-LOCKED - Coding Update: UI tweaks, Bday freshness and more!
Posted on 2018-07-20 14:38:13

Coding Update!

We have tweaked the Firefly bar numbers and made notes for next year. For now, enjoy Tier 2 of the shop!

This Sunday, we'll add a new Event Beetle to the Firefly Shop - stay tuned!


Hoard Organisation
The Hoard page has had a convenience update with regards to burying and digging up. The main Hoard page listing which items you own now shows a checkbox next to each item. There is also a checkbox at the top and bottom of the page to "Check All Items", accompanied by a button at the top and bottom to "Bury Checked Items" or "Dig Up Checked Items".

This is also applied to item types, so if you use the "Food" or "Amusement" subheaders in your Hoard, it will allow you to check all items in that specific category and then bury/dig them all at once without affecting any other types of item.

This should hopefully make organising your Hoard a little bit easier.



Minor Updates and Fluff
* Better navigation has been added to the Beetles and Mounds pages in order to make it easier to access the training and battle areas for your beetles.
* The table-top link to Unsorted Lions no longer leads to the cave creation page.
* Cubs that haven't been checked by the Falcon's Eye will now display "Not Checked" with a link to the Falcon's Eye, rather than "None" in the Mutation section of the lion's page.
Note: Checking your cubs via the Falcon's Eye is not required for them to be mutated. The Falcon's Eye exists only to see if you happen to have a hidden adult mutation on any of your cubs before they age up to adults. This update only adds in a direct link to the Falcon's Eye purely for convenience - it does not affect the direct mutation status of a lion.
* Studding information will no longer display to members you have blocked, or who have blocked you.
* You can now discard all of your expiring food in one button click (from the "Expiring" tab in your Hoard). The items will be sent straight to the Giving Tree for other members to claim.
* Custom Decors can now be filtered to only display decors that are currently for sale.
* We have changed how much replenishing hunts costs. The first 10 per lioness per day still only cost 10 SB each, but after this threshold each additional hunt will cost 30 SB.
* A new Neutral Karma title, "Mysterious", has been added.
* You can now see who a private trade has been created for if you are the trade creator.
* Crescent Moon (Blade mane applicator) has been added to the Gorilla Enclave, for the cost of 50 MT.

Thank you for all your suggestions!


New Birthday Gifts!
We have decided it is time to refresh birthday gifts. There's been plenty of cycles where all the cute aardwolf and hyena cubs were spawned into the game as a symbolic gift from Lioden. We'll be replacing the theme with Little Rascals - mutated lion cubs, based on all current mutations we have! We have given them more common coat colours as to what you can find among Lioden's prides.

Note that this starts once the news is posted - sorry to everyone who had a birthday recently! This is a new cycle, so log in next year to get the gift.

As a little something extra, from now on, along with one of the eight possible decors, you will receive an Energy Boost. Happy birthday, everyone!

For those of you that were fond of the aardwolf and hyena cub decors, rest assured that they will appear again on Lioden in the future.



New Items in Monkey Business!
You can now find two new cool items in Monkey Business!

opalsaltlick.png Opal Saltlick - Given to one parent, the next litter will inherit that parent's eye colour.
rocksalt.png Rock Salt - Given to one parent, the next litter will inherit that parent's skin colour.

Note that it would be redundant to give each parent an Opal Saltlick or Rock Salt for the next immediate breeding - however, if for some reason you do, it will prioritise the male first.


File Updates!
We have updated 1858 files for mutations.
The following Leopon stages have been caught up: Teen Male, Teen Female, Cub Young. Hopefully Leopon Newborn Cub stage will be caught up around Sunday, and the whole mutation will be considered up to date!

Here's a mutation file status page if you want to visit it from time to time to make sure why some mutations show broken pictures. Hopefully not for long!

Bug Fixes
* When searching for custom decors, the extra pages should no longer reset the filter.


Raffle Lioness

Congrats Tropical Paradise (#32998)! You have won the last raffle lady!
New lady with Steele Rogue and Lake Malawi BG is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Crossroads or in NEWS section under News Post List!

Tags will hold off on updates until we sort a pesky issue :O Hold tight, hopefully soon!

Polls and Dev Notes
Thanks for your votes! Looks like you all are interested mostly in karma-related encounters that are more zone-specific! This has been noted. Don't worry though - there will be updates for everything in appropriate amounts! We'll just add some extra "oomph" to the area of your interest.

LINK - New poll! Green Bases? What are your thoughts? By the way, we count "No" and "Green is not a creative colour" as a "No" together, it's just a funnier way to say "No".)
Note: This poll is just to gather your opinions. This isn't deciding if we *do* add any Green bases!


Next update: Art content update! Decors for minigames, Gorilla Enclave, crafting, etc.!

Friday goofy doodle comic:


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Edited on 20/07/18 @ 15:48:27 by Katze (#3)

pyxis (#148250)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-20 17:39:14
Nine months until my birthday... T.T

Oml look at that tiny cyclops in the corner... It's so cute I almost hugged the screen.

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Sultry Sunset (#148213)

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Posted on
2018-07-20 17:42:40
The little Cyclopia lion in the comic has me dead as hell!

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daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-07-20 17:56:43

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Kit in a Box
~⚙️~ (#61637)

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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:02:42
"Rock Salt - Given to one parent, the next litter will inherit that parent's skin colour." I literally just gave up on a project that was going to use Peach skin. Not the reason I gave up on it but still.

Will come in handy later on I'm sure. Also, those new decors are great. Can't wait 'til next year, hoping for the poly. xD

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crosschop (#126475)

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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:02:46
Great update!!!

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Julia*grace* (#127710)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:06:18
Awsome. So cute!!!!

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Karr (#70572)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:07:13
Nice man!

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Julia*grace* (#127710)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:08:25
cant wait for tigons!!!!!

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Africa (#9670)

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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:14:34
Well, shit. My birthday was just last week

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Mych (#115303)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:23:28
Ugh my birthday was in June so now I have to wait till next year to get a cute cubbin and an energy boost TTATT people who's birthdays haven't happened yet are lucky ;3;

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SilverBlades (#11493)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:26:09
I don't suppose we could trade in our aardwolf or hyena decor if our birthday was today...could we?

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Shadow (#145244)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:36:52

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Nymph [ G2 Ice 2
Rosette ] (#83940)

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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:51:16
Look at those cubs!

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Api (#139974)

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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:52:32
I had no idea we got gifts on our birthdays

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Bella-Rose (#82809)

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Posted on
2018-07-20 18:54:00
i been wanting something like the check boxes for making burying things easier for a long time so YAY!!!

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