Posted by Closed

Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-22 16:34:41

Weclome! ^-^

This will be a my reusable thread for each event and gem buying. Please note that gem price offerings will change with the according each month.

1200 = 1

Striked Out Text = Still Open to Negotiations but No Longer High Priority

Italics = Highest Priority

Buying Nesting Materials/Abandoned Nests
50 Each OR 24 of Either for 1

- Bulk Preferred -

Buying Gems
100 Each OR 12 of Any Gem for 1
- Bloodstone
- Kunzite
- Natural Glass
- Murex Shells

50 Each OR 24 of Any Gem for 1
- Celestite
- Rough Ruby
- Labradorite
- Carnelian
- Cat's Eye
- Howlite
- Star Ruby
- Tanzanite

30 Each OR 40 of Any Gem for 1
- Moonstone
- Rough Opal
- Meteorite
- Phantom Quartz
- Prismatic Scale
- Space Rock

20 Each OR 60 of Any Gem for 1
- Any gem not listed above
- No Shiny "color" Stones

Buying: Herbs, Underbrush, & Etc

Bulk Preferred

50 Each OR 24 of Any for 1
- Underbrush
- Locust Wing
- Uvuma-Omhlope

30 Each OR 30 of Any for 1
- Dream Root
- Iboga Root
- Uzara
- Ubhubhubhu
- Stripped Cacti
- Imphepho

Seeking November Event Items

Event Backgrounds

5 Each -- Must be Full Uses

- None -


Shaman Shop Items (Buying Items)

Tier One

- None -

Tier Two

- None -

Tier Three

- None -

Set Up A Private Trade With: 86672

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 19:37:58 by Sicarian (#86672)

Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-18 20:45:23
@SheepyLovesYou - *Grabby Hands* I want all of it :3

157 Underbrush + 27 Uvuma-Omhlope = 11.5 GB
36 Murex Shells - 3 GB

I'm running low on SB at the moment so I'll round the total up to 15 GB even. You can send a trade and split the total between the two. ^-^

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TJ (He/They)
🏳️‍🌈 (#199719)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-18 22:14:28
I have

8 Natural Glass
7 Uvuma-Omhlope
39 Stripped Cacti
1 Uzara
3 Celestite
26 rough rubies
2 howlite
5 Star Rubies
1 tanzanite
6 moonstone
4 meteorite

Which I have calculated to be 4775SB or 3GB and 1175SB

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Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-18 23:08:48
@TJ - I'm logging out to head to sleep, but if you want to set up a trade now you may. I'll take everything for 3GB & 600 SB.

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Darkling0322 (#344051)

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Posted on
2022-10-24 14:37:20
Are you still buying

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RedPaintedWolves (#189505)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-10-24 19:44:03
Hello! I have

38 Bloodstone (3,800 SB)
95 Celestite (4,750 SB)
30 Cat’s Eye (1,500 SB)
40 Howlite (2,000 SB)
44 Tanzanite (2,200 SB)
46 Star Ruby (2,300 SB)

3 Prismatic Scale (90 SB)
180 Stripped Cacti (5,400)

(fingers crossed I mathed right lmao)

If you're interested in any of it :D

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Edited on 25/10/22 @ 16:01:49 by RedPaintedWolves (#189505)

Xiao Huli (#7742)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-24 20:18:51
Gems, Glass, and Shells I have if interested:

Amethyst x2
Bloodmoon x1
Carnelian x4
Cat's Eye x3
Celestite x3
Dioptase x11
Fire Opal x5
Garnet x10
Hematite x7
Howlite x1
Jasper x3
Kunzite x8
Labradorite x5
Meteorite x3
Moonstone x5
Moss Agate x3
Nuummite x3
Peridot x4
Rhodonite x12
Rough Ruby x16
Sparkling Opal x4
Star Ruby x9
Tanzanite x10
Murex Shells x12
Natural Glass x9


Dream Root x8
Buchu x2
Catnip x12
Iboga Root x98
Honey Bush x1
Marula Fruit x27
Nut Grass x1
Ubhubhubhu x1
Uvuma-Omhlope x4
Uzara x1

Fossils if you collect:

Cracked Fossil x14
Crumbled Fossil x4
Ammonite Fossil x1
Ancient Fossil x3

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Alex [G1 1k Murk
pie] (#154578)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-10-24 22:05:16
Hiya! I have 45 Uvuma-Omhlope.

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Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-10-25 14:46:34
Sorry folks - Kinda went through a funk and need time away from the computer before Winter sets in here. This was also a lot of math and I got winded.

@Darkling0322 - I am still buying


@RedPainted Wolves - Yup that's the right math! I do prefer GB trades over SB. You can send these trades:

1. 95 Celestite + 3 Prismatic Scale = 4 GB & 40 SB
2. 40 Howlite + 44 Tanzanite = 3 GB & 800 SB
3. 46 Star Ruby + 54 Stripped Cacti = 3 GB & 320 SB
4. 38 Bloodstone + 30 Cat's Eye + 26 Stripped Cacti = 5 GB & 80 SB
5. 100 Stripped Cacti = 2 GB & 600 SB


@Xiao Huli -

20 SB Each - 2 Amethyst, 4 Carnelian, 11 Dioptase, 5 Fire Opal, 10 Garnet,
7 Hematite, 3 Jasper, 5 Labradorite, 3 Moss Agate, 3 Nuummite, 4 Peridot, 12 Rhodonite, 4 Sparkling Opal (73 Gems in Total)
= 1 GB + 260 SB

30 SB Each - 3 Meteorite, 5 Moonstone (8 Gems in Total)
= 400 SB

50 SB Each - 3 Cat's Eye, 3 Celestite, 16 Rough Ruby, 9 Star Ruby, 10 Tanzanite (41 Gems in Total)
= 1 GB + 850 SB

100 SB Each - 1 Bloodstone, 8 Kunzite, 12 Murex Shells, 9 Natural Glass (30 Items in Total)
= 2 GB & 600 SB

75 SB Each - 4 Uvuma-Omhlope (4 Herbs in Total)
= 300 SB

30 SB Each - 8 Dream Root, 98 Iboga Root, 1 Ubhubhubhu, 1 Uzara (108 Herbs in Total)
= 2 GB + 840 SB

20 SB Each (Since I don't desperately need them) - 2 Buchu, 12 Catnip, 1 Honey Bush, 27 Marula Fruit, 1 Nut Grass (43 Herbs in Total)
= 860 SB

Fossils - 50 SB Each
22 Fossils total = 1 GB

Feel free to combine groups for trades. just remember I value 1 GB = 1200 SB.


@Alex - I'll pay 3 GB for all 45 Uvuma-Omhlope.

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RedPaintedWolves (#189505)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-10-25 15:47:53
I’m not trying to be a pain, I swear, but is GB the only option? With them going for 960~ SB atm, I was hoping to do the trade for SB :,)

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Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-10-25 15:55:20
@RedPaintedWolves - unfortunately, for me, yes. I convert all my SB into GB when I can. So it'd be very hard for me to convert it back within a reasonable time. with the SB I currently have I can only afford the 40 Howlite.

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Caelen|G1 Shadow
Bush 25/25BO (#257273)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-26 10:56:13
Hello! If you’re still buying, I have

97x Underbrush
96x Uvuma-Omhlope
94x Locust Wing
18x Imphepho
51x Cat’s Eye
26x Tanzanite
61x Iboga Root
94x Uzara
12x Ubhubhubhu
41x Dream Root
8x Kunzite
4x Rough Ruby
3x Rough Opal
5x Star Ruby
1x Howlite
1x Labradorite

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Edited on 26/10/22 @ 11:01:02 by JJ (#257273)

Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-26 12:42:33
@JJ - I'm especially interested in the Underbrush. I can put up the full amount in a private trade for offer only and you can transfer the items over or you can send trades like this:

1.] 97x Underbrush - Total: 6 GB & 75 SB

2.] 96x Uvuma-Omhlope - Total: 6 GB

3.] 94x Locust Wing - Total: 6 GB (Rounded up from 5 GB & 1050 SB)

4.] 94x Uzara (2 GB & 510 SB) + 8x Kunzite (800 SB) = Total: 3 GB & 110 SB

5.] 41x Dream Root (1 GB & 30 SB) + 26x Tanzanite (1 GB & 100 SB) + 12x Ubhubhubhu (360 SB) + 18x Imphepho (540 SB) = Total: 3 GB (Rounded up from 2 GB & 1030 SB)

6.] 51x Cat’s Eye - Total: 2 GB & 150 SB

7.] 61x Iboga Root (2 GB & 30 S) + 4x Rough Ruby (200 SB) + 3x Rough Opal (90 SB) + 5x Star Ruby (250 SB) + 1x Howlite (50 SB) + 1x Labradorite (50 SB) = Total: 2 GB & 670 SB

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Edited on 26/10/22 @ 12:42:54 by Sicarian (#86672)

Caelen|G1 Shadow
Bush 25/25BO (#257273)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-26 12:46:48
I’ll set up the trades now!

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Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-10-26 12:48:07

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Caelen|G1 Shadow
Bush 25/25BO (#257273)

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Posted on
2022-10-26 12:56:54
With the 100 limit, I’ll transfer the rest!

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