Posted by POLAR | Literate Wolf RP (OOC) (OPEN)

daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-08-27 17:21:48

A MALINOI Roleplay | A LITERATE Roleplay | A WOLF Roleplay

FIre. Bubbling from deep within the core is a scorching heat, a blazing scratch pining to be released- it builds steadily, slowly burning its bearer from the inside out to meager ashes, engulfing its victim in its scathing flames. Set free the inferno, and you destroy. Detain the inferno, and you destroy yourself.

Ice. Mercilessly biting at your skin is a frigid chill, gradually seeping from your pores to seize your bones in a numbing freeze and piercing the heart frozen to capture it in a bitter coldness. Keep the frost out, and it destroys. Let the frost in, and it destroys you.

Polar opposites, separated by nature. Best keep it that way.
A collision could be catastrophic. Or not.
Who would know until it happened?

Forgers, they're called. The brave warriors of the scorching deserts whispered to encompass the influence of fire, who manipulate flames into weaponry to burn their enemies to mere ash and defend their volcanic homelands.

Rimes, mere rumors spread amidst the chilly forests coated in a permanent blanket of white. The unseen ghosts said to possess command of the very ice they roamed, who wield it like armor and freeze those who threatened their homelands without mercy.

Polar opposites, and mortal enemies. The two packs are destined to despise each other. . . or so it is believed. Perhaps something could change that.

Spark romance or even a rivalry between you and one of your own kind… or venture out to another. It’s your life, your choices. Either way, remember the power you hold in your being.


Failure to abide by these rules, I will not hesitate to boot you from the roleplay.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas, as well.

ONE This is a literate roleplay. I expect to see at least two paragraphs- but I do understand writers block happens. Don’t make it consistent, though.
TWO Ensure you have the other person’s consent before killing off / pursuing a romance with their character. No one likes a mate beggar.
THREE Your character is not all-powerful. You have one specific ability: either ice or fire depending on what you choose. You can get creative with them as you please, but neither trumps the other and there are no other powers.
FOUR Drama inside the roleplay is highly encouraged. (Forbidden love? Hatred between two characters? Natural disasters? Yes please!) Outside the roleplay, not so much.
FIVE I welcome drama, but not over-the-board drama. Don’t have your character get a mere scratch and pass out from blood loss or act like they’re dying. These wolves are supposed to be warriors, not pussies.
SIX Gore is fine. Sexual content? Get that disgusting shit out of here. Take it to pm if really desired, but no explicit details whatsoever in the chats.
SEVEN Bonus points if you can make your character on your character sheet really stand out to me and ‘wow’ me. I’ll let you know.
EIGHT As I am the creator, my word is law. As is any admin I pick, in turn.
NINE Limit of 2 characters. 1 male, 1 female. You can have only one, but this is to ensure the genders are evened out and that people aren’t stressed with too many characters. Doesn’t matter what pack they are from.
TEN Humans are not a thing in this rp, as the wolves live in places near impossible for people to inhabit due to the harsh climates.
ELEVEN Most importantly, have fun!!

Wolves of Fire

ABOUT For appearances, these wolves tend to have darker hues of fur: shades of blacks, browns, reds. As far as demeanors go, their personalities and mannerisms reflect their powers: Forgers tend to be hot-headed, quick to be angered, and more aggressive than not, and they rely on their brawns over brains in battle due to their muscular, wide builds. Strength is their specialty.

ALPHESS [1] Kimonjaro [f]
the leader of the fire wolves

SECOND [1] xxx
alpha’s second in charge

HEALERS [2] Loveletter [f] & Sivrica [m]
medics of the pack, well-respected

can be huntress; trains the future hunters
of the pack & keeps watch of food supply

HUNTERS [x] Ruel [m] & Storm [m]
track and take down big freshkill to support
the pack and keep them fed

HEAD GUARDIAN [1] Freya [f]
can be female; trains the future guardians
of the pack & is in charge of everyone’s safety

GUARDIANS [x] Aries [m] & xxx
scout the territory for predators, the
fighters of the pack

PUPS [x] xxx
newborns, the future of the pack


Forgers live in a desert wasteland- it’s volcanic and ashy and just plain hot. It is detrimental for the cold-natured Rimes to be in these tropical lands for more than a few moments.

PREY scorpions, bison, deer, rabbits, zebras, wild horses
PREDATORS eagles (pup-snatchers), coyotes, rival (regular) wolves
THIRST the guardians are in charge of slicing cacti for water and
scouting any scarce bodies of water
NATURE volcanoes can potentially erupt, water can become scarce,
sandstorms are common

Fire melts ice.


Where the snow fades into dry earth. A thin strip of a lively forest, before the other side fades to sand and becomes cracked. The inbetween.

This place seems hot to the cold-natured Rimes. But it's a bit too chilly for the hot-natured Forgers' likings.

Wolves of Ice

ABOUT For appearances, these wolves tend to have lighter hues of fur: shades of whites, beige, cream, silver gray. As far as demeanors go, Rimes are very even-tempered and calm, though they can have their moments of annoyance seeping through. They rely on their brains over their brawn in battle, being very lean and lithe in size and agility rather than bulky. Quickness is their specialty.

ALPHESS [1] North [f]
the leader of the ice wolves

SECOND [1] Amaroq [m]
alpha’s second in charge

HEALERS [2] Lakir [m] & Kaeva [f]
medics of the pack, well-respected

can be huntress; trains the future hunters
of the pack & keeps watch of food supply

HUNTERS [x] Sunchaser [f]
track and take down big freshkill to support
the pack and keep them fed

can be female; trains the future guardians
of the pack & is in charge of everyone’s safety

GUARDIANS [x] Salem [m]
scout the territory for predators, the
fighters of the pack

PUPS [x] xxx
newborns, the future of the pack


Rimes live in an arctic forest- it’s completely covered with chest-high snow and freezing cold. It is detrimental for the hot-natured Forgers to be in these frozen lands for more than a few moments.

PREY reindeer, arctic hares, owls
PREDATORS polar bears, snow leopards, rival (regular) wolves
THIRST the guardians are in charge of scouting for water sources
and safely breaking the ice- a dangerous job
NATURE getting to water is hazardous, blizzards and snowstorms
are common

Ice extinguishes fire.


IC (in-character) RP

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Edited on 20/09/18 @ 17:13:53 by malinoi ⋆ (#122151)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 12:50:01
Hecckkkk; HIYA I might be interested!
I've been dying to roleplay a slobbery gruesome woflie.
It's been a few years.

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daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 12:50:52
heck yeah <3
slobbery gruesome wolfies are the best wolfies

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 12:51:34
Ayeeee! That they are, when played correctly and not simply power players! ;)

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daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 12:58:03
Gosh those are the worst.
Plus I'm just itching to rp with other literate people for once- there's just not enough of those kind of rps around.

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father speghet
#pasta4life (#17061)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 13:36:30
Im here im ready to be a passive wolfy who is confused about all the conflict

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 13:38:41
this is great ^w^

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daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 13:45:42
Glad you think so.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 14:11:05
sounds awesome!

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father speghet
#pasta4life (#17061)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 14:12:00
LMAo i scrapped the passive idea because aggressive is so much cooler

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daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 15:46:20
hey guys! cx
all the information is up. go ahead and read it all and get your characters ready if you're interested.

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 15:59:07
hmm, are there any in the middle places? [ other then frost bite butt and burnt off toes lands? XD ]

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daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 16:14:21
hmm, sure. i'm thinking it's kind of this invisible border where the snow wears off and there's just this extremely thin (like a few feet wide) earth and regular forest before the dirt fades to sand and becomes cracked. i'll add it in- thanks!

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daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 16:27:40
@hurri - would you like to re-do your sign-up now that there's more information on the matter, or would you rather keep it the way it is?

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Kitty (#139161)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 16:27:50
No problem! ^w^
Just got a little curious.

Anyways i'll be working on my character sheet
[ also, ``SEVEN | Bonus points if you can make your character on your character sheet really stand out to me and ‘wow’ me. I’ll let you know.`` -- ohhohohoho, challenge accepted >;3 ]

[ I dunno how well that's gonna go XD ]

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daffydil ⋆ (#122151)

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Posted on
2018-08-28 16:28:25
bring it on

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