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Posted by | Kingdom Come {Discord Dog RP} |
![]() Transkitty (#101285) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-22 06:42:27 |
The sickness came seven months ago. A deadly flu that was a troublesome factor for all doctors worldwide, it was a strange oncoming of a disease, and most of the world was infected with it. They came to the realization that it was an extensive (and fatal) form of radiation sickness. Within a few weeks the world’s population had decreased by 4.3 billion, and it kept on going down... fast. Soon there was nothing that could be done, no medication, nothing just the sweet release from this life. Two weeks ago the last humans died, now the world was left abandoned, cold, and alone.... Well, mostly. ![]() Edited on 22/07/18 @ 06:46:37 by Transkitty (#101285) |
Phoenix || G1 Hibiscus (#89256) ![]() Nice Guy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-22 11:02:54 |
A sharp gasp escaped the small figure's jaws as he landed face first into the concrete. He shook his head as he stood up, growling at the growing sensation of blood trickling down his face. He had to stop being so clumsy. He shook dust off his pelt with a quick shake and cocked his head as he took in his new surroundings. This was an area he hadn't explored before. He trotted swiftly on, turning his head every so often in a stage of constant alertness. He huffed and looked down as a thorn caught into his paw. He plucked it out quickly with his teeth, getting annoyed even further than he was before. What was up with him today? A sudden rustle against some brush caught his attention and he quickly crouched down, feet carefully moving across the terrain in silence. He flicked his ears every which way to get angles of where the sound was coming from. A sudden squeak and a rat scurried out. The canine wiggled his haunches before springing to life, quickly catching the rodent and ending it's life with a bite. He picked up his prize triumphantly, padding off to go enjoy his snack. I apologize for it's length. I typically type much better on discord. ![]() Edited on 22/07/18 @ 11:05:35 by .:Sobek:. [WCU] (#89256) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-22 17:22:44 |
From Bitter Horizons. ![]() Edited on 26/07/18 @ 21:45:45 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Ben (Gilded Piebald) (#16958)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-24 17:31:43 |
From a discord rp A week ago, if asked what he disliked most about living in this new place, he would have said it was the ever increasing cold. Of course he had known winter before, but back home the cold season was comparatively mild, with snow never deeper than an inch or two. If what whispers he heard proved to be true, this place could soon be covered in the freezing substance. Just thinking about it make him shiver on top of his bed of trash. But now there seemed to be an even worse threat. The pets stood closer to their humans, the ferals didn’t want to wander so far, even the pack seemed tense. Wolves. Bigger, meaner savages. His grandmother used to tell him stories about wolves eating dogs alive, antagonizing prey for hours, ripping pups and warriors alike to shreds. She’d told him he was lucky the beasts were all gone. She was wrong, he had no luck. Benji yawned, shaking the dirt off his short coat as he stood. Enough moping, he needed to eat. Keeping to the outskirts of town, he made his way to an old abandoned barn. The humans hadn’t cleaned out the straw or hay, and it became a breeding ground for rats. The sleek dog stopped a small distance from the barn, listening to see if anyone had gotten there before him. ![]() |
🌩️Wish🌩️ (#134425)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-24 18:50:32 |
🌩️Wish🌩️ (#134425)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-24 18:50:33 |
Tapo crouched in the grass, his breath shallow in his chest and his ears perked up. His amber eyes were wide, staring unwavering at the figure in front of him. His paws flexed on the ground and he took another sweeping step forward. The figure stirred, head turning. He bared his teeth in frustration and crouched farther, his muscles tensing in preparation for him to pounce. He took the leap, his claws hitting the chest of the large bird before his teeth sank into it's neck. It let out a sharp squawk before he killed it. He let go after a few moments, the kill dropping to the ground as he looked around him for any sign of other life. But there was none, the other birds of the flock had been scared away by his kill. He carried the bird to his den, leaving a small trail of blood drops and feathers. When he got there he stored it in the corner of the cavernous den and flopped down onto his nest of soft grasses. He sighed and looked out of the den, It had begun to rain, thick sheets of drops falling in the strong winds. Though it entered the den a little, his nest was set back far enough in the den that he would stay dry. It was another hour until Tapo was awakened by a soft voice. "Tapo?." Something was nudging his side so he turned over to face whoever it was. Regio stared down at the golden jackal with blue eyes so light they almost glowed in the dark. Though it wasn't night the rain darkened the earth, "I'm back. But go back to sleep." ![]() |
Crownteeth (#39277)
![]() Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-26 22:28:29 |
Excerpt written by me as an example Paws crunched with each downward press against the snow, shadow rippling against the white landscape as the canine moved swiftly over plains. The mountains of the Faelin Pass stood towering in the distance, home of the beast, a place that once solely existed to allow those in the valley to get supplies from outside sources, but now...now it was a massive crag of death and decay. Dogs and humans went in and never came out, dying at the claws of the man eating great bears that now lived there. Each step brought him closer to the opening, each step bringing him nearer to the place where he nearly lost his life. The lean figure's fur stood on end as a breeze rushed past, a bulky black and brown eskimo dog leaving him in a wake of snow melt and wind. Kavik, a brave hunter and a good village leader, which could only mean one thing. He got Loui and Sweets to join them, maybe even Aspen or his own cowardly brother, Kiro. Kou let his tail curl up and wag, ears perking up as he took off after the bigger dog in a spray of snow. They couldn't win a real fight, no, they all knew that, but maybe just maybe they could get out of the valley and get help. Find those outside of this area to help them finally bring down the Beast of Faelin Pass. They couldn't win no but what they could do was survive. ![]() |
☣⚜Skazzle☬Skit tz☣{WCU} (#83026) Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-07-29 16:30:44 |
Frédérique watched with perked ears as the newly made beta brutally murdered and decapitated an elder. The large female padded over to a safe distance, licking her chops in anticipation. Hunger clawed at her belly, and she longed for raw flesh. She had only ate a few scraps of the other deceased elder and a small rat from a few days go. She was desperate. Frédérique waited impatiently as the alpha ate, her tail thumping against the ground. Then Hathor ate. The male was quite large and she wouldn't want to get on his bad side. She eyed a black and white female, who's had her gaze locked on the severed cranium of the elder. She wasn't interested. Too much bone, y'know, the skull? Even if the brain could be quite tastey, she was aiming for something like a thigh, less boney and plentiful of flesh. That would be a challenge. But she could have a few nips at some of the other mutts so they would keep their filthy jaws off. When the tan brute abandoned it, she dove in, a little later than the other dogs. She barrelled some dog away from the thigh, a loud snarl releasing from her maw. She bit down on the thigh and jerked her head totry to rip off the limb. She wanted the whole limb. Not just a piece. She felt a force pushing her away and with a loud snarl she let go of the thigh, ooking at the bastard that tried to push her off balance. With a very fast jerk of the head, she sunk her teeth into the dogs nose. The canine let out a yelp, nipping at her cheek, drawing blood. Frédérique shot out her paw and caught the mutt in the eye, and swiftly went to sink her teeth into the thigh once more. This time, she tugged powerfully,and with a tear the thigh came free. With a small wag of her tail she turned and galloped away. A brown furred dog cut in her way and took a grip of her prize. Fumed, she used both of her paws to shove the mongrel away. She released her share and lunged towards the mongrel with jaws agape, fangs dripping with saliva. She clamped her jaws on the side of its ear and jerked her head ruthlessly. She was NOT losing this limb. The other dog struck her forehead, its nail digging into her skin. Ignoring the blood dripping down to her muzzle, she barrelled the mongrel over with her body and galloped away once more, pleased by the fact that the other mongrel wandered off with the side of its neck stained with blood. She found a safe place to sit and was happily eating some good ol' dog thigh. Cannibilism is great. She used her front paws and dew claws to hold the thigh until there was nothing left but bone. Her belly was full now, and she had nothing else to do. She decided to watch the pack for a bit. Frédérique quickly noticed how her alpha, Darius, was easing his way towards the semi long furred female looking for any scraps to eat. She seemed completley oblivious to how the black and tan brute was snooping his way closer. He even pretended like he wasn't even walking over to her by looking away or sniffing the air. Curiousity sparked in Frédérique's eyes and she watched with her large cranium tilted. What did the apha want from the graceful she-dog? ![]() |
sincerelystars (#150878)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-22 13:41:39 |
A scenario based on my apocalyptic dog roleplay also on Discord. I thought it was fitting. Amadahy had never seen chaos quite like this before, her merle coat ruffling in the strong wind as she ran through a deselate Forest that's canopy allowed no light to filter through its thick leaves rendering her nearly blind to obsticals in her path. She relied on her sense of smell for navigation and struggled to keep time with her movements, fear was driving her wild. The sound of hounds barking and growling behind her, to them she was a stray in the radiation riddled world, simply easy prey. Though to her she was a strong leader to a pack she'd led the group of hounds away from, she lived for her pack just as she'd die for her pack if she had too. She showed her fear though, death was not someone simply gave in to easily and she didn't plan to go without a fight but for now all she could do was run as fast as her sore paws could take her but she wasn't a young dog, nearing her eleventh year of life so soon her joints began to lock and she tripped. Skidding across the branches of the regrowing world, watching as the shadowy dogs grew closer. Giving in to her fate, she'd die for her pack after all. ![]() Edited on 22/08/18 @ 13:43:55 by sincerelystars (#150878) |
Rappadapa (#105921)
![]() Evil View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-22 14:42:33 |
A post from a discord 1x1 of mine from May The air was cool and crisp, and a soft gust of wind tugged at the leaves above as the soft thudding of paws made the only noise for several lengths. It was quiet, too quiet. A soft flutter of birds broke the canopy above with the beat of their wings, failing to grab the attention of the traveler as worried golden eyes peeked out from lowered brows. Ever since her leaving, the canine had begun to feel lost, hopelessly, lost. Past her own territory, every thing looked the same. She couldn't tell one tree from another. The trees looked the same, the sky looked the same, and even the moss on the bark looked the same. Trees of all shapes stretched as far as she could see in every direction, yet she had no clue where she was anymore. It was as if she had been walking in circles for the past hour. With another glance around the wolf halted, completely and utterly lost in this strange world. She almost felt claustrophobic, in a way. "Shit," she hissed under her breath, black claws flexing into the ground. It was useless. Ears snapping backwards for a moment as the female eyed the indistinguishable landscape, the female tried to think of what she could do to regain her bearings. 'Why don't you bring a scout with you? He'll help you navigate the forest,' Her father had exhorted, tilting his head to an experienced scout whose brown pelt hung handsomely over his muscular frame. He'd worn a charming smile, ready to be of service to the dame, but she had only rolled her eyes. She could do this on her own, she'd said, but now she wished more than ever to have the brute at her side. He'd been outside the territory more times than anyone could count, going on missions and crusades for the pack. He would know what to do. Grumbling, the black-masked matron turned to her right. A stout hill sat nearby, one she had neglected in her panicked searching. Maybe she could get a nice view of the area from there. Ears perking the female loped for the summit, scrambling to the top. ![]() |
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