Posted by Calls From Above (OPEN Warriors Discord RP)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 13:53:14

Peace is the goal. A lack of fighting, a lack of bloodshed... We managed to purge that from our ranks moons ago.
It's a shame these things never last...

The mountains. A very ruthless place to live. For some reason, many cats decided to gather in this area, and called it their home. An ancient group of cats, named the Tribe of Blinding Snow, had already settled there, and watched from above the madness as these newcomers struggled to settle down.

Having so many separate cats was no good. They needed to be organized. Thus, they had to decide on a leader.

Two possible candidates were picked. Hail, a large, silver she-cat, was picked by some cats to be the best. She was an excellent fighter, and had many plans to gain as much territory as possible. Her brother, Stream, was picked by others. Although not as ambitious as his sister, the smaller silver tabby had a knack for thinking outside of the box and surviving with what they had.

The two groups simply couldn't decide, and Hail threatened to bring war upon her brother if they didn't give up their group. Stream promptly shut her down, and decided to make a group of his own.

Despite everything, Hail simply could not truly defeat Stream. He knew how to move his newly founded Clan in such a way that she could never catch them, and they agreed to split the land to end such a hopeless feud. HailClan and StreamClan were formally founded, and the ancestors of the groups gifted the two new leaders with 9 lives and new names - Hailstar and Streamstar.

But even then... Tension never truly dies. As recently as in a lifetime, more and more fights have broken out on borders. A HailClan she-cat even killed a few of her own Clanmates and framing it on StreamClan before finally being defeated.

Hopefully... That will be the last of it all...


1. Follow the Common Rules of Roleplay. Should mainly be common sense, but this needs to be restated several times anyway.
2. We use the Canon Warrior Code for ours here. Even the Tribe knows of the code.
3. Obnoxiously edgy cats will not be allowed. Sure, cats can be overly ambitious and the like, but having an outright villain will have to be discussed with admins first. That being said, the cats' names must be realistic with the series.
4. Don't be a jerk. Just. Don't. There isn't a reason to be like that.
5. If you want a character arc, then so be it. However, you must contact an admin about such first.
6. Listen to the Admins. We're here for a reason, folks.
7. The Discord link will be sent if we approve your RP sample.


We are "Semi-Lit", which means we typically want paragraphs, but we understand shorter posts at times. Just don't make it a habit. Just post a sample of your RPing style and we will shoot you a PM with the link if you're accepted!
Note: I would heavily prefer if Warrior Cats were the subject of the sample, since that is what it's about. ^^;

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Edited on 25/09/18 @ 18:34:01 by Adamymous ☢ (#68231)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2018-09-24 13:53:21



The more ambitious of the two Clans, HailClan is strongly loyal to what they stand for. Although they tend to stick closely to the Warrior Code, few might find ways to bend it to their liking. They are notorious for having cats to try and spark the feud back up again, and attempts to do so is typically punished severely.

They reside in a cave full of boulders that require lots of climbing but allow for excellent hiding places.


Despite their history, StreamClan has remained strong through the moons. They are more likely to bend the code than the other Clan, but only if it means doing what they think is right. The feud has also taken its toll on these quick-witted cats, who suffer thanks to the severity of some of the issues. Some wish they would just give up already and merge with HailClan, as that was the demand since the beginning.

StreamClan lives in a cave that is shared by many small streams, which they use for sources of clean water.

Tribe of Blinding Snow

A more reclusive group, the Tribe remains hidden in the higher portions of the mountain of HailClan and StreamClan. They live closer to the stars, and the snow that is around their home never fully melts. They have two specific roles: Cave-Guards and Prey-Hunters, which are assigned at birth based on the way the cat looks.

Their cave overlooks the land, and they can see HailClan and StreamClan's territories. To them, it's always seemingly covered by a thin layer of clouds.
(This group will more than likely be an entire group of NPCs run by a singular admin in order to keep from spreading people too thin)

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Edited on 28/09/18 @ 12:52:21 by Adamymous ☢ (#68231)

Eeveeleafz (#33512)

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Posted on
2018-09-25 19:49:47
(This is me trying to get back into RPing)

Lucifer crept through the bushes, his body lowered to the ground. His belly barely brushed the ground as the jet black cat silently moved through the dense forest. Blending in with the shadows because of his fur, it would’ve been hard for another cat to spot him until he was right on top of them.

The story of Lucifer and how he came to be in this forest is simple. Born as a kittypet to his kittypet mother, Ava, and his Clan cat father, Clawtail, he grew up raised by the housefolk who his mother lived with. The housefolk named his Lucifer, though he didn’t know what that meant. Lucifer inheritated his father’s pelt and sharp claws, but his mother’s eyes that were as blue as seas. When he was one year old, or twelve moons as Clan cats would say, he let the shelter of his housefolk’s dwelling to live in the forest. His father, exiled when Lucifer was still a kit and had changed his name to just Claw, taught him everything he needed to know to survive on his own.

Hunting, fighting, Lucifer knew it all. Claw had even spent countless nights teaching him the Warrior Code and the ways of the Clans. At this point in time, the loner had been without his father for only a couple seasons, and leaf fallwas quickly arriving. Lucifer had been lucky enough to have his father with him through leafbare before losing him to a surprise badger attack during the night. How he was ready for revenge. After tracking the badger’s scent, watching it from the safety of tree branches, and learning everything about it, he finally found himself standing before the badger’s den. Starting towards the entrance, Lucifer stopped when a fresh and overwhelming smell of badger hit him. Before he could turn around, he felt a strong force hit him which sent him flying theough the air. The second he made contact with what must have been a tree, everything went black.

(I promise my RP replies aren’t this long, but I know some people have 3 paragraph RP samples so I try to do the same)

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Solace .::.Clean
Celestial.::. (#29112)

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Posted on
2018-09-26 13:06:48
(I am interested in getting back into rp as well. :P So I would love to give this a shot. I will think of a character real quick!

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Echostar🐺🐴✨ (#152250)

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Posted on
2018-09-28 09:23:40
I’m curious...)

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-09-30 09:57:14

Sample taken from Dusk and Dawn.

His single turquoise eye opened as Falconstrike felt another body settle near his, far enough to keep from touching him yet still too close to go unnoticed. Vision filling with sleek charcoal and white fur, he returned the nod Scorchwing sent his way, eye reclosing for a moment or so longer before he rose into a sitting position. It was clear she was waiting on the same thing he was, and as such, it would do no harm to strike up a conversation. A little piece of normalcy. “It’s a fine morning,” he commented cordially. “What are you hoping for? A hunting or border patrol?”

While his gaze remained friendly, he examined the she-cat, gauging her condition. She hadn’t slept since the discovery as far as he could tell, some of it showed in the unintentional weariness he could see in her face and her movements, but he couldn’t blame her. He had lost no one and yet rest hadn’t been easy for him either. How impossible a task it must be for a cat who knew her sister was murdered in cold blood and they hadn’t a clue who had committed such a heinous act or why?

Falconstrike was lucky. Greencough had taken his mother and a loose dog his father. While both incidents were traumatizing and worthy of grief at least he had been granted answers and closure. What did Scorchwing have to keep her going beyond dedication to her Clan? “You should really get some rest,” he commented, the first indication he’d given since his initial condolences the night-of that she had suffered a loss. “I’m sure I already know your answer to that suggestion,” he interrupted any attempt to protest.

“Not now, perhaps, but tonight,” he concluded. “If I don’t see you in your nest I’ll come looking for you,” he added a bit more playfully, a mirthful glint in his eye. “Trust me, you won’t want that. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I can be quite the persistent tick in your pelt.”

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painticide (#158852)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-10-06 08:19:19
"Brightpaw, your mentor will be Spiderbite. I hope he passes down all he knows to you."

Spiderbite's narrowed amber eyes gleamed with interest as he watched the runt trot towards him, almost tripping over her little paws in excitement as she made her way to the tom. She'd make a fine warrior with time. He leaned his head down until he was face-to-face with the calico she-cat. It was a shame how small she was compared to her littermates-- she looked 4 moons old at best, yet she seemed the most energetic of her siblings. A throaty purr managed to escape him as he reminisced back to his kithood-- Brightpaw reminded him of himself back when he was just a lowly apprentice.

The calico's small mew snapped him back to the moment. "I'm so glad that you're my mentor," Brightpaw chirped. "You're one of the best warriors in the clan!"

He cleared his throat and regained his composure. "It's a pleasure to be teaching a fine cat like you." The black and white tom flicked his bobbed tail as he touched his apprentice's nose, reclining his head back to a more natural position once he finished.

With that, the Clan began to cheer-- with their numbers, the chanting was loud enough to wake up a badger several tree-lengths away.





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Ulfa (#154251)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-10-06 23:56:00
As leafbare drew closer, the air seemingly growing heavier with the promise of a thick snowfall, Soot scuttled farther back in the cave, where her primarily charcoal pelt melded in the darkness, only green and yellow eyes glowing in the night.

With leafbare came illness, scarce food, and more difficult hunting, especially to those with darker pelts. And Soot had the darkest pelt of all her companions, making her nearly useless in daylight hunting. In these times, Soot was weighed down by guilt and shame at being less helpful than the others. She compensated by being the fiercest warrior she could, the first to fend off predators and rivals. Still, every cat was not without their faults.

The soft purrs of her sleeping companions caused the towering she-cat to relax once more, rolling her shoulders before settling down on her paws, tucking her slack jaw into her shoulder. With a few wavering glances to ensure the presence of her friends, she finally closed her eyes, apricot nose tucked into her underarm to avoid the growing cold.

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Saitama|8k Leonid (#6307)

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Posted on
2018-12-29 16:46:53
Foxpaw let out of soft yowl at his crazed mother's attack against him. He dodged her sweeping claws as she lashed furiously at him. After his father, Rainwhisker was killed by a wandering fox his mother had slowly gone mad with grief. A few weeks after Rainwhisker's death Foxpaw had been born... cursed with the look of his father's killer. His once black muzzle was dripping with warm, sticky blood from his mother's attack. Waving his dark red tail he yowled at her, "You're crazy!" A mixture of hate and fear could be detected from his tone as he dashed away from the elder's den. Foxpaw stumbled into the apprentice's den and closed his eyes, as if he could disappear and become someone else. Other members of his clan shared his mother's belief that his pelt was a sign of Starclan's curse against his father, who had came to their clan from Shadowclan.

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