Posted by Lykos OOC

JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2018-09-20 19:06:31
Hey! This is where the members of the Lykos RP can feel free to discuss the RP, plot, ask questions, or just chat in general! Keep it kind and clean, and PM me with any issues.

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💕Arya (#157337)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 09:49:36
Yeah it's even weird to me but what can I say.

My moms so paranoid as I'm young and I always have adults hitting on me bevause they think I'm older I've actually in the past month have some 37 year old guy say hed marry me that's as old as my dad

He was actually sexually harassing me but I waited because he was at our house visiting for awhile but it got so awkward I told my mom then the guy called me rude.

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Edited on 04/10/18 @ 09:52:53 by Vanessa (#157337)

EbonyClaw (#122053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-04 09:52:31
You can consider them an adult until they do that stuff, then they’re pervy old men. They don’t have the right to be called anything else.
She has a right to be paranoid, anything could happen when guys like that try.

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💕Arya (#157337)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 09:54:40
Yeah I know and I think I've actually developed a bit of anxiety and sometimes I don't even want to leave my room for weeks my moms quite caring though and leaves me at home as long as I promise to not sit in bed all day an sit on the couch

Like not suicidal I'm not dumb it won't make the problems go away I'll just be dead but just kind if depressed LioDen had actually made me want to wake up in the mornin I'm not sleeping until 12

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Edited on 04/10/18 @ 10:00:12 by Vanessa (#157337)

EbonyClaw (#122053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:00:27
I can’t tell you what to do, but I know a good way to help overcome that anxiety every now and again. And that is to do something you enjoy and just forget. I have a terrible paranoia that anywhere I go, I’m going to die. Something is going to happen and it makes me scared and unable to do anything. I’ll get visions and daydreams of scenarios and it terrifies me. But I found if you do something you enjoy, you’ll forget about it, at least for just a little while. My friend likes to make me do a lot; takes me out to places, go exploring in the woods, and torture her cats with cuddles because that’s what makes me forget. It’s good that your mom is understanding, and she is right, but find something you care about that involves at least some movement. Like drawing, or writing, or even riding a bike around town if it’s possible.

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💕Arya (#157337)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:02:43
Thanks <3 this is actually really helping I think I'll try and spend more time with my 13 budgies I do love cats but the one we have likes to "Love bite" really hard I also have 2 puppies and 1 fish as I killed off the fish I ha had for 5 months after an outbreak of Ick

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💕Arya (#157337)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:04:22
I live in a town where there's been so many young girls murdered and were way out in the country like 40 minutes from hospital but I do take walls every once in awhile.

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EbonyClaw (#122053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:08:40
That sounds like a game plan. I’m a bit jealous of your pets though. It’s so many! I have seven max at the moment.

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EbonyClaw (#122053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:09:31
Oof, it’s good to stay safe. Keep like pepper spray or some range weapon on you if you go out at night.

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💕Arya (#157337)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:12:39
Oh I'd never go at at night there's bears,cougars,bobcats,wolves,coyotes, ad there was our next door neighbour on our 160 acre property his son had murdered a 16 year old girl that's like 10 minutes from this trailer were in so no night walks ever!

Also I did have 10 more fish but yeah I guess it's not the norm to have so many and I got most for free other than the fish and 6 budgies I bought.

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Edited on 04/10/18 @ 10:12:52 by Vanessa (#157337)

EbonyClaw (#122053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:20:01
Well, I get having a lot of fish. The friend I mentioned has so many pets. 9 cats, 7 fishtanks full of fish, 3 budgies, 2 leopard geckos, and four hermit crabs. I’m just amazed by all the budgies. That’s a lot to clean up when you do have to clean it. But if you got pets for free then lowkey you adopted them and saved them from either being on the street or in a shelter.

My area isn’t as bad, we can’t really do night walks too much here either because the coyotes don’t care what you are or what you might attack them with, they’ll still get you. But I can’t believe that that happened that close though. It’s a bit surreal.

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💕Arya (#157337)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:23:34
Yeah I could even link a news paper and I'd love to hae 9 cats but im soo allergic to all animals with fur my eyes swell up and I may go blind if it eye as extreme as it did when I was younger. My eyes sight deteriorated because of my lie of annuals and I'm also allergic to fresh cut grass I've gone to the hospital like 5 times but they just have me some Benedryl

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💕Arya (#157337)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:26:11
Here's the newspaper for the girl

We also know this ladies mom and were friends with her mom

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EbonyClaw (#122053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:27:18
Oof, I could not imagine. I know they have some medicines you can take that last all day or some stronger ones that last a few hours that might help. My only issue with them is that I can never get them to open. They have the darn child proof locks and I just struggle so much. I only have an allergy to cats but it seems like you have an extreme allergy to dander and whatever may be on grass.

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💕Arya (#157337)

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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:29:02
Mine is it used to make me fall asleep in class and when I was awake I was like half unconscious and not really in control of what I said or did it affected me so badly I'd been taking it since I was 7

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EbonyClaw (#122053)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-04 10:32:12
Yikes, make sure to be careful if you’ve been taking it that long. Sometimes your body adjusts after long periods and it doesn’t work as it should.

Though, I can’t believe the articles. Please be careful

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