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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 06:08:31

This post will contain all the information you need to know when roleplaying with me!

About me:

Hello! I'm Snufkin, it's nice to meet you! I have a considerable amount of experience in writing, and I'd like to meet some people who share an interest in roleplaying! I would call myself a semi-literate roleplayer, and I churn out at least a paragraph or two per response, as long as you give me a reply I can build on.

Pairings I will do:
-MxF, Currently got a lot of those
-FxF, Currently off the table

Species I will RP:
-Feral animals
-Anthropomorphic animals
-Lioden lions
-Fantasy creatures e.g Dragons
-If you'd like to recommend anything else, feel free!

RP Ideas:
-Siren x Sailor
-Demon x Summoner
-Royalty x Commoner
-Killer x Victim (Dark Theme)
-Police x Killer (Dark Theme)
-Stray animal x Pet
-Predator x Prey (Potential Dark Theme)
-God x Human
-Vampire x Priest
-Ghost x Haunted
-Android x Human
-Superhero x Supervillan

What I refuse to RP:
-Canon characters (Possible Exceptions)

-You must be at least semi-literate.
-Decent grammar, enough that I can understand your replies.
-Do not roleplay using '*', it's a personal preference of mine.
-Roleplays shall take place on Lioden or Discord only.


<*b>Discord or Lioden:<*/b>



<*b>Roleplay Idea: (Plot-wise, what are you looking for? You can choose from the list, or propose your own idea!)

<*b>Example of your average response:<*/b> (Whilst I appreciate the long examples, I'd prefer you show me what you write on average.)

<*b>Trigger(s):<*/b> (Please include if you are okay with gore, as I am keen to describe it! If it's something that makes you uncomfortable, I'll avoid it, but I advise that you do not pick the 'dark themes'.)

Copy the form, and fill it out! Don't forget to remove the '*'!

I cannot pick everyone, because I'd like to dedicate my time to a select few! I'll PM you if your form piques my interest!

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Edited on 28/12/18 @ 08:39:05 by Scroogekin (#93594)

Sword Art Online (#149469)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 09:34:19
I'll do a MxF rp with you. Maybe God/Human. Do you do romance rp?

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 09:51:03
I do, however, please fill out the form that I've provided!

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Sword Art Online (#149469)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 10:03:59
Discord or Lioden: Discord
Pairing: MxF
Species: God/Human.

There you go! ; )

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Darker Morning (#126688)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-07-30 11:35:44
Discord or Lioden:
I prefer Discord, but am ok with Lioden too!
M x M is what I am most comfortable with.
Human please!
Roleplay Idea:
Well, from your list, I like Royal x Commoner, but I have a few ideas myself, including..Forced Royal Wedding(for peace purposes), Movie Star x Movie Star(publicity), and Dancer x other athlete(Other athlete's coach makes them sign up for dance to be more agile on the playing field)

Example of your average response:
(This is from one of my other roleplays :))
Dinner at Bryant's house was always filled with humor, laughter coming in from all directions. Today, his sister, Drew, was showing the family her broccoli throws, proceeding to throw the green vegetable in Bryant's direction. She missed, terribly, and hit the cat seated by Bryant's chair, but that was unimportant. Bryant rather liked Drew, as much as a brother could like his sister, that is. They had similar senses of humor, and hated most of the same things(spiders and other people snoring were the main two). Oh, and another big thing, they were both adopted. Neither talked about their life before, and neither minded, keeping their minds in the present and the future.
"Hah!" Bryant yelled across the table," Missed!"
The sibling's parents did little to stop the teasing, just sending Bryant a quick look. In reality, Bryant's adoptive parents didn't really believe in lectures, finding that positive reinforcement worked much better for their unique family.
Dinner continued on,and soon, Bryant was free to do whatever he pleased. The only member to not live in the bad neighborhood, the teen had to run about a mile to get to their meeting space, an old abandoned alley near an old shabby liquor store. The street lights were just beginning to turn on, and that also probably meant Bryant should get going.
"I'm heading out!" He called loudly, to no-one in particular, but his mother responded anyways, giving the teen the same warning he always got.
"Be careful!"

I am fine with gore, although not excessive gore. My only trigger is sexual assault, and while you can mention it in back story, I do not feel comfortable writing it out.

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 11:57:15
Hoping this goes better than the last RP search thread I posted to. Anywho, I shall post the required form now.

<*b>Discord or Lioden:<*/b> Discord preferably. The majority of my ideas I can't do on Lioden.

<*b>Pairing:<*/b> MxM mostly. I can tolerate MxF, but it's not at the top of my pairing list.

Species: Human preferably, I'm not too comfortable doing same sex pairings with animals. But I'm also craving a prehistoric creature RP as shown by my RP example.

Roleplay Idea: (Plot-wise, what are you looking for? You can choose from the list, or propose your own idea!) Unfortunately most of the ideas listed I'm not all that interested in, but that's just me. If anything maybe royalty x commoner, but that is a huge maybe. I tend to stick to ideas that I'm comfortable with or know pretty well. I have two ideas that didn't get too far for various reasons. I had a survival RP, but I'm starting to not do that one because of one part of it I didn't want to give up.

Example of your average response: (Whilst I appreciate the long examples, I'd prefer you show me what you write on average.) Mara turned her head, moving her flippers forward to help move her forward. She could see some blood in the distance, and another figure not too far away from where she was. Maybe she could get some craps of whatever was killed? Or she could still try her luck at getting an unlucky pterosaur, small dinosaur or even a shark that would be attracted to the blood. She wasn't too picky, she was just hungry. (From a currently dead Dino RP on Discord.)

Trigger(s): I'm good with gore, I've RPd some with my main male OC, only due to injuries and such. I haven't done anything too heavy in awhile since I haven't RPd my one fandom in over a year now (and that one is very dark), but I can easily put it to OC settings. There are a few things I'm not comfortable with, but I don't really mind some things. I will not do anything that is considered harsh or hateful toward my characters, or having them treated badly in any way. It's hard for me to understand that it's just the character hating mine, I always think it's directed toward me and I wonder what the heck I did wrong.

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Cam (#151099)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-07-30 13:46:05
Discord or Lioden: Discord is where I'm most active, Lioden would be difficult considering I'd have to use my computer- whilst I can use my phone and computer with discord.

Pairing: MxM mostly, I'm more motivated to do mxm- and my roleplay would probably have better quality.

Species: Humans are probably my best shot, my first roleplaying experience was with felines- but I enjoy humanoids much more.

Roleplay Idea: I'm totally down with anything, I feel bad when I'm the one making all the choices- so we could discuss this!

Example of your average response:
I didn’t do it.
The large metal doors slid open with a click, and the shape of two guards could be made out from across the yard.
It’s not my fault.
A younger male soon came into view, sandwiched between the taller prison workers- his head bowed in shame, or was that exhaustion?
Im not supposed to be here.
He was young, it wasn’t crazy to assume he hadn’t even graduated college yet. Too young almost- for his mother still considered him some school boy, the look on her face when she learned her precious boy’s fate was enough to shatter him- though he had already been ruined, that was for sure.
Ruined by him.
The very thought of him made Lucien’s blood boil, he put him here and he ruined his life.
The two guards sat him in a metal chair before briskly exchanging a few words. Within moments they were gone- off to go torment some other inmate.
He showed no signs of even processing where he was, his once intense gaze now dulled and empty. Lucien wasn’t himself, no one here was.
Tightening his grip on the metal armrests, his breath caught in his throat.
Lucien had made rules for himself, he had to- they were the only thing keeping him sane, if he even was anymore.
He wouldn’t eat, he wouldn’t speak unless spoken to, he wouldn’t fight, he wouldn’t make himself known.
After all- he was different. Him being here was one big mix up. Lucien wasn’t mad, he didn’t do anything.
No, no.
He was framed.
This was all I could really find, I'm in a few rp servers and decided to copy and paste something. I have done longer roleplays- which I could show you on discord because I am quite proud of them. They take a while to read, which is why I didn't use it here.

Trigger(s): I'm fine with anything, really. Gore included. If something in particular makes me uncomfortable I will totally tell you, I just cant come up with anything right now that I'd dislike.

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Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2018-07-30 19:17:17
Discord or Lioden:
Discord is preferred.

Any pairing is fine with me

Humans and animals. Mostly any canine and domesticated felines.

Roleplay Idea:
I don't have any so I'll choose my favorites out of your list.
-Siren x Sailor (perhaps this? im not very well educated on sirens or the history behind them)
-Killer x Victim (this would be very interesting!)
-Stray animal x Pet
-Predator x Prey

Example of your average response:
[This was an intro to a 1x1]
As his body was thrust onto the hard ground, a grunt escaped his mouth and many more were yet to come. The cage Andre was in was uncomfortable to stay overnight in, but that would be the least of his worries for the next few days. The hunter, Vladimir as he formally introduced himself, has already explained the rules for the new “game” of his. As he was getting himself up, a knife was plunged into the dirt beside him. Opening his mouth to speak a piece of his mind, a small backpack thumped him square in the face.

“Alright, you have a three hours head start. As a present from me, you get a knife and enough food and water for one day. The rest is up to you to find. But be warned. I am a skilled hunter.” Vladimir concluded his short review of the rules and fired a gunshot. That was DeAndre’s signal to start running.

He shifted into his wolf form and snatched the knife and bag in his muzzle. He ran. Andre ran as fast he as could ever be. He knew this hunter knew this forest inside out. His hounds probably knew his scent, and for once in his life, Andre felt terror and uselessness. He didn’t know what to do but sprint; he hasn't felt the need to run from his problems in a prolonged time. After keeping his pace for about half an hour, the canine dropped onto the ground and shifted back into his human shift. His blue eyes scanned the area before taking a small rest break. He had to find some mud or water to cover his scent.

[above is from 6/21]

[Below is two replies from the a different 1x1]
He felt the presence of eyes watching him. Turning to the source, Andre’s eyes locked onto Shay’s and made his way to her as she was doing to him. Anger seethed through him, mainly due to her previous comments beforehand, and his pace quickened. Finally, he made it to her and grabbed her wrist. He couldn’t afford to make a scene with witnesses around and Andre figured Shay should know that too. And if she actually wanted to look at “her new grounds”, she can look at them in a secluded area. Completely ditching his friends, he let go of Shay’s hand as they were in a mostly empty corridor, a person leaving or entering a class here and there. He turned to the other wolf and stared her down. “Alright, listen here. You think you will ruin my pack. And I will not let you. This is our home, we established it, we earned it. And to let some family just waltzed in here will not stop us from tearing you apart.” He hissed out with venom. As much as he hates a lot of things, he loved his pack. Andre would serve them with loyalty and trust until the day he dies.
His eyes widened as the words “daughter” and “alpha” replayed in his mind like a broken record. So what if she was? Well, that so what can be a huge difference. Andre was but the son of two betas, but this was their territory after all. His body twisted to his right, knees bent, back arched forward, as his hands flew to his face in anguish. Fury soared through his being and he glared at the other female, his hand curled tightly into a fist and then echoes of slammed metal suddenly against resonated down the empty hallway; deep breaths filled the air.
Andre looked up as the pain of his strike against the locker reached him. Sure to bruise by the end of the day, his arm slid away from the lockers and fell limp against his side. Hiding his slight pain, he yelled.
“Do I care? No: You’re not alpha here, and you shall never be. This city is my home, and I heard about your little infection that wiped out your pack. I do not want that happening to mine. I have served my pack for as long as I could: I have every damn right to tell you what to do.” Filled with rage, he couldn’t remember the last time he yelled like this. An agitated huff escaped his mouth, and he started to walk off to where he knew an exit would be. ‘What am I going to do?’ He screamed to himself; He had to talk a walk. But the boy had to do something first: His body turned to Shay.
“Look, you probably feel bad about your pack being wiped out or…whatever. I would feel the same if that happened to mine. And I will not let that happen.” His stance rigid, and blue orbs stared at the smaller form.

[Above are rather old, since 6/14]

Trigger(s): I'm fine with gore. I love describing it! I'm just not fine with any sexual acts such as actually roleplaying the act :')

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Posted on
2018-08-01 00:28:39
Discord or Lioden: Discord

Pairing: MxF

Species: Humans/Humanoids

Roleplay Idea: I would be interested in a sort of ghost x haunted idea, as I do have a concept for a glaistig girl I want to put to use.

Example of your average response:
As the sun's gilded fingers caressed the blue horizon, Serscie began to stir from underneath her haven of covers. The comfort of her bed was almost enough to lull her back into a state of repose. However, she was unable to drift back into slumber. Her eyelids fluttered into consciousness, viridescent optics taking in the sight of the honey-etched cerulean skies. For a few moments, she lay there, gazing in reverence at the beauty she was able to witness. From their loft in such a towering building, it was almost as if she would be able to lace her fingers through the clouds. Serscie longed to step into the billow of cloud and ascend into the heavens of the skies above.
Rising from her sleeping area with a yawn, she stretched, attempting to rouse her muscles. An early riser, she had awoken at the untimely hour of 4 AM, and for no particular reason at that. It just seemed like a much more practical time, she surmised. After all, waking up early leaves more time in the day to take part in leisurely activities. However, she supposed she should find an occupation sometime soon. Her part of the rent needed to be paid.
Exiting her room, she was greeted by the sight of the living room, delightfully unoccupied. Gingersnap had yet to emerge as she was the only one up at such an ungodly time. Moving to the kitchen, Serscie set up some coffee for her roommate. He did pay for a good amount of the rent, she reckoned that he deserved compensation of some sort. Leaving the caffeinated drink to brew, she departed in order to head to the bathroom.
(More examples can be provided.)

Trigger(s): I do not have any particular triggers, and am alright with gore!

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Husk (#37594)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-04 14:19:48
Discord or Lioden:


Animals or Humans, although I'm up for shifters of any kind as well. Right now, I'm feeling humans or shifters more than just animals.

Roleplay Idea:
I have a whole list of ideas I can share but from your list I liked:
-Police x Killer (Dark Theme)
-Ghost x Haunted
-Android x Human
-Demon x Summoner
-God x Human
-Vampire x Priest
-Predator x Prey (Potential Dark Theme)
-Stray animal x Pet

Example of your average response: Sandchapel.
Quaint, if not for the stirring of tension beginning to brew, cracking sharp like a whip on hide, igniting the air with both trepidation and scorn alike.
Although, in admittance, he expected as such, ought it been different, he would be questioning his sobriety.
In the center of it all, a man, wearied, marred with scars that each wove tales of their own, adjusted himself upon a stout and particularly flighty, dappled horse.

Attempting to assuage the mare's stress, Williams ran calloused fingers through the wispy strands of her mane, proceeding through the town, averting hostile gazes all the while. However tentative the town's folk might be, he knew his visitation was to their benefit. For he held information pertinent to the Marshal's efforts against the nefarious Roaming Water's gang and yet, Williams had to deliberate whether the Marshal would heed him regardless.
Would his ego's hunger crave the satiation to be a step ahead of the gang above all other's dissuade the natural aversion lawmen have to criminals like him?
We shall see, was the glaring answer to that internal inquiry.

Although despite being veiled beneath a stoic demeanor, there lay wrath so profound it enwrapped and haunted his waking thoughts, etching away at the center of his stability.
Thirst for retribution fueled his ideologies, his motives; Roaming Water, who he once pledged loyalty to, trod past an unspoken line, spilled blood, made things personal.
Now, she would reap the seeds of contempt she had sown.
Moreover, he would be a herald of ruination until her gang flickered out like dying flames.

Meanwhile, as Williams became spellbound by the intensity of his memories and aspirations, suddenly someone yanked away the reigns in his clutches, inciting the young mare beneath him to rear, bucking, so he almost came plunging towards the ground.
Scanning for his aggressor, Williams eyed a lanky man, greased hair cascading to his shoulders and a toothpick suspended from his lips.
Furthermore, he bore an expression of utter distaste, glowering and beaming with contempt.
Sneering, the fellow twisted the reigns around his wrist.

"Don't reckon you belong here, don't even rightly reckon you're wanted here."
With the jeer, the man hovered a hand over his holster. A glaring affront, indeed. While Williams anticipated hostility, he knew not that it would accumulate and seethe in the body of the man before him so much that he would dance with danger.
"You 'ought to take your leave, mister."

Keeping still, Williams combatted an inclination to wrap fingers around his pistol, to find comfort in the familiarity of its cold, ivory grip.
One must handle this with grace regardless of any potential peril, he reiterated to himself. Otherwise, he would lose both his quarry and chance alike.
If he were fortuitous, this conversation would not end with a spree of bullets, yet, with a granted entrance and guidance to the Marshal.
"Keep to your own business, partner, 'bout to change some tides when it comes to Roaming Water and her band o' bastards."
Taut in tone, Williams stroked his horse's neck, willing her to ease up, and swept his eyes across the full visage of the town.
"I suggest bringing me to your lawmen, you see, I've got debts to settle and not much time nor patience. It'll help ease that troubled mind 'o yours if I'm with your men o' law, I reckon. Then I can take care of mine, and you yours."

Stay on those toes of yours, Roaming Water. All your days, your hours, your very minutes are numbered; so long as I grace this Earth, I'll chase you to the ends of it.

Trigger(s): I've no notable triggers and am fine with gore.

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Edited on 04/08/18 @ 15:52:12 by Husk (#37594)

Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2018-08-04 16:14:57
Discord or Lioden:
I prefer discord, but either is fine for me. Replies on LioDen might just be a little slow.

MxM, I'm more comfortable and experienced with it.

Anything human/humanoid, or animals, but I prefer either canines or felines, or any small animal such as a bunny, mouse, ferret, etc.

Roleplay Idea:
From the list, maybe stray animal x pet? I'm personally not too keen on dark themes, so. Otherwise, I have a few ideas that I'd be up to discuss. However, romance is kinda my forté with roleplays, if that's okay. And I usually tend to prefer a school setting, or something related to that on the side.

Example of your average response:
[This was taken from a cat roleplay I did earlier this year, I didn't have anything more recent, unfortunately. My average tends to be a paragraph (5 sentences), but I can type up to 2 paragraphs, maybe 3 if I'm feeling up to it.]
The young snow leopard was curled up in the den as he slept, somewhat awake, when he heard a certain feline's voice mentioning his name, and he opened his eyes, lifting up his head slightly, looking towards Yuki lazily. His ears perked slightly at the mention of snow, and he frowned immediately, ignoring the younger's offer to go look as he laid his head back down and closed his eyes, falling asleep once again. However, Jungkook was unable to sleep much longer, and eventually opened his eyes back up, uncurling and rising to his paws, before stretching out for a second, yawning softly. Shaking his head a little as if to rid of his sleepiness, he passed out of the apprentice den, looking around to see it had indeed snowed, and he glared at the ice covering the land. After a moment, he looked up and around camp, an unfamiliar scent hitting his nose and he looked over towards the entrance of camp, seeing an unknown cat, who was pregnant by the looks of it. Glancing around, he slowly approached the female, visibly alert as he came to a stop before the feline. "Excuse me, are you lost?" He questioned in a gentle voice, not wanting to startle the pregnant cat, tilting his head to the side.

As stated before, I'm not too keen on dark themes, like extreme gore for the most part. I will not roleplay out any sort of abuse or assault, but I don't mind if it is more of a background thing. Also, not much of a trigger, but I prefer not to roleplay out sexual themes with animals, otherwise I'm completely fine with it.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-08-04 19:09:07

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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 17:18:34 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

🐸🍃 (#59520)

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Posted on
2018-12-23 19:41:56

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Edited on 15/04/22 @ 21:32:15 by MysticDoodle (#59520)

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