversmith Valley Zoo has been the jewel of the valley. Although its size and lack of funding meant it didn't have many rare species, the animals that did call it home were quite proud of their place and defending it quite viciously against the pack of stray dogs that also call the valley home. Both groups have hunted, played, lived and died, all in the shadow of the Silversmith dam that gives the valley its name. Unbeknownst to the animals, humans have completely abandoned the valley and the dam they created and it has fallen into disrepair, the stone aging and weakening with age.

After a particularly bizarre winter with temperatures swinging day by day the dam cannot take it any longer and the entire structure crumbles, releasing a devastating torrent of water that devours everything in its path. Both the pack and the Zoo suffer losses during the flood and find themselves scattered across their territories, often with members of the other group. Now they must band together, or they will all perish.

About the Groups
Zoo: Situated in the flattest part of the valley, the zoo was built and subsequently abandoned by the humans and the animals were left to their own. With well designed enclosures and the help of wildlife straying beyond the fences, the predators that live here were able to survive.

The Pack: These dogs tend to be as rough as the land they have settled on. The rocky crags and steep foothills make them very muscular. However, it is said that their very hearts have been chilled, as they tend to be very aggressive. Due to their muscular nature, the pack is mostly made up of strong fighters. Unfortunately, the terrain also makes it so prey is a bit harder to find, so they are also some of the biggest bullies.

How to join
Post a roleplay sample here! It needs to be animal related, and if it's from a roleplay here on Lioden you must link to it so that I can make sure you're the author of the post.

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Jellyphants (#148929)

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Posted on
2018-07-16 13:29:32

Her attention was drawn to this strange new creature as her transparent eyelids blinked in bemusement. In all her 37 years of living, the crocodile had never seen something like this before. Kitambaa emerged from the water warily, making sure to keep her distance. In her small, primal brain, something clicked- the animal was like a lion, lions from long ago before her capture. Her jaws swung open to cool herself off as she kept her eyes on the striped lion creature. Noticing it was hunting elk and assuming it wouldn't attempt to fight her, Kitambaa continued guzzling her impala, occasionally pausing to snap at the bluebottles that wanted to share her meal.

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Koda (#148934)

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Posted on
2018-07-24 23:36:48
Hi I wanted to apply for a Burmese Python~

The 14 foot,6 year old, caramel colored female, Burmese Python slithered through a bald cypress curling around a knee that stuck out of the water near the edge waiting for something to come and take a drink from the murky pond.

As a small raccoon came for a drink she slid off the knee into the water closing in on the raccoon, she blended into the water getting close enough to lunge without it noticing.She lunged out of the water, she sunk her fangs into the fore leg of the raccoon swinging her body around to constrict the animal, she wrapped around its chest constricting and killing the prey item, she then consumed the item.

She returned to her small nest under a bald cypress.

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Edited on 25/07/18 @ 09:53:43 by Koda (#148934)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2018-07-25 15:59:42
Hello. I would like to apply for a Gray wolf position. The sample is from a horse roleplay I was in.
Lips were working on tearing away grass, as the fire red roan had begun her grazing. Ears were on alert listening for any sounds of the metal contraptions return. So far the air was filled with a sense of calm. But it began to grow quiet, perhaps a little too quiet. Usually that quiet wouldn't bother the fae, but something seemed off.

Her cause for wariness was confirmed as Ravens booming voice echoed over the meadow. RUN! No hesitation was given. Hawk and Raven survived out here this long by listening to each other..and now was no different. Muscles would ripple as they were sent into motion. It was times like this were Hawk would forget that pushing herself would only cause further damage to her lame leg, as every fiber of her said she needed to stay next to her sibling.

The calls of her fellow species would cause her to slow her pace, Elsie had moved in to help a mare who had injured herself. Probably from trying to get away. It was in her nature to help, but the thought of being captured stopped her from providing assistance. However watching the action would stall her escape, as she did not wish to leave Elsie behind. "Elsie!!! " A calmed panic would set within her voice, but to the humans it would just sound as a loud bellowing call in the direction of the spotted mare.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-07-26 21:48:06

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Edited on 09/08/18 @ 21:47:05 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Ely | Cocytus [G1
Wine] (#106865)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-26 22:29:32
Could I possibly be a red fox/red fox subspecies?

[Location: Old Church, Time: Before Midnight, Species: Red Fox, Northern Plains subspecies]
Dark paws trotted across the fallen beam. It would not be good for him to be caught out here, especially by the wolves or coyotes. The young male had come out to find berries, and scavenge for leftover scraps. Not a decent meal by any standards, but after the humans left, one did what was necessary to survive. Gold fur gleamed in the moonlight as he passed a broken window, standing out vividly against the dark shadowy remains of a church. He had heard from his mother that mice could be found in churches, and what the church would smell like. The old vixen was right, it does smell like old leather and paper in here. The floor creaked, and Adavel froze before slinking into the shadows. No mouse could make the floors creak, especially if he couldn't. There was someone bigger in the church, and that was not good, to say the least. The broken window let in the light of the full moon, but whoever was in the church with him was remaining in the shadows. Straining his hearing, he could just barely catch the footfall, the softest click of claws against the wood, making their way to his rather poor hiding spot. Adavel shuffled further under the old pew. Please, please, be a coyote and not a wolf. Please, old vixen, watch over me and have mercy.

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