Posted by LF: Lion Roleplay partner(s)

Purity (#23110)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-09-01 14:25:24
Hey there Lioden pals and gals, I'm looking for some one on one roleplayers for my lions! It's pretty simple, really, I like development and whatnot, and I have this plot that my Lioden pride are split into two different sub-prides, the Ashura (evil) and the Jetjirawat (good) clans. Every new sub-male must be from these distinguished pride lineages in order to become king once the previous king retires. They go in order, a son from the Ashura clan becomes king, then after him a son from the Jetjirawat clan becomes king after he retires/dies. However, there is still civil unrest and tension between the families.

... it's a plot I am working on, but I'd love to expand it with a few of you lovely Lioden members! I want to roleplay as either my current king, Titan Ashura or his sub-male and crowned prince, Veera Jetjirawat. Either the two of them are meeting lionesses from other prides (and trying to seduce them), or kings to make "alliances" with! I'd like to make this even more cooler by offering free breedings to members that participate in this plot of mine to either my current king, or Veera once he is crowned! Also, it's a fun way to make friends, don't you think?

Free free to post below stating interest, or PM me! We can either do the roleplay through private messaging or Discord, just ask and you shall receive. Look forward to roleplaying with you guys, and thanks for reading!

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Wild (#136218)

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Posted on
2018-09-01 14:33:16
This sounds pretty fun, I'd be down to RP :D I'll shoot you a PM

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Edited on 01/09/18 @ 14:33:48 by Wild (#136218)

Purity (#23110)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-09-01 14:35:04
Awesome! Anything you wanna do in particular? And any lion you'd like to roleplay with? I'm open for whatever you are!

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2018-09-01 15:08:03
Hello! I'd love to RP with you! I've yet to write out my pride lore, so I think this would be great to develop it! My pride is also run by a female (with the help of a lab test frog), which could be very interesting! Though, bear in mind I've yet to rename her to something related to the lore.

I'd be willing to give you free breedings in return, if you'd like!

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Purity (#23110)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-09-01 15:26:09
That sounds wonderful! I'd love to roleplay with you, and we can definitely do a trade off when it comes to breedings so everybody wins!

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D000dles (#150157)

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Posted on
2018-09-01 15:46:33
:OO I'd love rping with you! The plot sounds fun. Just like Snufkin, my pride is also run by a lioness (because yes).

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Topaz (#153154)

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Posted on
2018-09-01 16:18:59
Hello! I'd love to rp with you. I'm semi literate and usually match the post length of my partner, and I haven't really fleshed out my pride's lore yet as well. I'd mainly like to use any of my three wanderers, if that's alright with you? I feel like they'd be easier to incorporate into your plot. Here they are: Brypheus, Geladras and Mastunas (Playing them aged up as lionesses preferably, since they're cubs right now.)
I'd also be fine with giving free breedings to my current and any future kings as well! Though my current one is a bit bland.

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