Posted by Terraclan (Warrior Cats RP) [Sign-up!]

Zephyr (#117962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-07 13:14:44

Main Roleplay Thread


Find the two codewords hidden in the rules for the "Other:" section!
*Only Clan admins can be Starclan warriors!
*Aetherclan is Skyclan, but renamed. Reason included in Lore section in Aetherclan's Main RP thread
*Terraclan was formed recently.
*Please read the lore before making a character
*Only two clans live in this area. If you make a cat that has been in another clan, the other clan is Aetherclan
*If we find out you've lied about breaking the rules and just copied the codewords, we have full right to ban you from the RP



Age (Moons):
Looks (Img or description):
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan):
Fur Length:
Disabilities(Realistic to survival):
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):
Weaknesses (5+):
Strengths (5+):
Other: If you read the rules, you know what to put here.


Follow this link to see the current cast, status, and upcoming events!
* Make sure to not use a name used by another character.


Admin: Sedrik
Admin: Ash [WCU]
Admin: Lightqueen
Moderator: Tokyo (Mostly on Discord)

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Edited on 21/09/19 @ 15:43:25 by Sedrik (Clean) (#117962)

Bloodblossom (#131214)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-09-21 02:45:39
Name: Snowcloud

Gender: Female

Age (Moons): 20 Moons

Rank: Medicine Cat

Looks: Fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes. Her tail is long and feathery, her paws small with pink pads. Her nose is pink as well with a scar across the bridge.

Origin: Once a kittypet named Stella, with a cushy lifestyle and a desire to be outside. One day the twoleg left the door open and despite her mother and sister’s warnings, the bold white she-cat had raced outside and across the yard. She scaled the fence just before her alarmed twoleg could catch her, she leaped down into the neighboring yard and took off. Her journey started with her trying to find her rogue father and brothers, she had little luck in her search. A week after escaping her twoleg she was injured in a fight against a large tom who had tried to steal her sleeping place. He had scratched her up badly and left a nic in her left ear.

She patched herself up with some cobwebs, but as she was doing it a sense of calm had washed over her and she felt great despite her sore nose and ear. She continued her search for her father and brothers, moving from place to place through the winter. Once spring came she decided to find more permanent quarters. Before she could find one though she ran into Terra. The tom was in search of cats to join with him and live by the lake. Needless to say, Stella followed him. She later gained the name Snowcloud.

Sexuality: Straight

Fur Length: Medium

Disabilities: None

Scars: A small one on the bridge of her nose and a nic in her left ear.

Accessories: None

Personality: is a strong and caring she-cat with a passion to help her new family.

Weaknesses (5+):
- Trust Issues
- Limited Hunting Abilities
- Stubborn
- Overly Emotional
- Fear of the water

Strengths (5+):
- Sense of Smell
- Intelligent
- Empathy
- Strong Fighter
- Loyalty

Mate: N/A

Sebastian (Father, Rogue)
Fiona (Mother, Kittypet)
Max (Brother, Rogue)
Felix (Brother, Rogue)
Nina (Sister, Kittypet)

Other: Noreg, Cymru

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Edited on 21/09/18 @ 07:46:09 by Bloodblossom (#131214)

Teddy (#117922)

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Posted on
2018-09-28 14:00:41
Name: Oakpaw (Oakdapple)
Gender: Male
Age: 10 moons
Rank: Medicine cat apprentice
Looks: Oakpaw is an oriental longhair cat with a dark brown pelt peppered with hints of lighter brown and slight reddish colours. He has long fur around his cheeks, a long, angular muzzle and large ears. He is slender and tall with long legs, and a long thin tail. He has yellow eyes.
Origin: Oakpaw once lived as a rogue with his mother and littermates after having originally been born a kittypet, but upon hearing of the formation of a Clan of wild cats nearby, he abandoned his family and entered the care of the Clan.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Fur Length: Medium-long
Disabilities: None
Scars: None yet
Accessories: He loves to decorate his fur with dead leaves!
Personality: Oakpaw is a rebellious cat with a taste for ambition and power within the Clan. Ever since he joined TerraClan as a small kit, he looked up to Terrastar almost like a father figure, but he felt his calling was not that of a warrior, deputy or even a leader, but of a medicine cat. He loathed his normal warrior training and was jealous of the cats that got to have the position he so craved. Oakpaw is a cowardly cat with poor fighting skills, and as such his time as a warrior apprentice made him feel humiliated in comparison to the skill of his Clanmates. He can be dishonest at times and prefers to use cunning and intelligence rather than brute strength to get his own way, but there are certain cats that can get under his skin and soften his heart towards them. He enjoys drawing other cats' attention towards him and likes to think of himself as having brilliant leadership skills, although he never intends to become a leader of the Clan. Instead, he is passionate about herbs and gathering as much knowledge as he can, and is a true believer in the phrase: knowledge is power.
Weaknesses (5+):
Easily made jealous
Lacks fighting skill
Strengths (5+):
Mate: N/A
Siblings: Rogues
Other: Noreg, Cymru

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Chompchomps (#155830)

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Posted on
2018-10-16 19:41:33
Name: Ratpelt
Gender: male
Age (Moons): 13 moons
Rank: warrior
Looks (Img or description): Ratpelt is a pale grey tomcat with a black hood and neck. His pelt has several scars and a scar struck directly down his face and lips. His eyes are a dark brownish grey. He's a short chubby legged tomcat with an extremely long tail that he often keeps low to the ground. He's not a handsome looking tom either, with a long face and small round ears, it give him a rat like appearance. Ratpelt's fur has a signature curl to it, like wool but not thick. Just curly and tight.
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Rappelt joined TerraClan a while ago, he trained as an apprentice but is now a young warrior. Ratpelt was originally a kitty pet for an elderly man but decided to leave once the two leg stopped appearing. He eventually was found by a TerraClan cat and was taken in as Ratpaw.
Sexuality: (asexual, aromantic) He doesn't know yet and is still working on it.
Fur Length: medium-short and curly around chest, back and flanks
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): None
Scars: One his hind quarters, left forepaw and down his from inbetween his eyes to his lower jaw.
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: Ratpelt is a flirty wanna be that often fails. He tries to hard to fit in with the other cats when it comes to mates or hunting. He sucks at hunting. Ratpelt is a pretty pessimistic cat around the other clans and usually tries not to make friends with most cats. When he's comfortable he'll talk loudly and joke around, mainly when he is only with friends so when on patrol. He's a loyal but not so loyal tomcat as well. If someone can convince him to think other wise then he'll join that group. He's easily convinced I guess. He also can get a hot attitude when someone bothers him to much and can be relatable a lot of times.
Weaknesses (5+): He sucks at hunting
Finds it hard being nice to others
Thinks that StarClan is boring old dead cats (slightly disrespectful)
Easy to convince
Often bites to hard when fighting causing more injuries then he intended.
Gets hotheaded easily
Strengths (5+):
Ratpelt makes up his bad hunting in fighting skills and swimming (but not the best for swimming)
He is very good at solving problems
Ratpelt is social and will spill the poppyseeds when needed
Fast learner
Mate: Nope
Siblings: Nah
Other: If you read the rules, you know what to put here.
fengit sin heim and hevet nordmannen.

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Edited on 11/11/18 @ 18:50:27 by Mange (#155830)

Hibiscus Primal (#105742)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-10-16 20:09:38
If I missed anything, please tell me!
Name: Stonefell
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 21 moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): image0.png (drawn by me)
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Prior to discovering Terraclan, a younger, less-experienced Stonefell roamed freely from place to place, often not paying attention to her surroundings in the process. During a heavy rainstorm, the young shecat failed to notice the boulder she was sleeping under come loose from the rain, resulting in it falling on top of her and pinning her by the tail. To free herself, Stonefell had to gnaw through her tail, reducing it to the stub it is today. Following the accident, Stonefell was less enthusiastic about leaving the forest—she grew accustomed to the territory while she recovered, she understood it. What if something worse than a falling boulder struck her unawares? For the next ten moons she explored the forest until she came upon the lake and, by proxy, the clans living there. Stonefell has remained settled in Terraclan for the past three moons.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities: None physically, however she has a learned fear of piles of rocks due to her accident.
Scars: No visible scars, however she has a hidden scar on the tip of her tail nub where it was severed
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): n/a
Personality: Although she might come off as cold and stern at first, Stonefell is an extremely passionate friend once you get to know her. Before her accident, Stonefell was an impulsive kit, not really thinking about the consequences of her actions. She's since grown out of her childish impulsivity, but she still has her moments as an adult shecat.
Weaknesses (5+): Her periodic impulsiveness—Stonefell sometimes will let her emotions get the better of her. Other weaknesses—Balance, Climbing, Communication, Swimming
Strengths (5+): Her dedication—Stonefell will literally die to save her fellow clan-mates' lives. Behind her stony facade, Stonefell is a dedicated warrior who loves her clan. Other strengths—Fighting, Sneaking, Running, Stamina
Mate: n/a
Siblings: n/a
Do you intend on developing your character?: Yes absolutely!
Other: Did you read the rules? YEP! Hevet Nordmannen, Fenget sin Heim!

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Cspr (#2950)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-31 22:42:40
Name: Addermask.
Gender: Male.
Age (Moons): 36 moons, born in leaf-fall.
Rank: Warrior.
Looks: While he has the strong legs of Skyclan ancestry, he is also unusually long-limbed and lean. Despite this, he is also a large tomcat, well-muscled and tall. He has angular figures and bright, piercing blue eyes. His fur is mostly brown mackerel tabby, with a bark-like pattern in places, but he also has splashes of white, including around his eyes. He keeps himself tidy and overall is a poised, almost elegant cat.
Origin: His heritage is found in Skyclan through Aetherclan, but also in loners. His father was a loner, his mother an Aetherclan queen, Mottlewing (open). When her deception was discovered, her Aetherclan mate went into such a rage she felt unsafe and she took her kits away with her into nearby territory to be with her other mate, the loner Jinx. She trained Addermask best she could along with his siblings Ferretkit/Ferretpaw/”Ferret”, his pale tabby brother, and Waspkit/Wasppaw/”Wasp”, his white-pawed brown torbie sister (both open). They both chose to avoid Aetherclan, but with the new invention of Terraclan, Adder decided he wanted in--and became Addermask under Terrastar.
Sexuality: Bi/pan.
Fur Length: Short.
Disabilities: He insofar has no known disabilities.
Scars: He has a bite mark scar from a dog grabbing him by the back.
Accessories: None, though some strange human once put a smelly collar on him. He got it off as quickly as possible.
Personality: Addermask grew up with few cats he could trust and therefore is often suspicious of others, even their kindness. Despite this lack of sociability, he managed to learn much from his parents and cats here and there. He’s always craved knowledge and wanted to learn more, often growing frustrated when his mother didn’t remember more stories of the clan cats or battles. He is prone to pushing himself beyond his limits until he crashes. He can often be prickly and a bit tactless with blunt honesty, but at other times he can make the effort to be charming even if it requires blatant lying. He isn’t the most trustworthy unless he decides to trust you.
Weaknesses (5+):
Overly suspicious, sometimes paranoid.
Lower social intelligence.
Starts fights.
Sometimes dishonest.

Strengths (5+):
Hard worker.
Focused on Warrior Code.
Loyal to loved ones.

Mate: None, open.
Siblings: Ferret and Wasp.
Other: Hevet Nordmannen. Fenget sin Heim.

(My side account is Revevant. I am multiply-disabled so sometimes must take breaks if medical needs require, but I will attempt to warn between any absences.)

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Poison (#25603)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-02 09:16:13
Name: Sootheart
Gender: Female
Age (Moons): 13 moons
Rank: Warrior
Looks (Img or description): A slender she-cat with silky fur, a full feathery tail, and flame colored eyes.
(Made from the dolldivine game by Neikoish)
Origin: Born as a kittypet from parents who were born as kittypets. Never feeling satisfied with life, she escaped her Twolegs and sought out wild cats, finding Terraclan not long after, her name changing from Miss Kitty to Sootheart.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Fur length: Medium length along her body, but long on her tail and around her face.
Disabilities: none
Scars: none
Accessories: none
Personality: Sootheart is very energetic and up for anything. Since she has spent all her kithood sheltered and pampered, she feels the need to do everything and prove she's good enough to be a warrior.
-Tries to do everything herself
-Afraid feelings would make her look weak
Mate: none (Open)
Siblings: Archer, Sebastian, and Rookie
Other: It's November

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Edited on 04/12/18 @ 21:41:53 by Poison (#25603)

Cavadess (#166344)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-01-13 14:11:53
Name: Foxpaw (to be Foxfoot)
Gender: She-cat
Age (Moons): 7 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Looks (Img or description): Spotted tabby cat
[Imaged Removed]
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Dropped off anonymously by scraggly loner she-cat at 1 moon old
Sexuality: Hetero (but will never have a mate because that would mean I'm cheating on my boyfriend irl I think )
Fur Length: Short
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): No disabilities, but was a malnourished kit when dropped off, still small
Scars: None
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): None
Personality: Fiery, energetic, ambitious, and talkative. Comes off as annoying sometimes.
Weaknesses (5+): Small (size disadvantage), weak, easily distracted, wants to be friendly to every cat (trespasser or not), gullible
Strengths (5+): Sharp claws and teeth, strong bite. Clever and quick.
Mate: N/A
Siblings: None
Other: If you read the rules, you know what to put here. ) Eller, Hva

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Edited on 01/02/19 @ 11:27:15 by Sinbreaker (#136399)

Gray Goo (#171081)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2019-03-15 13:06:42
Name: Goldenheart

Gender: She-Cat

Age (Moons): 23

Rank: Queen/Warrior

Looks (Img or description): A lithe slender body with pale yellow fur, faint tabby stripes present. Long fluffy tail.

Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Gold was, until now, a wanderer; she was born into a clan that she no longer remembers, due to her mother moving herself and Gold out and into the woods to live on their lonesome. Gold had become lonely after her mother perished on the thunderpath and, after her mate left her, she decided to assimilate herself into the nearby Terraclan. She does not regret her decision, and loves her new family. She is currently pregnant with a single kit, and is anxiously awaiting its arrival.

Sexuality: Bi

Fur Length: Long

Disabilities(Realistic to survival): N/A

Scars: Just a nick on her left ear.

Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): N/A

Personality: A total mom-friend and sweetheart. Goldenheart adores kits and will gladly help take care of any number of them. She can be a little overbearing, but it's for good reasons. She is a kind cat that will listen to any problems her clan-mates have, but will also call them out if they're in the wrong.

Weaknesses (5+):
-will question authority until she's satisfied
-loosey-goosey with clan rules
-eats a lot

Strengths (5+):
-will follow all rules even if she questions them
-is laidback but ready to fight at a moment's notice
-great with kits and apprentices
-enjoys teaching
-loyal to a fault

Mate: Foxeye (abandoned her and therefore dead to her)

Siblings: N/A

Other: If you read the rules, you know what to put here. Eller, Hva

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Edited on 15/03/19 @ 13:10:58 by Gray Goo (#171081)

woofwooftails (#142574)

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Posted on
2019-04-27 18:50:04
Name: Meadowpaw
Gender: female
Age (Moons): 11 moons
Rank: med apprentice
Looks (Img or description):Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): Meadow was a kittpet who finally after watching terraclan got the courage to join
Sexuality: idk yet...
Fur Length: short
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): Declawed
Scars: some on her side
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): flower behind ear.
Personality: Meadowpaw is a very shy she-cat. Never liked be rammed with questions or orders cause it causes her to panic. She is also very caring as she likes to take in kits since she had many thanks to her mother. She likes keeping up with clan activities and events so she can be prepared for anything in her path. Even though she is pretty weak that doesn't mean she won't show cats their place.
Weaknesses (5+):
can't really harm enemy cats(unless its by biting)
she sometimes gets overwhelmed and panics
cant hunt good cause no claws
no claws
Strengths (5+):
willing to take charge if forced
Mate: none but wants one
Siblings: too many to count but theres her favorite little brother Nibble.
Other: If you read the rules, you know what to put here. Eller Hva

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Edited on 03/06/19 @ 14:13:33 by woofwooftails (#142574)

Skadoo (#165968)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-06-03 14:07:23
Age (Moons):
apprentice (I would like to be med, but warrior works too)
Looks (Img or description):
Semi fluffy blue and white cat. (Blue Somali cat) (sorry I can’t really describe things well and I can’t put in the link because of copyright issues)
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan):
Frostpaw was previously a loner before her mother joined aetherclan. At this point, Frostpaw was Icicle. Frostkit was eventually banished from Aetherclan along with her mother when Frostkit accidentally killed another kit she had quarreled with. Her mother died and Frostpaw found Terraclan after a few days of travel when she was weak with starvation.
Fur Length:
please refer to the photo above
Disabilities(Realistic to survival):
Near sighted
two small nicks out of the left ear, and a scar on the left shoulder
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe):
blue and purple flowers woven as a thin and small necklace
rule breaker, rebellious, but will defend her friends and family, nervous, second guesses everything, understanding, strategic, And impatient.
Weaknesses (5+):
bad sense of sight
bad at hunting
bad coordination
low endurance
Strengths (5+):
quick reflexes
superior sense of smell
superior sense of hearing
(to be determined)
(Hva, Eller)

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Edited on 04/06/19 @ 01:36:50 by Skadoo (#165968)

JustPeachyy (#178938)

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Posted on
2019-06-25 02:54:16
Name:Peachpaw (To be Peachsong if that's ok)
Age (Moons): 8 moons
Looks (Img or description):Very fluffy She-cat (almost prickly looking?) With dark Calico fur, with deep crystal blue eyes. Has a few Knicks in right ear along with an unusually long and fluffy tail. Smaller than most apprentices and looks to be a mix between a Maincoon and A Scottish food with her folded ears and round face.
Origin(Excluding Thunderlan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan): her mother was originally a kittypet and her father a stray. She was the only kit born to the litter and due to the fact her mother didnt want the twolegs to take her away she gave her to her father, Bear. Bear then lived in a small log just outside of Terraclan territory and her would usually leave to hunt by sun high and come home around dusk. One day he didn't come back to the log and on a patrol Terraclan cats hear Peachkit (then know as Peach) mewling for her father and took her in.
Sexuality: Bisexual (mainly homo)
Fur Length: extremely long and poofy
Disabilities(Realistic to survival): due to how tightly folded her ears are she has trouble hearing and trouble running with her short legs.
Scars: a few takes on her back from fights/skirmishes and Knicks in her ears and a scratch on her muzzle. (Due to her being an app I didn't wanna give her too many scars)
Accessories (realistic to the warrior cat universe): she always has sweet smelling flowers and fuzzy leaves getting stuck in her fur in which she doesn't mind.
Personality: Very kind hearted and shy, she knows right from wrong but will always uphold the warrior code and stay loyal to her clan. She often has a sense of humor and can be spunky towards offensive comments
Weaknesses (5+):
-easily tired when chasing prey
-easily manipulated
-gets confused easily
-hard at hearing
Strengths (5+):
-kind to others
-extremely loyal to clan
-treats other equally
-looks up to peers
- acknowledges she isn't the best but not the worst
Mate: open when warrior
Siblings: none
Other: Eller Hva

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Edited on 25/06/19 @ 02:56:29 by Prussia (#178938)

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