Posted by [Sep] Lower the 10 skulls needed for the quest.

Fletcher (#113455)

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Posted on
2018-09-04 10:04:29
So underbrush? Fine, it's a common enough encounter. Large rocks? Same deal.
But asking for ten lion skulls is a BIT too much. On an average day of exploring, using both of my kings, with 3-5 energy bars, I can come across 1-2 lion skulls at BEST.

The encounter for the skulls is uncommon at best, and not only that, but there's a 50/50 chance you won't even GET the skull, and you'll get 50SB.

The other methods I can think of to find a lion skull are- Toy bundles, 100 SB each, and there's a low chance you'll even get one lion skull out of it.

Slot machine, you only get 5 spins an hour and it costs 50SB, so 250SB for one round of spins, and even if you get the lowest prize, you're not guaranteed for a skull.

The last option would be branch sales. As it stands, the lowest amount for lion skulls is 200 SB (Oh silly me! That was a few minutes ago, now it's 300.) (Even higher on the trading center.)
So, to get the skulls this method, you'd have to spend upwards of 3000SB to complete the quest.

In conclusion- this quest demands items rare enough that the only viable method for a lot of players, is buying them for prices comparable to resources used for applicators (Cheetah skulls, Gems, ETC.)

Please, lower it to five, get rid of the skulls, give us another method of obtaining them, something.

Let me know why you don't support (If you don't mind) and please let me know if there's a way around this!!!

Edit: Jim Pickens added: "It should be at least maybe 10 random skulls rather than 10 lion skulls."
Another Edit: Users who have already completed the quest should be refunded if this is changed! (Maybe 500SB or they get their 10 skulls back)

This suggestion has 83 supports and 25 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/03/19 @ 03:26:28 by a Moderator

covvboyink (#117942)

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Posted on
2018-09-16 20:40:26
I sell all my unused items for SB, and Lion Skulls are a huge profit since they're worth so much in the Monkey Shop. That being said it took me about a WEEK to complete the Harbinger's quest because I just couldn't get 10 skulls. Underbrush? Had like 47 of 'em. Large Rocks? About 30 something.
Lion Skulls? I had around 6 and then accidentally sold them all while trying to sell stuff to buy more (ironic). And then I proceeded to have to spend the next few days meticulously selling stuff and exploring in desperation.
I'm so supporting the idea of lessening the amount of skulls it takes.

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