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Posted by | Terraclan (Warrior Cats RP) [Sign-up!] |
![]() Zephyr (#117962) ![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-07 13:14:44 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.Find the two codewords hidden in the rules for the "Other:" section! *Only Clan admins can be Starclan warriors! *Aetherclan is Skyclan, but renamed. Reason included in Lore section in Aetherclan's Main RP thread *Terraclan was formed recently. *Please read the lore before making a character *Only two clans live in this area. If you make a cat that has been in another clan, the other clan is Aetherclan *If we find out you've lied about breaking the rules and just copied the codewords, we have full right to ban you from the RP CURRENTLY NOT OPEN TO ELDERS! WARRIORS NEEDED Form Name: Gender: Age (Moons): Rank: Looks (Img or description): Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Sexuality: Fur Length: Disabilities(Realistic to survival): Scars: Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): Personality: Weaknesses (5+): Strengths (5+): Mate: Siblings: Other: If you read the rules, you know what to put here. Cast Follow this link to see the current cast, status, and upcoming events! * Make sure to not use a name used by another character. Staff Admin: Sedrik Admin: Ash [WCU] Admin: Lightqueen Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord) ![]() Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:43:25 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962) |
Zephyr (#117962)
![]() King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-11 14:30:51 |
Name: Terrastar Gender: Tom Age (Moons): 38 Moons Rank: Leader Looks (Img or description): Big muscular tom with sharp claws. His pelt is dark brown, almost black, with grey and orange patches. Gentle brown eyes, and a grey nose. Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Terrastar, born Terra, came from twolegplace to explore the lake territory. He encountered Aetherclan, and grew curious of their lifestyle. He lurked by the edges of their territory for moons before deciding he wanted something like this of his own. He went back to twolegplace and told rogues, loners, and kittypets alike to come join him by the lake and never have to live a life of fear and hunger again. A few cats joined him, not many, as they feared Aetherclan. Terra convinced a cat to become the medicine cat, stating that his name from now on was Maplestream. The new medicine cat was confused, but when told of how great it was being a medicine cat, the lives he could save, the power he would have, Maplestream agreed. Terra soon brought Maplestream to the Dreampool where he received his nine lives. He exited the cave as Terrastar, and went back to his camp to tell his clanmates that they were now officially a Clan. Sexuality: Pansexual Fur Length: Medium short Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None Scars: One across his cheek, a nick in his ear, a scar along his flank, and one at the base of his neck. Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: Weaknesses (5+): - Greedy - Quick to judge - No patience - Speed - Lacks faith Strengths (5+): + Strong + Fearless + Loyal + Determined + Inspirational Mate: Open! Siblings: Spirit, Bleach Other: Gruffydd, Y Ddraig ![]() Edited on 24/11/18 @ 20:09:10 by Balder(PUTP) (#117962) |
Fauve (CL Ferus - Semi-Hiatus) (#12205) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 12:23:16 |
I am on a semi-hiatus, so if that is still acceptable, I would love to join with my favorite OC in the "warrior cats universe"; he was never given the chance to be fully RPed years ago, and I would love the opportunity to practice while fleshing him out further. He's originally born and raised in Windclan, so I'll have to adjust that below. ![]() Name: Risingstorm Gender: Male Age (Moons): 26 Moons Rank: Warrior Looks (Img or description): Silver Classic Tabby, green eyes with slight blue hue around his irises. The top of his left ear is torn, and all of his paws are "feathered". Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Born in wild, but clanless until he was twenty moons old. His nerves were rather apparent with integrating to a whole group of other cats while learning to refine what he adapted to in his youth among them, but he merged just fine (to his knowledge). Sexuality: Pansexual Fur Length: Short, but grows out a little in colder seasons. Disabilities(Realistic to survival): N/A Scars: N/A Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A Personality: Sweet, loyal, and inquisitive, this tom is always willing to lend a paw and assist his clan in any way he can, as long as he can be brave enough to overcome his anxiety at times. Weaknesses (5+): - Can startle easily - Can become frozen in fear/anxiety - Can sometimes be "too empathetic" - Shy when uncertain of severity of danger (aka if he sees a lone rogue but doesn't know what they're capable of, he may not engage them) - Slightly below average strength of other cats, particularly in battle (climbing strength is average, due in part to it not being another cat and his above average endurance listed below) Strengths (5+): - Loyal - Empathetic - Eager to be active/help - Above average endurance/speed (within appropriate bounds of RP, of course) - Diplomatic Mate: N/A Siblings: N/A Other: Y Ddraig and Gruffydd Addendum: Briefly updated "origin". This will also be my first time RPing in the clan! I've been a member for a long, long time, but haven't had the opportunity to RP with my fellow users. As I am new, please let me know if anything is out of place? I referred to the rules, and all appears to be in order to me. ![]() Edited on 11/10/18 @ 10:10:58 by Fauve (Felis - Semi-Hiatus) (#12205) |
tanni (#103472)
![]() Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 12:28:38 |
Name: Smalltail Gender: Male Age (Moons): 31 moons Rank: Warrior Looks (Img or description): small white furred Tom with a black tail and blue eyes Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): A trickster and Traveler, he tends to move quite a lot. However, it didn’t take long for him to gain an interest in Terraclan and stayed around a bit longer. Interested in clan life, He eventually decided to stay. Sexuality: Heterosexual Fur Length: Short Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None Scars: One on tail Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: Laid-back, carefree, down-to-earth and adventurous are among the best words to describe him. Though he can appear to be lazy and bored with his duties, he actually takes his role seriously, more so than he would admit. Weaknesses (5+): Afraid Of Heights, cocky, sensitive, anything that shines in the light, gullible, not a great fighter Strengths (5+): Speed, Hunting, Courageous, Patience, Loyal Mate: None Siblings: None Other: Y Draig, Gruffydd ![]() Edited on 15/09/18 @ 12:03:20 by tanni (#103472) |
Lionclan (#150899)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 12:45:05 |
first time getting on to a role play on this site. Hopefully I learn quickly lol. Name: MistPaw (Will be called Misteye) Gender: She-cat Age (Moons): 6 1/2 Rank: Apprentice (medicine Apprentice if not taken.) Looks (Img or description): Looks like a snow Bengal mixed with a Egyptian Mau. Has one blue eye and a foggy white one. white fur with grey leopard like patches. grey stripes go down her tail as well. Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Rouge (was found after Badger attack killed her family) Sexuality: Straight Fur Length: Shortish Disabilities(Realistic to survival): Blind in left eye Scars: left eye is cloudy from badger attack Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): none Personality: kind, curious, always willing to help Weaknesses (5+): poor perception, noisy hunter, cant fight well, clumsy, extreme fear of badgers Strengths (5+): Learns quickly, Great climber, Fast, good listener, good sense of smell Mate: none Siblings: killed Other: Y Ddraig Gruffydd ![]() Edited on 17/09/18 @ 20:33:38 by Its Ashee (#150899) |
Cynical (#148960)
Confused View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 14:41:43 |
Name: Pinepaw (will be Pinefrost) Gender: Female Age (Moons): 8 Rank: Apprentice Looks (Img or description): Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): She was a kittypet until she got out when she was 5 moons old. She was bored with the life of a kittyet and went out in search of the wild cats she had heard other kittypets talking about. Her twolegs also had a nice garden, and she learned a bit about herbs. Sexuality: Strait Fur Length: Medium - Longish Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None Scars: None Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: A little shy sometimes, usually very sweet. Weaknesses (5+): Pretty weak, likes to keep her coat clean, afraid of getting hurt, she has very little knowledge about the forest, slow at making decisions, not very good at running, gets tired quickly Strengths (5+): Knows a few herbs, quick learner, good at climbing, very strong hind legs, good sense of smell Mate: None (yet) Siblings: Unknown (living with twolegs far away, they will never come into the roleplay) Other: Cymru, Noreg ![]() Edited on 06/10/18 @ 20:00:48 by Spoopy Tale 💙 [Main] (#68023) |
doggocopter (#152652)
Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 15:38:28 |
Name: Featherfur Gender: She-cat Age (Moons): 20 Rank: Warrior Looks (Img or description): a tall shiny gray coat and black speckled dots almost like a snowy pattern along her flank. Her paws are a pure white. She has blue eyes! You can find a picture i made of her here! https://www.deviantart.com/maybearts/art/Featherfur-763731255 (NOT MINE -->) https://www.deviantart.com/maybearts/art/Featherfur-2-763755800?ga_submit_new=10%3A1536808505&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1 Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): A warrior kicked out of her clan for disobeying the warrior code more than once. She has learnt her lesson but still would like to be part of a clan. Sexuality: Straight Fur Length: Medium Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None Scars: A small slit in her ear from fighting with her friend on the battlefield Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: Kind, Focused, Playful, Caring, and protective of her leader. She also would love an apprentice! Weaknesses (5+): She will not fight as tough against another cat from her old clan. She might get too distracted trying to protect someone else causing her to be hurt most of the time She usually blames herself for everything that goes wrong She gets major anxiety when they see someone break the warrior code Whenever she is around someone she likes she cant think correctly causing herself to embarrass herself in front of the clan Strengths (5+): Very good hunter and fighter Will fight with all her might to save her leader Very quick and is a fast thinker Is very resourceful Is very protective of her clan and territory Mate: None! OPEN! Siblings: None! OPEN! Other: Cymru? Noreg? first time rping on lioden! I hope its fun! ![]() ![]() Edited on 13/09/18 @ 15:30:04 by doggocopter (#152652) |
Raine [Mott Stripe/Ros Dense] (#835) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 16:28:54 |
Name: Owlpaw Gender: Male Age (Moons): 7 Moons Rank: Apprentice Looks (Img or description): Owlpaw is the variety breed of manx, with a thick stocky build, dock tail, and muscular head. His pelt is stained as a soft mottled grey, with black flecks or patches and white socks. His facial is broad and thick, equipped with piercing yellow eyes. Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Was born into the soft kitty-pet luxury sort of. His father was feral while his mother was an indoor/outside cat. Apparently, she was still feral, for she delivered her brood outside. Owlpaw was recruited into the Clan at a very young age, thus allowing him plenty of time to be raised correctly. Sexuality: Bisexual Fur Length: Meduim Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None at the moment. Scars:Yet to come! Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: An intelligent young soul with a large heart set to thrive on whatever the breeze takes him. Because he was brought into the clan at a very early age, he adapted fairly quickly. Thus leading to a confident, but single-minded apprentice. His companionship is open to many ; however from time to time, the apprentice enjoys being by himself and recollecting his memories. Every now and again he is reminded of his kitty-pet ancestry and can easily be discouraged for that is a sensitive subject. He minds his words around older cats, and tries to avoid conflict, but affection changes things. Weaknesses (5+): - Self-Conscious - Impulsive - Passive - Submissive - Hates snow and rain Strengths (5+): - Confident - Attentive - Intelligent - Light on feet - Loyal Mate: None Siblings: [? - Open] Other: Noreg, Cymru ![]() Edited on 12/09/18 @ 16:29:14 by Raine [Mottled Fuschia Primal] (#835) |
Elska (#140306)
Mean View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 17:19:00 |
Name: Mintwhisper Gender: Female Age (Moons): 32 Rank: Warrior Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Lived on a french boat as a kit and has adopted the accent. She hopped off and has been traveling around since. Sexuality: Pansexual Looks (Img or description): Has stunning mint green eyes and a long fluffy white tipped tail. She has vitiligo 4(see lioden markings) and white toes and ear rims. Her base fur color is a deep shade of cinnamon/amber (reddish-brown). Fur Length: Medium long Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None Scars: None Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: Sweet/Kind, Empathic, Patient, Easy going, Loyal, Thoughtful, Puns, Kinda flirty, Loves kits, Hates fighting, Indecisive, A good listener, Sometimes spaces out, Open-minded, Loves rain/snow, Enjoys cuddles, Curious Weaknesses (5+): - Indecisive - Hesitates to jump into a fight - Sometimes too empathic - Claustrophobic - A bit anxious Strengths (5+): - Loyal - Reads others well - Diplomatic - Open-minded - Patient Mate: Open ;3c Siblings: Open Other: Noreg, Cymru ![]() |
Ardor (Augur Ferus) (#139635)
Holy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 17:23:32 |
Name: Birchheart Gender: She-cat Age: 24 moons Rank: Warrior Looks: small dark brown furred she cat with a white belly, lighter brown Siamese points, white tall socks, black toe socks, some black stripes and a black tail tip. She is very muscular and has emerald green eyes Origin: She was a loner from birth and constantly had to defend herself against other cats. Sexuality: Straight Fur length: short Disabilities: None Scars: multiple long and short scarfs on her sides and shoulders. One long scar across her mouth (top lip to bottom lip). Accessories: None Personality: Kind, hard-working, loves kits and is always willing to play with them. Weaknesses: stubborn, cocky, naive, hot-tempered, impulsive, quiet Strengths: Kind, accepting, smart, attentive, sly, confident Mate: none at the moment (open!). Siblings: unnamed brothers and sisters. Other: Cymru, Noreg EDIT: I saw that Cedarfur was already taken, so I changed it if that’s okay! ![]() Edited on 14/09/18 @ 14:53:11 by Kawani (#139635) |
Aerosmith (#144435)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 18:54:13 |
<3 Name: Stormstep Gender: Tom Age (Moons): 26 Moons Rank: Deputy? Looks (Img or description): https://imgur.com/a/z3Q7KZx (I made this cat by myself and I made it from this website [https://www.dolldivine.com/create-a-cat.php] so please don't ban me from teh foumrs ) Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): My mother was a loner, she was getting sick and it was clear she would die soon. She went to Aetherclan for help. She came across a rogue, my father's brother. He loved her but she loved my father more. He killed her on the spot. I ran and ran as far as I could. I found this cat. He was a great cat. A very good friend. He was known as Terra. About 6 moons ago I got my wish. To live in a clan and have a family. Sexuality: Straight. Fur Length: His mother was long furred and his dad was short furred so about in the middle with some long-ish furs. Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None, he used to have a broken paw that put his apprentice training off for a month. Scars: A scar across his nose from his fox encounter, one of his thigh from the fox too. He also has one on his paw from when he broke it. he has small ones all of himself becuase its not unlikely that he will acadently hurt himself, trying to show off, be funny, or just being really stupid. Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: He is very strong and laid back. He is charming and intellegent. He is loyal and trust worthy. he will lead you in the right direction and help you no matter what. He will look out for you and care for you if you need him, however he does not tolerate disrespect at all. He is adventurous and brave. He is loud, he talks loudly. He won't be afriad to stand up when everyone else is sitting down. He has a bubly attitude and will always smile and is very cheerful. Weaknesses (5+): I have 6 - He is too protective -Blames himself for everything, fights, deaths, sadness, injuries, etc. -He will pick off more than he can chew -He is afraid of death and wont face it -His anger is a bit un controllable. -Very clumsy Strengths (5+): I have 6 -Strength -Jumping -One of the best fighters -Loyal -One of the best hunters as well. -Great stamina. Mate: None D,: Siblings: None D,: Other: If you read the rules, you know what to put here. Noreg and Cymru ![]() Edited on 13/09/18 @ 15:40:43 by Brick (#144435) |
Rei (#148500)
![]() Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-12 21:43:42 |
Name: Shadowscar Gender: Tom Age (Moons): 27 Moons Rank: Warrior Looks: Slender, black ghost tabby tom with icy blue eyes. His ears are larger than most other cats and his paws are smaller. A round face with fluffy cheeks and somewhat narrow eyes. The fur on his legs is shorter than the rest of his fur. His neck and tail fur are longer than the rest of his fur. He is a bit on the shorter side, but not by much. Image (my own image, on my DA account as well) Origin: Born as a kittypet, he lived happily with his twolegs. When he was 5 moons old they abandoned him in a field. He soon found a clan that took him in that same season. Although he left when the leader died when Shadowscar was 19 moons old. After wandering as a loner he found Terraclan 2 moons later. Sexuality: Pansexual Fur Length: Medium Disabilities: None Scars: A scar from upper right leg over shoulder and across back to upper left flank. Accessories: None Personality: He is extremely convincing and persuasive. Also bursting with confidence and pride in himself. Always pays attention to his surroundings as well as others. He tends to keep to himself for the most part. When he talks to others he sounds sarcastic usually. He is also extremely flirty when he is in a very good mood. He is possessive to the point of being almost controlling and overprotective. He tends to tell others things flat out and rarely sugar-coats things. He is always keeping secrets from others and is good at it. Though this also means he is great at keeping the secrets of others. + Persuasive, Confident, Perceptive = Quiet, Sarcastic, Flirtatious - Possessive, Blunt, Secretive Weaknesses (5+): - Terrified of spiders - Weak fighter (strength) - Terrible at swimming - Weak endurance/Easily winded (stamina) - Bad at resolving conflicts (instigator) - Loses interest easily/Easily bored Strengths (5+): + Extremely agile + Very stealthy + Great at tactics + Excellent hearing + Great at climbing + Quite quick (speed) Mate: Open Siblings: Open Other: Noreg, Cyrmu *EDIT - made origin timeline more clear* ![]() Edited on 13/09/18 @ 16:00:19 by Lynn (#148500) |
Kanciv (#119308)
Blessed View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-13 04:12:08 |
Plusheh (#88717)
![]() Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-13 10:44:06 |
Name: Tatteredjaw Gender: Female Age (Moons): 39 Moons Rank: Warrior Looks (Img or description): Muscular and battle-worn, Tatteredjaw would be one of the most intimidating warriors of Terraclan if not for her smaller stature. Her large ears give her fantastic hearing, and the tufts on the ends often attract young, playful kits while she sunbathes. Her pelt is a pale silver color with intricate, dark stripes adorning her back and face. Her front legs have black stockings that reach her elbows, with shorter black socks on her back legs. She had most of her tail removed due to an infected bite at a young age, leaving a short stump in its place. Lastly, she has large, dull copper eyes with a dark border around the sockets. Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): She once lived with her mother and sister as a rogue before they came across Terraclan, where they stayed Sexuality: Heterosexual Fur Length: She has short, but plush fur Disabilities(Realistic to survival): Due to her short legs, she is slower and less agile than most cats. Her lack of tail occasionally causes issues with balance as well. Scars: There are two long scars across her muzzle, four smaller scars around her jaw and chin, a large scar on her right shoulder, and four more scars on her left thigh. Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None Personality: Tatteredjaw is serious and quiet, but not afraid to fight for her clan. She is very protective of younger cats, and sometimes shows a motherly side towards the kits that come to play with her ears. She shows great respect for the warriors who battle beside her. She hopes to find a mate and have kits some day, but for now, she just wants to protect her clan. Weaknesses (5+): A bit too honest, she easily offends others without meaning to Short legs = slower and less agile She has poor eyesight, caused by the many battles she fought in She is deathly afraid of heights, despite being a cat. Her balance is altered by her stubby tail, giving her a harder time walking along small surfaces Strengths (5+): She has great hearing To compensate for her short legs, she is quite powerful and sturdy. She is a great companion in battle, she cooperates well and would never abandon a fellow warrior Very loyal to her clan She has a fairly good knowledge of herbs, mostly the kind to apply to fresh or infected wounds. Mate: None, open Siblings: Tatteredjaw once had a sister, but she didn't want to join Terraclan, so she left. Other: Tatteredjaw's grandmother was a purebred Munchkin who snuck out one day and fell in love with a rogue. Noreg, Cymru Edit: I removed the bit about elders, sorry about that ;; ![]() Edited on 13/09/18 @ 14:12:59 by Plusheh (#88717) |
Pinkfoxx (#140707)
Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-14 16:00:15 |
Name: Sliver (kit,paw,feather) Gender:female Age (Moons): 5 Rank: kit (app. warrior or med) Looks (Img or description): blueish grey w/dark grey stripes, and moon shape on Head in dark(er) grey Origin(Excluding Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): at 3 (moons), in RiverClan,a attack was going on, and a cat got into the nursery and attacked the kits, until a queen saw this and killed him Sexuality:(umm... in all the rps I have rped, I never come across this Fur Length: long Disabilities(Realistic to survival):none Scars:a scar on her muzzle Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):none Personality:kind,smart,quiet Weaknesses (5+): Mute Afraid of Heights Honest Hard Hearing Submissive Strengths (5+): Long tail Great Eyesight longer fur =Harder to hurt light=won't make as much noise Mate:None Siblings:(open) Other: Cymru ![]() Edited on 15/09/18 @ 08:21:09 by Pinkfoxx (#140707) |
Doggy (#60955)
Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-15 15:06:22 |
Name: Rainpaw Gender: Female Age (Moons): 12 Moons Rank: Apprentice Looks (Img or description): Gray and white fur with faint gray-brown ripples along her appendages, back, and face. Round gray-blue eyes and a bob tail. Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Rainblosson joined Terraclan not long ago. She came from a breeder and was going to be sold before she jumped out of a window that had been open. She wandered into the forest and got lost. She stayed in the forest few a few days before stumbling across Terraclan cats. She joined them soon after. Sexuality: Anything goes Fur Length: Short Disabilities(Realistic to survival): none Scars: none Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): none Personality: Rainblossom often lets curiosity get the best of her, always wanting to learn something new. She’s an attentive listener, but bad at starting a conversation herself. She doesn’t think well under pressure, which is why in stressful situations she may freeze up until an order is given. That being said, she doesn’t think things through and may follow directions blindly. Don’t be fooled, though, because she isn’t cowardly. She loves her clan deeply and would rush into battle without a second thought. Weaknesses (5+): - Bad sense of direction - Doormat - Dependant - Bad under pressure - Bad lier - Not strong physically Strengths (5+): + Good at swimming and fishing + Quiet and stealthy + Good negotiator + Quick learner + Hardworking + Fast Mate: None at the moment Siblings: None in Terraclan (open) Other: Noreg Cymru Edit: Changed from a warrior to apprentice ![]() Edited on 07/10/18 @ 12:58:41 by 🌱Wolfie🌱 (#60955) |
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