Posted by [Aug] Reduce Karma Difference

🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-08-05 16:10:43
So, I'm one of those players who does care about where my king's karma is at.

This August, we can open and close the Preserver and Destroyer shop as we want on a personal level, rather than as a community.
However, the event encounters that give you Good points also give you good karma; likewise, Evil points-encounters give you evil karma. This poses a problem for players like me, who want to keep their karma one way or the other. We're never gonna get to open the other shop if we want to preserve our king's karma! And people who choose to stay neutral may never open a shop without sacrificing their neutrality.

TLDR: The karma difference should be removed from -- or, at least reduced in -- the equation. Good karma-kings won't have to sacrifice the karma if they want to open the Destroyers shop; evil kings won't have to sacrifice their karma to open the Preservers. People who want to stay neutral can do so while still having a shop open.

Why are you 'No Support'-ing? I want to understand. Explain your reasoning.

This suggestion has 93 supports and 49 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/09/18 @ 13:47:49 by Asher (#123346)

Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-08-13 21:27:57
I didn't mean SB GB trades I meant trading one shops decors for decors from the other shop.

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Gutsy (#3097)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 22:51:02
No support - I kind of feel like it ruins the community vibe. In my experience, people are more than willing to trade items from one shop for items from the opposite shop, or you can just buy the items you need from other players. Or, just have an opposite karma king on your side account and open the shop there.

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{DHS}Seria - |Primal
Lilac 4K| (#10183)

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Posted on
2018-08-13 22:53:51
I don't support due to what other's have already mentioned.

I have two accounts anyway, 1 Evil, 1 Good. This solves all problems... Lol.

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Ezgati~Crazy Panther
Lady~🐆 (#28391)

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Posted on
2018-08-15 10:30:56
Sorry, no support.
I also have a good karma king, but I think I can open the Destroyers shop without ruining my karma. If are the information on wiki correct, there is in certain encounters possibility to gain evil points and not loose karma. And vice versa. All one need to do is look at the wiki page ===>>> here

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Msasi (#21461)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-15 14:24:04
I think this is a good idea, given that the way this event functions has changed. In the past, it was fine, because the community at large was working towards the shops together, so if you reeeeally didn't want to mess up your karma, you could focus on whatever aligned with your king and usually still get access to the opposite shop when the community opened it.

With the way the event works now, with everyone working on the shops themselves, I think it would be fair to have the karma hits be lessened.

Or, maybe there could be an item available in Monkey Business (maybe only during August, maybe year round?) that could be called, like, a Mirror Stone or something. It could work in the same way something like Catnip does: it's active for a specific period of time upon use, and while it's active, any karma you receive from an encounter is reversed into the opposite karma. So, for example, if you're a good lion trying to open the evil shop and having to do encounters that give evil karma, you'd do the encounter with the evil option and it'd tell you you got 3 evil points and-3 karma, but because you have the item active, it actually gives you 3 evil points and +3 karma, thus allowing you to work towards opening the evil shop for your account but not having to worry too much about tanking your karma. It would keep the karma aspect of the event alive, but give people who care about their king's karma a way to open the opposite shop for themselves.

... Maybe that's too complicated, I dunno. xD Just an idea!

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Shozurei (#49512)

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Posted on
2018-08-16 19:37:30
Full support. Every year it takes forever to get the Event Studs because people aren't killing humans very quickly. This is because people don't want to damage their good karma. I know for a fact that this happens due to a person saying that they want the Studs open but aren't killing any humans themselves because of the karma penalties. This is not fair for the people who are trying very hard to open that bar.

Yes, decor can be traded. But the other bars offer things that CAN'T be traded! Removing the karma penalties for this event would help even things out.

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-17 17:58:21
Does this count as added now? They reduced the bar, so we jumped from 48%(?) to 75%.

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Demiurge (#112980)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-18 07:52:27
Support. Honestly the whole karma thing is broken/skewed to favor evil lions to begin with.

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lovelykitten (#146244)

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Posted on
2018-08-18 07:57:25
i mean i have a evil lion on one account but i wanted this queen to be neutral but i'm getting a bunch of good karma. yea there is the fact people can have two accounts but not everyone wants to do the good and evil thing. people saying no support are totally cutting out neutral.

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Solaeia [11M
Piebald!] (#113684)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-08-26 10:48:08
Side accounts are a thing..? Plus, Karma's always been a factor in other event encounters, why wouldn't it be in this?

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Edited on 26/08/18 @ 10:48:18 by ☀️Solaeia [Special Pie]☀ (#113684)

Zeru (#18062)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-08-26 10:57:05
Support. I would also like to mention that I felt like it was way easier to gain bad karma than good - the bad-karma options usually give about 4-5 karma points while the good-karma options give 2-3, maybe 4 points. It took me ten whole days to open the Preservers shop, from 0 - 300 points, while it only took me 5-ish days to go all the way from 300 to -300. Anyone else experienced the same thing?

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Katia (#134163)

True King
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Posted on
2018-08-29 13:44:07
No support because I like the added karma since I keep one good king and one bad king. It's also making it easier to raise the karma of my new good king.

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Edited on 29/08/18 @ 13:44:40 by Katia (#134163)

Aslana (#17146)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-12 17:43:54
I also would like to add that there are also people like me who work a lot and can’t play every single day. I didn’t even get the chance to open the Destroyers shop, I opened the Preserves on the LAST DAY OF THE MONTH. I can only play on my off days. Perhaps they could just make it easier to open each shop and switch to the other one as well? The whole situation is a mess.

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Shozurei (#49512)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 13:41:34
I didn't even get to open the Preservers.

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🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 13:43:51
Same, @Shoz, except it was Destroyers I never got to

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