Posted by 1x1 Search!

Mwanzo (#112668)

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Posted on
2018-11-08 16:28:36
Hey! I'm Junkie and I've been on Lioden for a couple years now, and I'm looking for a partner or two to do a quick role play with. I have issues staying focused on things for long amounts of time, so something that would span a week or maybe more would be ideal. Of course, I'm not saying it has to, just that month long role plays tend to make me lose interest.

I'm just after something short, sweet, and to the point! I'll post my requirements below, so just shoot me a message if you feel interested.

- I prefer at least a paragraph in responses. I'll try to match what you put out!
- I'm looking for human or anthro.
- I will do feral, but only if you have something really good in mind!
- I have male and female characters so which ever you'd like me to use, I will.
- I'm a little busy with school, so my responses might not be the quickest after a couple days. But I will remember to within three!

I think that's about it. If you have any other questions, please just let me know and I'll answer them. Like I said, shoot me a message if you're interested!

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Janoobus (#160738)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2018-12-06 19:54:37
im interested!!! I've been looking for a relatively liberal partner, perhaps we could have "long-term goal" with separate little rps that are short and sweet :)

what're some things you aren't okay with? Are you okay with mature? If so i prefer 1x1 rps in PMs if that is cool :)

i'm cool with LGBT things. Any plot is cool with me :)

I'm interested in an human x anthro rp, (i'll be the human)or least i've been hungry for one as i haven't rped as a anthro in a WHILE or even been in a thread regarding them :)

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Mwanzo (#112668)

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Posted on
2018-12-06 21:52:16
Hey, thanks for your interest! I like your idea of ghet separate rps with a long term goal as well. I'm usually good with just about anything when it comes to mature themes, but I won't engage in sexual rps for some personal reasons. I'm also interested in anthro! I haven't been involved with anything for a long time, so it would be great to get my characters back out there. Shoot me a message and we'll hash out the rest of the details from there!

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GoldQueen (#108964)

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Posted on
2018-12-17 21:07:24
Hello! I'm interested in rping with you.

I'd definitely like to do humans, though I wanted to ask if you ever do supernaturals? Not werewolves/vampires, but humans with supernatural powers like invisibility/mind-reading/teleportation, etc. If not, humans are also good. xD Romance is definitely my favorite thing, doesn't have to be sexual since I see you said something about that.

If possible, I prefer to do it through LD pms or Discord, but if there's anything else, I'm open!

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Mwanzo (#112668)

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Posted on
2018-12-25 10:15:58
Hi, thank you for responding! Yes, those all sound great and I'm good with supernatural powers such as those you listed. I have a discord that I check more often, so I look forward to hearing from you in pms to arrange that!

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GoldQueen (#108964)

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Posted on
2018-12-26 11:51:00
Oh perfect! My Discord account is Estelle#5112

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