Posted by -LOCKED - Admin/Raffle Clan Hoard

Denebola (#121897)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 14:53:20
If this has already been suggested somewhere else please let me know and I will flag for deletion! I am by no means an expert on trawling the depths of Lioden so if I missed something I apologize!

I have been an admin in a few clans for a while now and I have noticed the same problem coming up. That issue has been the need for an extra hoard or the ability to block players from taking certain items. This adjustment to the clan hoard or addition of an extra hoard is necessary for the keeping of raffle items. Many a time we have amassed a large number of raffle items at the same time and wished to use them for separate raffles. Unfortunately, to hold them in the clan we would have to shut the hoard otherwise we all know the valuable items would be snapped up quicker than you can shut the hoard. This meant that we would have the hoard closed for long periods of time but that also meant that our clan members would be unable to take items that they needed from the hoard and any food would most likely rot away before we could open it again. I have two solutions to this issue which I shall put below.

#1 - The first solution would be to create an entirely new hoard for clans. One that non-admin players would not be able to see or access. The purpose of this hoard would be purely for storing items intended for clan raffle. It would be inconvenient for a single admin to keep the raffle items in their hoard as they might be accidentally used or they would not be accessible to other admins should the need arise for raffle items.

#2 - My second suggestion is to give clan admins the ability to block players from taking certain items from the existing clan hoard. The result would be that the items could be stored in the clan's main hoard but members would be unable to take them or otherwise remove them from the clan hoard. A way to signify that these items are not for the taking would be for them to either be faded or just not be visible in the hoard to anyone but the admins.

Thank you for listening and please tell me why you choose to or choose not to support and let me know if you have any suggestions or see any changes you think I should make!

This suggestion has 65 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Reiner Braun|G3
Vernal Wep (#67289)

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Posted on
2018-08-06 16:46:22
this sound so useful! I run a clan myself and i have the hoard closed for restocking, but unfortunatley i dont know what to add to it to use for a raffle! Im scared to add good items them open the hoard because as you said they'll get snapped up quicker than you can shake a stick at! support 100%!

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Denebola {Side} (#124294)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-08-06 16:50:07
Awesome! Thank you for your feedback! (Sorry I just realized this is my side account if this resulted in any confusion!)

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Edited on 18/08/18 @ 09:42:16 by StarryEyedKitty{WCU} (#121897)

Susurrus (#118978)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-08-31 08:46:01
This would be so helpful!!

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Posted on
2021-07-26 11:47:33
Hi there!
This has already been suggested on this topic. You're welcome to pledge your support there, or post any feedback or suggestions you may have!

As this is a duplicate topic, it will be locked.

We kindly request that you utilize the "Search Boards" feature to see if a suggestion you have in mind may already have been posted by another player in the past, to avoid cluttering the Game Development forums with duplicate suggestions.

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Topic is locked

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