Posted by Training Party: Eager Cubs craftable decor

(CleanCitronSmilus) (#125436)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-11-21 20:10:49
I know that I, along with most everyone else, have entirely too many eager cub decors. They're adorable, but there's no way I can use 30 and 40 of them!
I was thinking, if we can have fancy mice decors where you can craft them into a larger group, why not the same with the eager cubs? Maybe if you have 5 or 10 of each color of eager cub, it could be possible to craft them into a decor with three or four excited cubs wandering around your lion?
Maybe it could be a training party! Like they're all out being trained together.
If you don't support, tell me why? :)

This suggestion has 40 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Shikokudarkstar (#46024)

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Posted on
2018-12-05 16:53:47
We could also make it so x amount of cubs could be turned into an adolescent. There are many ideas that we could do with instead of getting a great many.

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