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Posted by | Warriors: early trials OOC |
![]() •Hurri• (#147819) Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-09-24 19:49:31 |
http://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429331461 Before SkyClan was driven out. Before the time of Oakstar, before Mapleshade’s vengeance. Before the time of Firestar, before the Great Journey. The early Warriors of the forest faced great trials. Hear their story, see their trials. See what shaped their future. See what made them Warriors RULES: -Don’t make an OP characters. See here for an basic idea of what OP means -DON’T kill or injure cats without permission. If it is specified in other, it is fine. -All Warrior Code rules apply -However, forbidden love is fine -All Lioden rules apply -nothing over PG13. No sexual content AT ALL -The OOC thread is where you can post a mate, apprentice, etc. call -I may set up a discord eventually -Loners are fine, but have to be the second or third cat you have -most of my characters are there to propel the story forward if we come to stand still -Specify if you have NPC we can use -Please avoid canon names, it’s fine if you don’t know which is which -if you read the rules, put your favorite book from warriors AND the arc you are currently reading -Try to do 3-5 lines minimum. LONG posts are encourage -3 cats max (unless you have special permission) -I will reply within 48 hours -no fighting between players. Take it off the thread. STORY drama is encouraged (forbidden love, personal vendetta) - please specify on the “other” part of the character thread of your cat can be killed in events -There will be one big interaction thread. I will set up a smaller thread for private clan business per clan. But if ONLY use those threads for Clan meetings. -After 20 days, unless you give us notice, your cat will be killed -if this happens, three things will/can happen I will message you; you can either RP in StarClan or Dark Forest (you can pick) or create a new cat I will set up a separate thread after 4 cats die. Only medicne cats, leaders, and deputies can access that page if they are alive. If anyone posts on the thread, they will be given one warning. ALSO: I will have NPC’s in StarClan and Dark Forest for cats to interact with. -There will be weekly to bi weekly events __________________________________ Ready to be a Warrior? ________ Go here: Sign up and wait for me to contact you! ____ Current available roles: __ ALL deputies ___ ALL medicine cats __ ALL medicine cat apprentices _ 19/20 Queen slots (4 per clan) _ 1/unlimited warriors - 1/25 apprentices (5 per clan) _ X/40 kits (4 per queen MAX) _ X/ unlimited elders _ 1/unlimited StarClan Member - X/unlimited Dark Forest Members - NPCS: (unlimited) Coldflower Larkstar Nightclaw Appleleaf Birchfang Redeyes Leaders have the option of asking to be an admin! I will review it, and if you are denied, I will open up applications to the clan. Basically each clan gets a representative. Staff: Host: Hurri #147819 Dead representative: RiverClan representative: SkyClan representative: Echo # ShadowClan representative: ThunderClan representative: WindClan representative: Characters and Update log: (SCROOOOLL) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nN9iNRRyvzLsGdbB4BKbE4Szkwk7ZUKFH6_N_Lt9pwg/edit#gid=0 Post example: Warrior, leader, deputy, medicine cat Goldenleaf| 25/30| 30 moons |WindClan| Male|Camp| Mentions: Apprentice Fogpaw| 17/17|7 moons| Mentor: |SkyClan| Male| Camp|Mentions: Queen Aspenstream| 20/20| 25 moons| Kits due in/Kits: |ShadowClan| Female| Location (Optional)|Mentions: Elder Leopardcry|20/20| 55 moons| ThunderClan| Female| Location: OPTIONAL| Mentions: Kit Morningkit:10/10|2 moons| CLAN| Female| Mother:| Mentions: ________ APPLICATION: Name: Clan: Gender: Personality: Description: Personality: Bio: _ Relationships: Other: _____ ________ More info https://www.wattpad.com/622807741-warriors-early-trials-first-blood-allegiances/page/2 :Fanfiction Spread sheet SEPARATE THREADS: ![]() Edited on 26/09/18 @ 15:28:14 by Hurri (#147819) |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-10-08 20:44:29 |
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