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Posted by | POLAR | Literate Wolf RP [CHARACTER SHEET] | |||
![]() daffydil ⋆ (#122151) Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-27 17:21:48 |
Looking to even out the genders (males) and packs (Rimes), so one or both of those sign-ups would be preferred.
![]() Edited on 20/09/18 @ 17:14:50 by malinoi ⋆ (#122151) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 13:25:24 |
father speghet #pasta4life (#17061) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 14:06:01 |
NAME: Kilmanjaro GENDER: Female AGE: 27 moons (2 years and 7 months) PACK: Forgers RANK: Alpha(Maybe?) APPEARANCE: A hulking wolf her stature being comparable to that of a bear, not as large as one but sometimes it feels like it. Large canines poke out slightly from her maw even with her jaws shut, her body is clad in scars most from her former litter mates. One of the most notable scars is her paws, they are burnt the ugly red burns ending around her ankles on her front paws. Her eyes are wild, the colors you could find in them being that of flame shades, a rich dark red complimented by specks of orange and gold. The pelt of the Alpha being a dark black with red crackling, making her seem as if she were burning coals brought to life. A forger by blood, a forger she shall remain. PERSONALITY: Aggressive, decisive, Kilmanjaro demands respect, even if she does not deserve it. Cocky of her battle prowess, even if her tactics are often sloppy and based on her pure physical strength, even being known to be arrogant at times. She can be collected and calm, but it is a rare occurrence. ADDITIONAL: Actual height to shoulder: 81cm Length to tail: 1.8m Many know her not by her true name but by her name she was called in the battlefield, Burning Wolf. It was owed to her aggressive fighting style moving without remorse, and that some swore she was seen eating her enemies bodies as they lived. She has a fondness for flowers, though she'd never admit it. Despises the Rime. Believes the only truly respectable wolves are those who can hold their own in battle. [Just dropping this here for when it opens up in the future] ![]() Edited on 28/08/18 @ 15:58:28 by speghet (#17061) |
daffydil ⋆ (#122151)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 15:45:34 |
NAME North GENDER Female AGE 3 years PACK Rimes RANK Alphess APPEARANCE North's pelt is the color of the snow from the realm she rules, speckled with patches of silver-gray fur. She is a tall wolf, as her legs are unnaturally long, but her frame is thin and wired with lean muscles barely perceivable to the eye- hence she relies on her speed in battle rather than strength. Her nose is a soft pink but her eyes are a piercing, icy dark blue. PERSONALITY North is perceived as a cold she - wolf; although always calm and collected, and despite being a typically quiet leader, she has a frosty bite when she does speak. Never one to bite her tongue, she voices her opinions without remorse- oftentimes this makes it seem as if she is uncaring of your feelings. Beneath her frigid exterior, though, that is untrue- it is typically her telling you how to better yourself in her eyes, her way of helping you. The alpha does not cope with her feelings well, taught from a young age to believe that displaying them makes a leader weak. Despite that fact, sheis intelligent and extremely attentive to her pack's needs; a fair and wise leader. ADDITIONAL North fears fire; ice's only weakness. ![]() Edited on 29/08/18 @ 17:18:02 by malinoi ⋆ (#122151) |
•Hurri• (#147819)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 16:32:38 |
NAME: Freya GENDER: Female AGE: 30 moons PACK: Forger RANK: Head Guardian APPEARANCE: is a black wolf with red patches and blue eyes. She is muscular and tall. She has a white back paw, for unknown reason. Her ears are longer then normal wolves, and her nose is flesh pink. Freya has a fast gait, and long stance. PERSONALITY: has a very hot headed personality and doesn't think before acting half the time. She is grumpy too, but determined nonetheless. She will never back down from a challenge and that includes from her pack mates. She is perceived as cold and unwelcoming, but wouldn’t admit she does care. Freya would give her life for her family and friends, even if others don’t believe it at first. ADDITIONAL She likes water but hates ice Freya often wishes water was more common in the forges. Uh can’t think of anything else you can hurt her w/o permission, but not cripple or kill. ![]() Edited on 28/08/18 @ 16:37:36 by Hurri (#147819) |
♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-28 19:59:10 |
![]() NAME Loveletter GENDER Female AGE 14 moons who are you, young one? PACK Forgers RANK Healer are you a child of fire or ice? APPEARANCE :: Letty is a surprisingly small, black she-wolf. Her body bears her first few moons as a lone wolf as does her mannerisms. She sways when she walks and often stumbles if the winds are too strong. Her lankly legs are more bone than anything else, and her tail is surprisingly thin. She walks with her head angled downwards, her nicked ears often pulled back. Because of the lack of food, her stature is close to that of an adolescent and her frame is very wirey. PERSONALITY :: Despite her looks finding a home in the forger's pack, Letty's mind would be more welcomed in Rhimes. She is slow, and prefers to take her time when looking for herbs or traveling from one place to another. She is often observed muttering and pacing, questioning everything but her leader and her role. Letty privatly takes pride in her abilities to simply stay still and enjoy something - a trait she is slowly starting to realise not many of her pack mates share. Letty is also known for being indecisive at times, and can easily become stressed or pressured into doing things. While she does not detest fighting - how else are we to get stronger? - Letty does have an issue with blindly rushing into fights. She is a diplomat at heart and quite determined once she's made up her mind. If she has an issue with something, Letty will stop at nothing to make a change of some kind. Letty is notoriously known for having a big heart - both for her patients and for those she adores. She is a hopeless romantic and will go out of her way to make sure the person she likes knows she likes them. She can be a bit abrasive by assuming the targets wolf likes her back and can be slow to see any red flags in a relationship which leads her to be gullible and easily manipulated. ADDITIONAL I can change her origin story ( where she was a loner wolf and then welcomed into the pack) if you want! It's not set in stone, but her looks are ^^ She could have fire powers, or no powers depending on what you want. Either's fine with me. personal notes :: Probs will try to unite the packs? Def forbidden love plot if accepted. accepts patients from the other pack and will help those without a pack ![]() Edited on 28/08/18 @ 20:12:37 by ♓ Keeekeeey ♓ (#64639) |
Kitty (#139161)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 00:23:20 |
![]() Edited on 02/09/18 @ 11:06:59 by ❀ 𝙺𝚊𝚝 ❀ (#139161) |
Circiinus [RLC 18.03.2022] (#35103) ![]() Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 15:08:16 |
Amaroq; The Wolf of the North Currently removed the image till I can locate the proper source ![]() Edited on 29/08/18 @ 15:43:02 by Quinn (Collecting Lion Skulls) (#35103) |
Rappadapa (#105921)
![]() Evil View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-08-29 19:36:00 |
Dez (#66551)
Confused View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 22:37:04 |
![]() Design was created by SatanDarling on dA, Character is owned by me. NAME: Sivrica "Siv" GENDER: Male AGE: 4 years old ORIENTATION: Bisexual PACK: Forger RANK: Healer APPEARANCE: Sivrica is a male of average build for the pack, though his true strength lies not in physical ability, but in his ability to heal and treat wounds. He can easily keep up in a battle, dragging wounded packmates away from the fighting to be properly treated. His fur is a mix of various brown shades with a lighter-colored blaze on his chest. On his face, he wears paint that marks him as a healer and traveller, one who is welcome in neighboring territories in order to gather supplies in exchange for knowledge that he's acquired over his time as a healer. PERSONALITY: Despite his natural nature to heal and save, Sivrica is still a member of the Forgers, and he has the temper to match it. He's slow to anger, but once he is, there's nothing that will stop him from snapping his fangs around the tail of the wolf who dares challenge him about his abilities. He expects his pack to trust in his expertise just as much as they would trust in the ability of their guardians, and any disrespect is taken as a personal offense. However, he is still an immensely loyal wolf, and will fight valiantly for his pack if the need should arise. As any healer, he does not like disputes to come down to battle if it can be avoided, but generally it is hard to avoid, considering his pack's feelings towards others. ADDITIONAL His powers focus heavily on healing, focusing less on the raw power of the flame and more on its nurturing warmth. It's said by many that when he works with his herbs, they burn when swallowing, but warmth will spread through the body and burn away the wounds or illness that had been afflicting the patient. I'm 100% down for a forbidden romance for him with a Rime member! ![]() Edited on 16/09/18 @ 20:40:28 by Dez {College suffering} (#66551) |
Taxx (#148607)
Hateful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 16:51:09 |
NAME: Lakir GENDER: Male AGE: Three years who are you, young one? PACK: Rimes RANK: Healer are you a child of fire or ice? APPEARANCE: Lakir embodies the typical Rime wolf; his fur is snowy white and thick, carrying a silvery chevron across his shoulders. His ears are tipped with black- those being the only two exceptions to his white fur. His nose is black, his eyes an auburn shade. In form, he's quite lean, with long legs to carry him quickly from place to place. He lacks the muscle that enables him to be a fighter, but his keen mind and the at-times unexpected strength for taking care of wounded wolves have put him in good stead for the rank of Healer instead. PERSONALITY: A bit on the quiet side usually, Lakir tends to keep to himself for the most part. Some may think him odd, as he may talk to himself- asking and answering questions as though conversing with another while going about his duties, and he lacks the innate need for being social that most wolves carry, but he's quite harmless. If he's engaged, the little quirks disappear; he straightens, looks the other in the eye, and gives them all his attention. And when he is needed, no matter how minor the injury, he's on hand to administer what aid is needed. He does have a love for pups, the young and innocent always welcome to visit, and he's usually happy to drop what he might be doing to engage them in play until they bore of it, or get tired, or their mothers come to collect them again. A touch more awkward with the adults of his pack in day-to-day interactions, he may not meet their eyes, mumble short or one-word answers, or encourage them to talk to another rather than him. ADDITIONAL Currently experimenting with the ways ice and snow can be used in healing. Also has very little interest in finding a mate or starting a family. He's content to keep to himself. ![]() |
Windsparkle (#16196)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-14 14:10:15 |
Kaeva Image removed by moderator Name: Kaeva ![]() Edited on 21/09/18 @ 17:20:40 by Wyndy [Pearl] (#12183) |
Windsparkle (#16196)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-14 15:50:10 |
Storm [REMOVED BY MODERATOR] ![]() Edited on 28/09/18 @ 07:45:28 by Kindred, the Lamb (#45189) |
EbonyClaw (#122053)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-16 17:55:32 |
NAME ~ Salem GENDER ~ Male AGE ~ 3 1/2 Years | 42 Moons PACK ~ Rimes RANK ~ Guardian APPEARANCE ~ He is a small, lean male with some muscle hidden beneath thick, blue-grey fur. Despite his size, he has thick legs and large paws, all which carry him with ease and allow him the extra strength he needs when used. His maw, paws, ear-tufts, and tail tip are all tinged silver that clash with the dark blue eyes he holds and his dark nose. He has hints of silver tufts hidden throughout his pelt in a way that matches the night sky and a serious expression is always etched on his face. PERSONALITY ~ Salem is a cool-headed, quiet male with a harsh curiosity to anything that catches his eye and barely a temper. He's very considerate of others and kind, always willing to give a helping hand to anyone in need of him or his services, but shy. True to his usual expression, he is quite solemn; always serious and ready to work. Despite this, if you can get him a bit out of his shell, he is very open about anything he can talk about and never one to stay in one place for too long. ADDITIONAL ~ Sarcasm flies right over his head - despite his insisting whines that he can catch it - and never understands idioms or rhetorical questions. ![]() [Picture drawn by me - @Draec on deviantart] ![]() Edited on 25/09/18 @ 19:25:36 by EbonyClaw (#122053) |
Batcloud (#156758)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-20 08:52:16 |
NAME: Aries GENDER: Male AGE: 3 PACK: Forgers RANK: Guardian APPEARANCE: A large male wrapped in muscle, Aries strikes an opposing figure. His fur is thick and black with red staining his back. His flanks are lined with scars from many battles. PERSONALITY: Aries is unusually calm for a Forger, preferring to talk things out rather than jump right into a fight. That's not to say he dislikes fighting though; he just understands it's not always the answer. He doesn't always agree with Freya and wishes she would think before she spoke at times, but he would never think of challenging her. He's not very ambitious, content with his status. He is rather curious though, often looking out to the Nether and wondering what it's like... ADDITIONAL: A puppy at heart ![]() |
JustLogan (#85963)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-21 04:41:27 |
NAME Callahan GENDER Male AGE 5 Years PACK Rimes RANK Head Hunter APPEARANCE A formidable wolf, Callahan is built with power. He stands tall with muscle to spare. His thick fur in snowy white dappled with ash gray spots, just barely darker than the rest of him. His eyes are dark and calculating, a color resembling steel. His maw, legs and sides are littered with scars from fights and hunts gone awry, just visible under his fur. His step is sure and practiced, faltering rarely in the snow and ice that makes his home. A portion of his let ear is missing, adding to his intimidating air. PERSONALITY Callahan is confident and confrontational, but with firm control over his temper. He makes no effort to filter his words or thoughts and values honesty above protecting others feelings. He is also fiercely loyal to the few he considers friends, but hardly any friendlier for it. He can come off as cold, calculating and overly sarcastic. He tends to be motivated by spite and will do things simply because someone said he couldn't. He is not normally angry, but if one manages to anger the brute, they should know to watch their tails. Beneath this very convincing front he puts up, Callahan is capable of being a compassionate and good person. He built these walls around himself as a defense mechanism. If someone were to melt his icy exterior, they would find a fiercely passionate and kind individual. ADDITIONAL Open to any relationships good, bad or otherwise! Lets make some drama. ![]() |
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