Posted by [Mar] Anti-poaching decor

frostthecat03 (#45226)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2018-11-19 15:53:24
I recently found an interesting article that says conservationist in Africa are doing something interesting to try and protect Rhinos. They capture wild rhinos and inject their horns with toxins and dye their horns red to make the horns useless to poachers. With the ivory dyed and poisonous to humans, it makes poaching them both a risk and a useless one. Why would poachers shoot a rhino if the horns are dyed unsavory red and even if so, when used for the medicine market, the horns are now toxic to humans and will make them even more sick when ingested.

As of now, it's not a good anti-poaching event as poachers and the sellers don't care if the product is poisoned, and the dyes fade over time. However, these warning signs are still enough to give the conversationists hope that the technique can be perfected and can save rhinoay, elephants and other horned animals.

So perhaps there can be a new encounter for the anti-poaching event. A rhino walking around with a red horn that might seem interesting to the lion

Or even something like a craft able decor: discarded red horns from poachers. Perhaps 15 or 30 can turn them into a red horned rhino or some sort of headdress.

Anyone else agree?

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Edited on 16/03/19 @ 03:24:41 by a Moderator

Bezthiel 🍉 (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-11-19 16:02:16
There is a encounter during the anti-poaching event that has a rhino with dye injected into its horn. But a new decor or background incorporating it would be cool.

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