Posted by Finding horses [September Event]

Dumpling (#124310)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 08:01:14
So, this is regarding the new storyline for the September event, where you search other player's dens for the four horses.

The thing is, a lot of players have gotten that mechanic a bit confused, me included. It's not super-clear on how exactly you do it, and many come to the conclusion that it's a random event that comes from chasing or stomping locusts. Considering they're both exclusive to the September event, it's very easy to just assume that's how it works.
What I'm suggesting is that it needs clarification of some sort, like "They'll pop up randomly when visiting another player's den." Or just a small text reading like "This does not have anything to do with clearing locusts.". It really doesn't matter how, it's just that this is something that many players got confused with!

This is of course just a small tweak, but I think it could be helpful in some ways. If you support/don't support, I'd love to hear why. Cheers!

This suggestion has 15 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/09/18 @ 08:04:54 by 🥟Dumpling [NOT a ravioli] (#124310)

Growrr (#16845)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 08:49:56
Does it really matter if you have to visit other players' dens to chase or stomp locusts anyway? You have the same chance to spot a horse, don't you? Or do you mean avoiding unnecessary chasing/stomping?

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Dumpling (#124310)

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Posted on
2018-09-17 08:52:22
Nah, I was thinking like, only visiting players dens while you can stomp/chase. In my case, I only bothered clicking on other players while I knew I could do that, instead of going around a lot to find them, which I know more than a few people did as well. Since if you have this info, it's really easy to go through the online-list until you find one!

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