Posted by [ Kitten Customs / Recolors ] FULL

Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-09-13 16:37:14
I am so close to finishing my main project I can taste it; need some funds and items to make that happen, though, sooooooo...

Available Bases:

I've got a fair number of examples on this base now, but you're welcome to look at my past design work ;D Click the [X]s to see examples!


8 per Custom or Recolor | +2 for Lineart Edits
ochresaltlick.pngcrunchyworm.png = 2 Customs/Recolors
[or one with edits included, but.... really, the other is a MUCH better deal unless you go wild with the edits, c'mon.]

[X] [X] [X] [X] [X]


  • Please be clear as to what you'd like! For design commissions, I am extremely uncomfortable working on too loose a leash, so including a handful of preferences or dislikes for my weee sanity is a must.
  • I am taking on ten customs or recolors; I should be able to get one done every other day. Each individual commission/image takes up its own slot. Your wait time should be roughly double the number of customs ahead of yours
  • Please comment below with all relevant information in one comment; helps me keep track of things and make your commission the best it can be! If I ask for clarification and you do not provide it before I’ve reached you on my to-do list, I will either skip over it or refuse your commission, so please stay on top of things! [If your commission must be kept top-secret, feel free to PM it to me only after I’ve agreed; I'd rather this only occur if you have a valid reason for the com not being public like everyone else's...]
  • The bases I'm using will not be turned into different species; that'll require more tweaks than I have time for. I can, however, do lineart modifications to, say, give a kitty Primal fangs and a mane, or a foxy tail, or scales, or whatever so long as it's paid for.
  • I've got a *lot* of customs/recolors to do, so in the interest of time, two edits per design after completion are included. I can do more tweaks at my discretion for free or for a little extra payment, but I am within my rights to limit it to only two.
  • Here's how payment will work; I'll contact you once I'm done the commission [often with a heavily watermarked version of the com], you send payment, I send the art file.
  • Though you can take your time paying and thus not seeing the final product... do note that if a commission is not paid for within two weeks, I may modify the artwork into an adoptable or something. =C
  • If you have a due date [Say, must be done before the 24th] let me know as you order; I'd appreciate a tip in such cases, just saying ;D
  • I reserve the right to decline any commission. There are some things I'm not comfortable with drawing and may be uncomfortable working for some customers depending on what I know of them as a possible client. Please respect that, and please remain respectful if I don't chose your commission in the first place.
  • Oh, yeah; please skim through my TOS at least. Don't need to read it all, but give it a glance: Agryo's TOS


Fill this out or your order will be skipped over!

For Customs

Name + ID# | Self-explanatory
Concept | What are you looking for? A kitten for your pairing, a lava cat, a silver spotted tabby? Describe what you'd like me to do!
Likes / Dislikes | What do you generally like to see in designs? And what is a big no-no?
Links / Refs | Links to any relevant info; could be color pallets or photos of real animals or your OC this one's gonna be related to
Long / Short | Longhair, Oriental or Shorthair lineart?
Lineart Edits? | Do you want lineart edits, costing 2GB? If so, what should I add/change?
Payment | Paying in GB pure, or buying in bulk with a GMO or Gnaw?

For Recolors:

Name + ID# | Self-explanatory
Reference | Links to your OC's reference! Please include any notes on if the design has changed/on areas not illustrated
Long / Short | Longhair, Oriental or Shorthair lineart?
Lineart Edits? | Do you want lineart edits, costing 2GB? If so, what should I add/change?
Payment | Paying in GB pure, or buying in bulk with a GMO or Gnaw?


I'll work through these and maybe open more if I have time! ;D
Corvid | #1650 | Custom | GB, COMPLETE
jakory #9961 | Redesign w edits | GB, COMPLETE
jakory #9961 | Redesign w edits | GB, COMPLETE
Jakory #9961 | Redesign w edits | GB, COMPLETE
Rozay (#88005) | Recolor w edits | Crunchy Worm, COMPLETE + UNPAID

Jakory #9961 | Redesign w edits | GB
Jakory #9961 | Custom w edits | GB
Jakory #9961 | Custom w edits | GB
Razz (#18166) | Custom | Crunchy Worm
Trickster (#30862) | SEE PMS | GB / Item
Whoom | Link | GB / Item
Whoom | Link | GB / Item

Completed Customs:

Customs completed for Ye People of Lioden on this thread


Completed Recolors:

Recolors completed for Ye People of Lioden on this thread


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Edited on 02/11/18 @ 18:58:32 by Agryo [Side] (#84746)

jakory (#9961)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 09:01:22
heey so, would you be ok with doing a redesign of this character? o: it's totally unnatural and I'd like to keep the planets (which I would pay extra on top of the 2gb) so I don't know if you'd be up for that??

I'd also like to ask for 2 more customs (not redesigns for once, lmao) if that's okay. I don't want to take all the slots but hecc I love your designs so much I need help.

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 09:25:16
Hi yes I've got 4 ideas for them already; I can work with unnatural designs! I just don't do it often lol; I'm at school so sorry for the bad links, but here are some examples:

You can totally grab those slots if you like; I don't have a slot limit for individual users, just over-all so I don't burn out and die. XD

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jakory (#9961)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 09:37:20

& yeah, I've seen your unnatural designs (which I really like!) I was just wondering if the planets would be off-putting, but actually, having thought about it, you don't have to do them if you don't want to since I can also refer people to the original image, haha.

Name + ID# | jakory #9961
Concept | just something spacey. I don’t want the main body fur to have any space-is colours though, just keep to the same two colours on the ref! I’d like most of the marks to be black-ish, but on the face and right arm like the ref the marks could have the space colours with white speckles.
Likes / Dislikes | any marks go! stripes, spots, splotches. I don’t really have any ideas on what I’d like or dislike on them.
Links / Refs | LINK
Long / Short | long hair I guess would work better!
Lineart Edits? | if you could remove the little ear tuft and do a nub tail instead. and add the little halo thing around the right ear. the planets are up to you and you can let me know how much it’ll cost.

Name + ID# | jakory #9961
Concept | I’d like this and the next custom to be siblings. I’d like the fur to mainly be dark grey, like a kinda ashy look. and for it to have light grey eyes (relative to the fur colour). I’d like the eye area to be a little darker than the body (can be a soft brush or hard) and tip of the tail. the grey colour can either be flat grey or hued blue/purple.
Likes / Dislikes | anything works, I kinda picture him with speckles! or something like that, haha. I would like them to be darker if you want to go with that. I can’t think of any type of mark that I would hate for him but I do feel like he’d have something complicated (like a lot of dense marks).
Links / Refs | n/a
Long / Short | short
Lineart Edits? | if you could add some fluff to the cheeks, and top of the head (not a fringe though) and similar tail to the ones you did for me before but slightly longer fur. I’d also like claws for him.

Name + ID# | jakory #9961
Concept | This & previous will be siblings! I’d like the fur to mainly be an ashy blond. the left eye is green and the right eye is blue (you can pick how light/dark). I’d like the eye area to be white or off-white (can be a soft brush or hard) and tip of the tail.
Likes / Dislikes | anything works, something similar to the one above but more warm hues would be good. I think his marks would be slightly less detailed than his brother.
Links / Refs | n/a
Long / Short | short
Lineart Edits? | if you could add some fluff to the cheeks, top of the head (longer than the one above), stomach, and same tail as the one above.

Payment | gb

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Edited on 03/11/18 @ 11:19:21 by jakory (#9961)

Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 15:14:38
Adding! I'd say an extra 2GB for the space baby? I'd probably send you a version with/without the space things, so you can allow for clearer refs. My main thought for him is that the space can emerge from any white areas, though he'd obviously have preferred space-emitting areas; might look into making that especially nebulous leg be star-speckled with white?

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 15:22:18
Are there any slots left?

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 15:24:08
Hi Razz! Two left after Jakory grabbed a good handful ;D

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 15:49:19
Aight! My sassy self is gonna creep in then and grab one slot using a worm~

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 15:51:26
Nice! Writing it up; get back to me on what you'd like as soon as you can! <333

Given I have a lot of on my plate due soon, for tonight I'm just gonna try to sketch out the lineart edits for Jakory's first batch. try being the keyword

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-10-24 16:21:08
can i snag that last slot?

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 16:28:17
Name + ID# | Razz #18166
Concept | A Snow Bengal! You can do either a Snow Lynx, Snow Mink, Snow Marbled Lynx, or Snow Marbled Mink. You could do a Snow Charcoal with either of the variations as well~ The eyes can be whatever you think fits even if it's not the genetically correct blues
Likes / Dislikes | I'd just like a few tips if you do a very complex one again as with the last pair I ordered!! They were super helpful for imitating the design in the future!
Links / Refs | One
Long / Short | Longhair
Lineart Edits? | N/A
Payment | Wormies

Name + ID# | Razz #18166
Concept | There's a few options you could do for this! I want a cat with abnormal white spotting. The main colors are all yours to choose- they could be black, or tabby, or cream, or a calico, really it's whatever you're feeling at the moment. However, the white markings should be abnormal somehow. Either vitiligo, or roaned, or ticked kinda like a dog would be. I'll provide references of what I mean below! Eyes can be whatever you feel like, have fun with this one!
Likes / Dislikes | Pretty much everything is fair game here! Just gimme a little info on how to replicate if it's real complex~
Links / Refs | One - This is a vit kitty
Two - This is the same vit kitty
Three - Same vitty kitty
Four - Cat with Ticked White
Five - More 'Speckled Bicolors' like the one above
Six - A 'brindled bicolor' where the tortie red is lacking and results in white pigmentation instead
Seven - Roaned or 'Tweed' cat, where the coat is like an abyssinian or ticked tabby but white pigment instead
Eight - 'Finnish Mutation' cat found in an inbred colony associated with sterility.
Nine - 'Moscow Mutation' cat is a strange inverse tabby pattern found in some cats in moscow
Ten - more Moscow Mutation
Extra Bonus Drawn Design that looks kinda cool for the brindled bicolor as an extra ref
Long / Short | Longhair or Shorthair depending on your mood~
Lineart Edits? | N/A
Payment | Wormies

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Edited on 24/10/18 @ 16:30:56 by Razz [PUTP Sidereal Symmpie] (#18166)

Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 16:31:32
*Snaps Fingers* IDK how many of those white mutations you've seen before or designed before but maybe it'll be a lil extra fun for you!!

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 18:07:53
@Razz: Hi! Sorry, but mind only using one of those? From what I understood you only asked for one slot, and Trickster asked about grabbing the last one before you posted yours. ^^

If you're really keen on both, I can tentatively add you as an 11th slot, though I dunno how long the wait time will be. [Before December definitely tho]

I'm confusing myself hhhh; it's because the Crunchy Worm could be for one custom with edits, or two customs; the phrasing made me think it was the former. If the slight delay with the second one is still okay with you I can do the 9/11 thing as a compromise? Sorry!

[Also cat genetics are my J A M, so it's good to assume I've seen lots of stuff; snow Bengals are practically my bread and butter along with tortie Smokes XD I love all o' them <333 I don't have as much experience with caramelizing as I'd like though, that's one big weak spot I was happy to play with last time]

@Trickster: Sorry for the above confusion! You can have slot 10, Razz can take 9 [and maybe an 11th slot if wanted]. ^^

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Edited on 24/10/18 @ 18:10:03 by Agryoween [Side] (#84746)

Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2018-10-24 22:09:21
Oh whoops that's totally my bad! You can feel free to just do the latter one, I'm not sure what edits to use though so if you want to add them as you wish feel free. Otherwise though if you're feeling up to that last slot at any point at all (I have no problem at all waiting even months, especially if you're overwhelmed) then feel free to add it on without edits and work on it as you have time and energy~

In short: I'm happy to do either solution, whatever is best for you <3 I'd hate to overwork you at all, I know the feeling of being overwhelmed as an artist and feeling like you have to crank something out so it's totally your call. I apologise if that's not helpful if you want me to make a final call on it I'm happy to but I'll need to give it some thought. You can move me into the final slot to give everyone else who is set the time and all that first if that's the case

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mace (#30862)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-10-25 19:22:46
its okay!! im on mobile right now so maybe tomorrow i'll be able to get my links together for you, sorry about that!

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-11-02 18:54:17
Jakory's first batch of redesigns was finished yesterday and got Rozay's done today! Not showing the latter due to pending feedback, but: look at these hotties! Updating the queue accordingly. <3


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