Posted by Make Jellyfish more common

Silverfire (#36649)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-08-22 22:14:46
So, I’ve been poking around, and I’ve come to realize that, surprisingly, the jellyfish used to freeze cubs is available from two places- the slot machine, and other players, where as the turritopsis jellyfish is readily available in the oasis.

Now, I understand why the cub jellyfish is rarer, it would decrease the value of lethals by a lot if you could get it in the oaisis, so that’s not what I’m suggesting. In fact, I’d love it to stare rather rare. At least, rare enough that gaining one is something that is challenging, yet not luck based.

Enter Serengeti Shuffle.

Now, I’ve played the game a lot and I’ve managed to rack up quite the score more than once, over 4500 to be specific. And what do I end up with time and time again? Snake scent. I propose that the jellyfish either replaces the snake scent in the top tier, or gets its own tier- 5500 maybe? Or maybe if we wanted to reward the people who manage to get on the leaderboards for the game we could give them the jellyfish as a reward?

Maybe it could be added to whack a snake or reptile roundup as well? I just really think it should be something that is obtainable by means other than luck.

This suggestion has 33 supports and 7 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/08/18 @ 22:52:49 by Silverfire (#36649)

Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2018-08-22 22:19:34
oof big support, I've been trying to get a jellyfish for a while now but it just leaves me without a single SB and a ton of drones, humans legs, and skulls that I don't need

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